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Re: DaBoss88's healing schizophrenia journal
« Reply #250 on: August 19, 2013, 02:40:32 pm »
without having read your july 31st post first, i have also been learning more about manganese, copper, and zinc...  and the importance of balance with all of the minerals to support good adrenal function, thyroid function, mental health, and general health.  here's a link you may have found during your research that confirms a lot of what you already know...
if you're not already dabbling with shellfish, these may be a good compliment to the salmon you've been eating.  i can attest to a noticeable "clarity" when consuming these seafoods.  the shellfish contain good amounts of manganese and iron, a decent balance of copper and zinc, lots of selenium, good protein, and ample amounts of b12...
i posted this link before, just wanted to throw it out there again (scroll down a bit).  fresh, live clams are quite tasty.
dulse is a good, natural source of iodine. 
if you haven't tried it yet, i'd also recommend alligator, it's a nice change from beef sometimes...  you're in an area where it's available from local sources.
i'm glad things are going well for you!
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Offline LePatron7

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Re: DaBoss88's healing schizophrenia journal
« Reply #251 on: August 20, 2013, 01:44:43 am »
without having read your july 31st post first, i have also been learning more about manganese, copper, and zinc...  and the importance of balance with all of the minerals to support good adrenal function, thyroid function, mental health, and general health.  here's a link you may have found during your research that confirms a lot of what you already know...

That link was a good read. I actually have been trying to lower my copper intake, while increasing my zinc consumption. Most of the patients Dr. Hoffer came across had abnormally high copper, and low zinc. I've cut out liver (high copper content) and added in carrots for my vitamin A. I'll do that for the time being till I find a cheap source of fresh, unfrozen liver.

if you're not already dabbling with shellfish, these may be a good compliment to the salmon you've been eating.  i can attest to a noticeable "clarity" when consuming these seafoods.  the shellfish contain good amounts of manganese and iron, a decent balance of copper and zinc, lots of selenium, good protein, and ample amounts of b12... 

I'm still searching for more fresh, unfrozen food sources. So far I have muscle meats (beef, lamb) and beef fat taken care of. If I could find fresh, unfrozen shell fish I'd certainly get some.

i posted this link before, just wanted to throw it out there again (scroll down a bit).  fresh, live clams are quite tasty.
dulse is a good, natural source of iodine. 
if you haven't tried it yet, i'd also recommend alligator, it's a nice change from beef sometimes...  you're in an area where it's available from local sources.
i'm glad things are going well for you!

I'm avoiding seaweed for the time being as it's high in starch. Also I'm not sure I'd want to eat alligator fresh and unfrozen.

And thank you, things are going great. The supplements I'm taking combined with high fat raw paleo of fresh unfrozen foods is working well. I'll make a post on the changes I've made at some point, I've just been really busy.
Disclaimer: I was told I was misdiagnosed over 10 years ago, and I haven't taken any medication in over a decade.

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Re: DaBoss88's healing schizophrenia journal
« Reply #252 on: August 20, 2013, 03:42:24 am »

you can find unfrozen shellfish at most markets, wholefoods sells live clams,oysters and mussels...   if they're live, then they're unfrozen.  clams and oysters are open when they die, so if they're closed, they should be ok.  mussels are different, they are often open, i place these in a bowl of water, and watch for the ones that don't close or react...  the mussels are usually farm grown on a rope, so there can be annoying twine-like material attached to them.  i've found most of the clams (littleneck, or middleneck) from wholefoods to be brought in to a port on the east coast (port of entry is usually disclosed), the clams average about 35-45 cents/each.  good samaritan posted an informative thread about eating live oysters, including how to open them.  i find the clams are easier, i crack them with a hammer, pry the shells apart, and scoop out the goods with a spoon.  rinse under running water to wash away potential shell fragments...  i'll be eating clams tonight, i'll take some pics of the process if you'd like.
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Offline LePatron7

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Re: DaBoss88's healing schizophrenia journal
« Reply #253 on: August 21, 2013, 05:14:21 am »
Well today I got my book on how freezing effects animal foods. I have yet to pick it up, but I'll be sure to get the good info and post it here.

