If you decide to take the Geodon, make sure you measure your blood glucose, as Geodon can raise BG (per www.geodon.com). I haven't used the drug myself, and didn't know what it was, so out of curiosity I googled it and the first hit mentioned that.
Have you noticed any benefits from the methylfolate yet? Do you take methylcobalamin with it, which is supposedly "needed to allow the methylfolate to do its job"? http://mthfr.net/methylfolate-side-effects/2012/03/01/
I've been taking the geodon lol. My blood sugar is fine. I'm actually getting off it.
The methylfolate works pretty well. I definitely notice benefits. But I always do when I add something lol. And I do use methylcobalamin B12. My b complex and multivitamin both have it, and I also use a sublingual spray.
I just ate my first meal of seasoned food. I had .5 oz of brain, 4.5 oz lamb, and 2 oz beef fat. I used every season I ordered lol - oregano, basil, onion and more. It really made the food taste good, and kind of makes me feel more human. I'm not used to really enjoying what my food tastes like.
About my choice to use seasonings. I've been thinking about it, and I really disagree with instinctive nutrition. I don't believe animals eat what they eat based on taste, but rather on the tastes they've become accustomed to. I recently saw a documentary on farmers who switched their cows from feed lots to pastures. And the cows had no idea what they were doing in the fields.
They had to teach them how to eat grass, and they still had a lot of trouble because they weren't used to it. And I see that same behavior all over the place - cats not wanting raw meat, dog being accustomed to junk food too. I noticed I have a similar preference too.
All I wanted to eat was muscle meat, which I grew up eating. I didn't really like fish, which I rarely ate growing up. And organs are disgusting, which I literally don't remember eating even once growing up. So now I'm seasoning my food, and I can get it down - organs and all.
And I actually enjoy the food. Before I was wolfing it down, and I feel food is meant to be enjoyable as well as nourishing.
Another thing I've noticed is that every healing group - whether it's the specific carbohydrate diet yahoo group, GAPS diet yahoo group, iodine protocol yahoo group, or RPD forum all share one common ideology. All you need is specifically what our group focuses on for optimal health. This one healing protocol will resolve all your health problems.
On the SCD yahoo group I couldn't mention iodine or a raw diet without it being invalidated with the poorest evidence - as happens here. On the iodine yahoo group I couldn't mention a raw diet, SCD or even Vitamin K2 without it being deemed "unnecessary on the iodine protocol." And the same occurs here.
On the SCD yahoo group, I remember someone saying how Lugol's is toxic because WikiPedia cites that consuming a whole bottle of the 5% is toxic. Here the orthomolecular protocols are viewed as unnecessary (frequently).
So I do deviate from the norms here, as I deviate from the norms at all the healing websites. But that's because I accept there's more to health than one mode of healing.
A lot of times when a car isn't running properly, there's more than one thing wrong. Same is true for humans.
Sure HCA's, rancid nutrients, and the oxidized thing produced from them in the body are bad. But so are halogens, Vitamin K2 deficiency, low levels of fat soluble vitamins, not getting the active B vitamins, and much more.
I've had tremendous success with this approach and I mention it so others who perhaps have noticed similar things will know to be open minded when they don't get the results they want from any one healing protocol. Perhaps RPD, or the iodine protocol, or something else doesn't work. But that might just mean you need more than that one protocol. Had I not taken that approach and stuck to the dogmatic suggestions that members here encourage, I know my health today would not be what it is.