I'm glad you posted your approximate intake with portions for the day. I was content eating fat, maybe even less than you, but I tried to cut back because I stopped loosing weight. I think its chronic lack of sleep and low mitrochondrial function that is keeping me fat. I started eating more vegetables to combat the hunger after decreasing my fat, but that has actually made me fatter still.
I'm getting to bed now and eating more fat tomorrow.
Did you get info on Jack's mithochondrial webnair? Would you share some if you did? Also have a bad problem cheating with large nut/nut butter intake. If I have one nut I keep at the bag until my stomach is sick and my thighs are fat .
I suspect that your breath is much milder than mine after onions. It passes quickly when I mix with oil/ACV, but I prefer them alone.
I suffer from the same nut problem. Pretty much every single day I have 100 grams, sometimes 200 and other times 300. I try my best to keep it around 100 though or less, and often times succeed. Maybe try mixing them with coconut and low sugar (90%) dark chocolate? Cuts down on the nuts, and is mighty tasty.
I think what you need is an extreme stimulus to break through this plateau you're stuck in. The body is always striving for stability. It feels fine where its at and just wants to stay there, and will TRY to stay there. But you don't want it there, and it doesn't need to be there.
Once or twice every 7-10 days you should do uphill sprints. Do just a few at first (at the moment I can manage a good 4 without over-exerting myself). At the beginning, go longer, for 20-30 seconds at a time. Make sure to rest for many minutes in between, or as long as you need. Then, near the end of your last few, go BALLS OUT and give it your absolute all. Put everything into it, and hammer those hills out with the most intensity you can muster! You'll love the amazing feeling you get afterwards.
If you show your body you want change, then it'll up-regulate the very genes that'll give you the body composition you most desire. If you really want to accelerate your gains, add in a 20-30 minute strength workout once every 7-10 days. Go for as much intensity as you can! Lift heavy, heavy weights between 4-8 reps. Do 3 to 4 exercises each time, and make them multi-joint, full bodied type ones like the medicine ball pushup, or the military overhead press. Rest several minutes between each set, and above all listen to your body. Don't push yourself if it doesn't feel like getting pushed.
These types of things are the only way to truly get anywhere. But its truly comforting to realize it only takes 1-2 days a week, of 30 minute workouts, as long as you ramp up your intensity to max! Its also comforting to realize that this is actually the
best way to get maximum gains, and to keep making them. Go BALLLLLS out for a short, intense amount of time and then lounge around, doing low activity, while eating proper, nutritious food, and you'll get where you want to be, I promise.
Do these things and you'll always be moving towards your ideal composition (as long as carbs are kept low, of course). I'm currently following this type of plan and I'm seeing incredible results and I've just started.
I'm on track to look like a bodybuilder by Summer, finally. I've said this a few times for a few years, and nothing really ever happened. I stayed looking crappy and plain. Now, my dreams are coming true.
It's going to feel like nothing I've ever experienced when I have that kind of power inside of me.
For the people with an apparent "limit" on their fat metabolism, this should help you break that plateau as well. Show your body you wanna burn those fats to get and stay super fit, and everything will fall into place.