So for the last week or so I've been doing exclusively fresh/unfrozen everything. I'm eating 2.5 oz of beef fat (from Miller's Organic Farm) and 5-6 oz beef or lamb (both grass fed, beef-White Oak Pastures, lamb-New Zealand) per meal. I also added in eggs from Miller's. They've been a real treat, and great when I want some fat/protein but don't have time for a meal.

I eat a lot more carbs than I used to. It likely has something to do with 1) that I'm exercising regularly, and 2) that my enzyme pathways are likely functioning much better. I eat maybe 4-7 fruits per day (ie apples, bananas, etc.) and a serving or 2 of vegetables daily (mainly carrots, tomatoes, bell peppers).

Initially after switching to fresh/unfrozen I went through some detoxing which sucked. My fingers got swollen and the rash I get some times was really bad. It's clearing up though and right now it's barely noticeable.

I've been salting my foods HEAVILY. I add tons of salt to my meat, fat, and even certain vegetables. I've been adding some salt to my distilled water as well as some of the Blue Ocean Minerals.

My supplement regimen is pretty thorough now, and I'm noticing good results with the combination of diet+supplements.

50 mg B complex twice daily

1,000 mg Vitamin C 3x daily

1,500 mg niacin 3x daily

25 mg B6 P5P 2x daily

Chelated zinc - 11 mg once daily

Chelated manganese - 8 mg 3x daily

Chelated selenium - 100 mcg once daily

Calcium - 200 mg 3x daily

Magnesium - chelated mag 100 mg 3x daily, Blue Ocean Minerals 1/2 tsp twice daily (total 759 mg)

SCD complete multivitamin - 1/6th normal dose once daily

Lugols Iodine - 5mg 5-10x daily

Potassium powder - varies

Vitamin D3 - 5,000 IU daily

Vitamin K2 - 10 mg 3x daily

It's all working VERY well. I'm digesting my food very well, I can eat meals close together without any discomfort. My energy is great, mood is awesome.
Disclaimer: I was told I was misdiagnosed over 10 years ago, and I haven't taken any medication in over a decade.

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Re: DaBoss88's healing schizophrenia journal
« Reply #254 on: August 21, 2013, 06:27:41 am »
I've always been meaning to ask: does that dose of niacin make you flush? I'm taking niacin in the evening, but I flush so hard (every square inch of my body) that I cannot imagine taking a dose before work or at work.

The flush does not commence until about two hours after I take the niacin. Do you have any insight into why it takes so long for me to flush? My thinking is that there is some sluggish absorption going on that would affect absorption of other supplements.
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Offline LePatron7

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Re: DaBoss88's healing schizophrenia journal
« Reply #255 on: August 21, 2013, 08:06:08 am »
I've always been meaning to ask: does that dose of niacin make you flush?

It varies. But yes, on occasion I will get a very noticeable flush, to the point of being red all over. Dr. Hoffer said that the more niacin a person needs, the more they can take without producing a flush. Usually when I take my first dose I will get a very noticeable flush, but then with my second and third meal there's no flush. Again though, it varies, and a lot of times I get no flush at all (even with doses as high as 2,000 mg 3x a day).

I'm taking niacin in the evening, but I flush so hard (every square inch of my body) that I cannot imagine taking a dose before work or at work.

What symptoms do you notice that make it something you don't want to take at work? I usually don't get the itching sensation any more, just the red skin which I tell others is from a supplement I take.

The flush does not commence until about two hours after I take the niacin. Do you have any insight into why it takes so long for me to flush? My thinking is that there is some sluggish absorption going on that would affect absorption of other supplements.

The same thing happens with me most of the time when I flush. Some times it will be much sooner, but more often it will be an hour or so after taking it. For example if I take it at 1130am, I might not start flushing till around 1pm. I'm not sure exactly why some times the flush comes on sooner or later.

I use capsules, so I imagine the absorption is pretty rapid. Tablets I would think break down a little slower.

Either way, the delayed flush is fine. Feel free to PM me if you want to discuss why you're taking large doses of niacin (I'm curious).

P.S. - Avoid timed release niacin. The TR niacin has been linked to liver problems, while regular niacin has been shown to be much safer. I personally have been taking regular niacin now since a little before August 2010.

P.P.S - Starting with a low dose and gradually increasing the dose helps reduce the flush.
« Last Edit: August 21, 2013, 10:25:15 am by DaBoss88 »
Disclaimer: I was told I was misdiagnosed over 10 years ago, and I haven't taken any medication in over a decade.

