So I did not really knew where to post this but thought I could do a journal for updates.
I follow the Kruse protocol now, that includes limit artificial lights after dark, cold thermogenesis (CT), and seasonal, local diet - in winter keto and in summer in addition for CH fruit / berries in season where you live.
I try to eat wild foods as much as I can, it means for carbohydrates I have only wild berries (I live in Finland) and wild honey (small amounts). I feel great with that. There is so plenty of wild raspberries these days that I literally stuff myself once or more / day...
I also do a brain-optimizing diet. That means lots of seafoods, especially whole animal, the heads and all included. Algae are a important part too, very nutritious. I do eat coconut oil, raw and organic. I buy the most expensive brand mostly, that is also very good quality. I tolerate it so good, I can eat a jar in a day I think without issues.. I do eat coconut too at times.
For meat almost only elkmeat or other wild meat, sometimes grassfed lamb too or greassfed beef.
I do eat cooked now and then, fish actually. Very lightly cooked, just for a minute or two. But mostly I eat the fish raw though. Meat I have always raw, and organs too.
I never eat bread or rice or anything junk. I try to avoid dairy, it does me no good.
I already feel the protocol does me good, I never was so happy with my bodycomp! I eat a lot, a huge breakfast, and 3 times / day. Never starve myself or never go hungry. All without practically no exercise!
(these pics are from a morning after terribly sleep because of stress.. and I did cheated with HWC last weeks because I was traveling.. so I am far from optimal though.I will do better pictures later)
I guess the cold and the sun does it (and the early go to bed, too). I do only minor CT, I do 3 minutes facedunks in the morning and icepack under my head before sleeping and 5 minutes in the river instead of showering every morning. Sleeping with windows wide open of course.
Yeah.. I have little time for internet now in summer but I will add here about my progress, I know I have messed up my hormones through all the stress last 13 years and late work. I will do some hormone-test soon too, and then I will post the results here. Then I will retest in spring, after a cold dark winter. I am so exited what it will do to my hormone panel. I know it will be good! Now, if everyone would only know, how terribly important our hormones are for our health, and how easy they get into unbalance through modern life!
This feels just so very right! Natural healing. No supplements, no expensive, exotic fruits.. almost all lokal food. I love this!
Here a picture of the lake by my brother in Stockholm (Sweden). I was there for a week and went for a bath every morning, early. Everyone was still sleeping. I always wake up 5-6 AM these days. It was so beautiful.. cannot tell how much I enjoyed this magic time alone at the lake..
Oh.. I ate some mackerel with worms too. I have to test what happens. Nothing so far. They have worms quite often and I need to know if it is safe for me to eat. I guess I need to "rethink" my minor fear for parasites...
I would be happy to hear if anyone else did the same, and what the results was?