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Re: DaBoss88's healing schizophrenia journal
« Reply #256 on: August 21, 2013, 11:03:50 am »
What symptoms do you notice that make it something you don't want to take at work? I usually don't get the itching sensation any more, just the red skin which I tell others is from a supplement I take.

It would be professionally awkward to be with my clients while the redness is happening. My coworkers would be cool about it, but it wouldn't fit in to my work environment.
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Offline LePatron7

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Re: DaBoss88's healing schizophrenia journal
« Reply #257 on: August 22, 2013, 05:27:22 am »
I just left my psychiatrist's office and he has agreed to go down to 10 mg daily. The lowest dose they sell is 20 mg and I've been taking that dose since March now. I plan to do 4-6 months on 10 mg, and then (with my doctor's supervision) stop completely.
Disclaimer: I was told I was misdiagnosed over 10 years ago, and I haven't taken any medication in over a decade.

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Re: DaBoss88's healing schizophrenia journal
« Reply #258 on: August 22, 2013, 10:45:38 am »
congrats on happy news!     8)
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Re: DaBoss88's healing schizophrenia journal
« Reply #259 on: August 27, 2013, 04:44:20 am »
DaBoss, the best news ever lowering dose from 20 to 10mg. make ur journal to publish to the public and let them know how raw paleo forum and one main stream psychiatrist help u to become schizophrenia free
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Re: DaBoss88's healing schizophrenia journal
« Reply #260 on: September 03, 2013, 03:00:39 am »
I've actually decided to stay at the 20 mg dose till I've been on it for 6 months. Then I'll taper to 10 mg.

I've started branching out my diet and adding more variety. I was originally eating lamb and beef fat. But I've added in grass fed beef and buffalo. I also just ordered some duck eggs in addition to the usual chicken eggs. As well as some honey to add to the fruits and veggies.

I'm also considering asking Miller's if they can send me a couple pounds of lamb fat, just to add variety to the beef fat.

Supplements are the same. Still working out regularly.

I took a break from ferments. Though I think I'm going to make some pickles tomorrow. I'm also thinking of experimenting with fermenting different meats. Maybe lamb and beef plain, as well as lamb and beef with added salt. When I get my honey I'll make some fermented honey too. Oh the possibilities!  ;D
Disclaimer: I was told I was misdiagnosed over 10 years ago, and I haven't taken any medication in over a decade.

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Re: DaBoss88's healing schizophrenia journal
« Reply #261 on: September 08, 2013, 09:17:54 am »
I made some pickles and my new "salted high meat." The pickles are coming along, but they're usually best once they're fully fermented (stop bubbling). The salted high meat is completely odorless and flavorless. However when I open the jar it makes a popping sound, so there's definitely some fermentation taking place. I'm thinking the salt ensures lactic acid bacteria thrive (the same way it works for naturally fermented pickles, sauerkraut, etc).

I get a huge 5 lb tub of honey Monday. I plan to transfer it from the plastic container to glass mason jars and refrigerate. I may try to ferment some.

I had to cut back on my selenium supplement when I added in the buffalo. I started getting nasty detox symptoms. After looking into it I saw bison has a lot of selenium. So I cut out the supplement to balance my selenium intake.

I've hit a sort of sweet spot. I've set up my diet to have some variety from the muscle meats.. bison, beef, lamb (occasionally salmon). I eat a variety of plant foods (veggies, fruit). Tons (I mean tons) of fat, like 250+ grams of fat daily. Some fermented foods here and there. Tons of Real Salt (love the stuff). I'm adding in more variety from my eggs.. duck, quail and chicken. Lot's of magnesium (Blue Ocean Minerals and Mag glycinate).

It's interesting how nutrition can change how you perceive the world. I think it's so cool. Like I'm just so much calmer and more focused. Life's so much easier when the body is functioning properly.
Disclaimer: I was told I was misdiagnosed over 10 years ago, and I haven't taken any medication in over a decade.

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Re: DaBoss88's healing schizophrenia journal
« Reply #262 on: September 08, 2013, 09:31:25 am »
your improved health and mental state is good news to read, i'm glad you're seeing your efforts pay off.     :)
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Offline LePatron7

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Re: DaBoss88's healing schizophrenia journal
« Reply #263 on: September 08, 2013, 10:10:52 am »
your improved health and mental state is good news to read, i'm glad you're seeing your efforts pay off.     :)

Thanks. It's nice lol
Disclaimer: I was told I was misdiagnosed over 10 years ago, and I haven't taken any medication in over a decade.

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Re: DaBoss88's healing schizophrenia journal
« Reply #264 on: September 11, 2013, 11:57:10 am »
Once again Miller's farm has come through with an incredible shipment. Although this time they've really outdone themselves. The beef fat I received was a deep, deep yellow. And so soft it literally melts when it's out of the fridge. Needless to say I love the stuff lol.

I also received some raw honey. I IMMEDIATELY transferred it from the plastic container into Mason jars and stuck them in the fridge. It's incredible, and compared to the honey I left out in the plastic it's much better. The honey I left out that was in the plastic made my teeth hurt, I assume it's because the combination of the bacteria, plastic and warm temperatures caused some "not so beneficial" bacteria to replicate. When I first got the honey that I left out it didn't hurt my teeth. I know from now on to put it in glass and refrigerate.

I've been eating beef, buffalo, and lamb. As well as the usual 1/2 lb of beef fat daily. I've been salting all of it heavily using "Real Salt." I've also been dry aging my food for much longer than I used to. I purchased about 4.5 lbs of lamb and 4.5 lbs of beef. Since I only eat 5 oz per day of each, it's lasted a while. The beef and lamb have both turned dark and dry on the outside. It adds a nice flavor, though the lamb can be a bit stronger than I like.

I've been eating a lot of pickles. I went through an entire jar in about 2 days. I actually forgot about the salted high meat, I need to check how it's doing tomorrow.

I think I still take all the same supplements.

Niacin, b complex, b6, vitamin c, zinc, manganese, calcium, vitamin k2, magnesium, and I'm sure a few other things. And I'm still on 20 mg of geodon. A little longer and I plan to taper a little lower.

I'm still drinking distilled water. However I stopped adding salt and magnesium to it.

My mood is constant, I'm always happy and optimistic. My energy is also constant, plenty to get things done. Overall I'm doing great.

Oh and I got some duck eggs! They're huge, and have incredibly dark yolks. I love em lol
Disclaimer: I was told I was misdiagnosed over 10 years ago, and I haven't taken any medication in over a decade.

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Re: DaBoss88's healing schizophrenia journal
« Reply #265 on: September 11, 2013, 11:10:17 pm »
I'm glad the Miller's is working for you, bro. I used to LOOOOOVE their pork fat.  It was like peanut butter, but better.

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Re: DaBoss88's healing schizophrenia journal
« Reply #266 on: September 11, 2013, 11:30:26 pm »
I'm glad the Miller's is working for you, bro. I used to LOOOOOVE their pork fat.  It was like peanut butter, but better.

Lol did they have a buying club in your area?
Disclaimer: I was told I was misdiagnosed over 10 years ago, and I haven't taken any medication in over a decade.

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Re: DaBoss88's healing schizophrenia journal
« Reply #267 on: September 12, 2013, 01:40:06 am »
Lol did they have a buying club in your area?

yeah, Iwas the club.   It got expensive.  ROFL

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Re: DaBoss88's healing schizophrenia journal
« Reply #268 on: September 12, 2013, 07:14:22 am »
Lol their stuff isn't cheap. I pay $2.50/lb for their beef fat. I was paying $3.89/2.5 lbs from white oak pastures. Also their marrow and organs are very expensive.
Disclaimer: I was told I was misdiagnosed over 10 years ago, and I haven't taken any medication in over a decade.

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Re: DaBoss88's healing schizophrenia journal
« Reply #269 on: September 12, 2013, 09:26:56 am »
Lol their stuff isn't cheap. I pay $2.50/lb for their beef fat. I was paying $3.89/2.5 lbs from white oak pastures. Also their marrow and organs are very expensive.

yeah, it's the organs that really cost.  Crazy Weston Pricers and paleo folks have created quite a demand for them. 

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Re: DaBoss88's healing schizophrenia journal
« Reply #270 on: September 12, 2013, 11:18:43 am »
yeah, it's the organs that really cost.  Crazy Weston Pricers and paleo folks have created quite a demand for them.

I personally feel that Millers is taking advantage because they know people interested in WP well pay top dollar. Most farms (like white oak pastures) practically give away their marrow and organs. Seriously, look at their online store.
Disclaimer: I was told I was misdiagnosed over 10 years ago, and I haven't taken any medication in over a decade.

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Re: DaBoss88's healing schizophrenia journal
« Reply #271 on: September 12, 2013, 11:42:05 am »
Yeah, and I seriously doubt Miller's is as good quality as White Oak.  Miller's is in a much colder area, which means grass and bugs are not available for animals to eat for as much of the year.

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Re: DaBoss88's healing schizophrenia journal
« Reply #272 on: September 12, 2013, 12:04:00 pm »
Yeah, and I seriously doubt Miller's is as good quality as White Oak.  Miller's is in a much colder area, which means grass and bugs are not available for animals to eat for as much of the year.

That's true. I've actually visited White Oak in the winter. It was still not even that cold, I think I was wearing jean shorts. I plan to visit again and stock up on marrow and organs  :)
Disclaimer: I was told I was misdiagnosed over 10 years ago, and I haven't taken any medication in over a decade.

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Re: DaBoss88's healing schizophrenia journal
« Reply #273 on: September 12, 2013, 12:28:59 pm »
That's true. I've actually visited White Oak in the winter. It was still not even that cold, I think I was wearing jean shorts. I plan to visit again and stock up on marrow and organs  :)

Yeah, if I bothered to eat much meat other than seafood, I'd probably be ordering from them.  However, I can't get never-frozen grassfed meat around here easily, so I just eat plenty of seafood, which I do very well on.

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Re: DaBoss88's healing schizophrenia journal
« Reply #274 on: September 21, 2013, 03:39:38 am »
A few weeks ago after fluctuating moods from to much selenium coupled with detoxing from the iodine protocol. I decided I would try to get to a "sweet spot" and just keep it there. Sweet spot being where I'm functioning very well, and then maintaining that routine.

So I'm doing all fresh unfrozen now. I eat beef, lamb, buffalo, occasionally fish, beef fat, duck eggs, chicken eggs, honey, and fruits and vegetables. I eat 3 meals a day, each one having 5 oz of a meat and 2.5 oz of beef fat. I salt my food heavily (using Real Salt). I also drink a lot of water daily.

I've been doing the iodine protocol pretty strictly. Every morning I add 50 mg of iodine (from Lugol's) to a gallon jug of distilled water and drink it through out the day. I use the Real Salt as recommended in the iodine protocol (lots on food, plus a 1/2 tsp any time you feel the symptoms of detox).

Here's a link to the iodine protocol for more info - - pg. 5 shows the recommended supplements.

I also added Vitamin K2 (Mk-4). The iodine protocol is supposed to help get fluoride out of areas where it doesn't belong. A lot of times the iodine is bound to calcium or magnesium and integrated into bone (or sometimes placed where it shouldn't be). Vitamin K2 is supposed to help remove calcium from areas it doesn't belong and redirect it. So I think it's a good addition. Although I eat lots of very yellow beef fat and eggs with dark egg yolks which are high in K2.

I'm still taking 1,500 mg niacin, with 50 mg b complex and 1000 mg vitamin c 3x daily. I also take 300 mg magnesium glycinate, and 1 tsp of Blue Ocean Minerals (has 459 mg magnesium). 1,000 mg calcium daily. I take about 11 mg chelated zinc daily, and 8 mg chelated manganese 3x daily. 8,000 IU Vitamin D3 daily.

I'm still drinking distilled water and using a shower head water purifier. Fluoride free tooth paste.

I'm still on 20 mg geodon. After I finish this bottle I'll probably start the reduced dose. I'm actually not in such a hurry to get off of it. I've had doctors tell me I'm on such a low dose it's not what's needed to effectively do anything (was told that on 40 mg). So I'm pretty sure I can safely stop it. My concern is the withdrawal effects. I've been on them for a long time so I want to taper very slowly. After this bottle I'll have been on 20 mg for 6 months. Then I'll do 10 mg.

Disclaimer: I was told I was misdiagnosed over 10 years ago, and I haven't taken any medication in over a decade.


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