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Offline LePatron7

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Re: DaBoss88's healing schizophrenia journal
« Reply #275 on: September 26, 2013, 11:46:51 pm »
I've recently increased my Vitamin A consumption. I was probably getting very little since I didn't eat much organs for some time.

I added in the FCLO liquid, I take 1-1.5 tsp daily. I also started eating an oz of grass fed beef/veal liver daily.

1 tsp of the FCLO has 200% DV, 1 oz of liver has 100% DV. I know the WPF says that traditional peoples consumed as much as 10x the amount found in the SAD back in the 60's. Anyone have a recommendation for how much Vitamin A is optimal?
Disclaimer: I was told I was misdiagnosed over 10 years ago, and I haven't taken any medication in over a decade.

Offline Dr. D

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Re: DaBoss88's healing schizophrenia journal
« Reply #276 on: September 27, 2013, 12:35:23 am »
I've been eating liver since starting RPD and aside from about 3 weeks without I've consumed about 4-8 oz. daily. This is about 500-1000% of the RDA and I've yet to get vitaminosis a. In fact, I only feel better with liver and eat it instinctively smelling it and stopping when the taste changes. I do know you can get vitaminosis a from animal sources of vitamin a but idk how far over the limit you have to go and for how long. Either way, I love me some liver.

Trying to heal ADHD. Common symptoms: fatigue, impulsiveness, poor attention, no motivation.
Other side issues I'd like to get over: Acne, dandruff, tooth health (yellow, poor gums, gingivitis)

If ya ain't hungry enough to eat raw liver, ya ain't hungry enough.

We are all just doing the best we can, with what we know, at any given time.

Offline LePatron7

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Re: DaBoss88's healing schizophrenia journal
« Reply #277 on: October 07, 2013, 07:05:12 am »
I decided to cut out the liver. I noticed I was having trouble sleeping at night, which I think might have been due to the copper in the liver. I've continued taking FCLO, 1 tsp daily.

I recently started experimenting with various forms of magnesium. The first one I added was "magnesium-L-threonate." It's supposed to be able to directly penetrate the blood brain barrier and help the brain. Here's a link with more info.

I then decided to add magnesium taurate, which is supposed to be good for the heart.

I've been eating a lot more carbs, like 6-10 pieces/servings of fruit daily.

I've also started adding a pinch of Real Salt to each gallon of distilled water I drink to "restructure" the water.
Disclaimer: I was told I was misdiagnosed over 10 years ago, and I haven't taken any medication in over a decade.

Offline LePatron7

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Re: DaBoss88's healing schizophrenia journal
« Reply #278 on: October 09, 2013, 08:18:58 pm »
I've been eating a lot of coconut meat. I saw a youtube video of a guy using a screw driver and a hammer. He hammered the screw driver into the coconut and made 3 holes, then poured out the coconut water. Then he hammered the coconut around the perimeter, and it literally cracks in half. I tried it (a second time) and literally the coconut cracked right off the meat, and I was left with a ball of coconut meat. Yum! I plan to eat some avocado later too. I've been eating a lot of beef fat, and feel some different fat sources would be a good change.
Disclaimer: I was told I was misdiagnosed over 10 years ago, and I haven't taken any medication in over a decade.

Offline jessica

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Re: DaBoss88's healing schizophrenia journal
« Reply #279 on: October 09, 2013, 10:34:20 pm »
I just smash them, making sure to smash the side with the eyes against a rock or something similarly hard.  The first whack cracks it enough to save the water, most of the time that water is kind of gross, too sweet, a little off tasting, so I toss it, give it a few more smacks and I can crack it in half and forths.  If the meat is too hard to get off I just rinse and pat dry the coconut and let it dry for a few days and the meat shrinks up and is easier to get off with a knife.

Offline van

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Re: DaBoss88's healing schizophrenia journal
« Reply #280 on: October 09, 2013, 11:50:03 pm »
I like the part about setting it aside... smart, if you can wait.   i agree, the water if not perfectly great tasting can turn in your guts.  Even great tasting water I find unless drunk on and empty stomach and digested, can go off inyour gut.  I still like the method I saw on  u tube, if you have a meat cleaver, start smacking it around the equator with a bowl underneath.  When water starts coming out, you can then usually pry it open.  Then keep smacking the halves into quarters, and so on.  In the store it helps to test the soft eye to see how easily it scrapes or pushes in.  Too soft of an eye, and it's a pretty good indication that the insides has spoiled.   You can also ask your grocer to keep them in the cooler along with the rest of the veggies/fruits..     I find that they go well with avocado, as in eating one then the other.   Have found they detract from meat digestion when combined.

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Re: DaBoss88's healing schizophrenia journal
« Reply #281 on: October 16, 2013, 07:17:35 am »
Perhaps the trouble sleeping while consuming liver was not necessarily due to the liver itself but rather one of or a combination of supplements? In other words, ingesting the raw liver did provide you with niacin/other B vitamins, or something else that helped your body and therefore the supplement(s) was simply too much? I'm just throwing something out there as I consume a lot of raw liver fairly frequently. I definitely eat more than what would be found proportionally to the animal if I found it in the wild.

Just sharing my experience and trying to help you raise questions for yourself. Take it or leave it. I know for myself, when I consume large amounts of seafood while maintaining the iodine protocol I start to experience mild symptoms of hyperthyroidism; slightly restless, sensitive to heat with hot body. Without the seafood I'm back to normal. You've been at this way longer than me, and I'm not trying to be idealistic, just something to consider.

Trying to heal ADHD. Common symptoms: fatigue, impulsiveness, poor attention, no motivation.
Other side issues I'd like to get over: Acne, dandruff, tooth health (yellow, poor gums, gingivitis)

If ya ain't hungry enough to eat raw liver, ya ain't hungry enough.

We are all just doing the best we can, with what we know, at any given time.

Offline LePatron7

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Re: DaBoss88's healing schizophrenia journal
« Reply #282 on: October 21, 2013, 08:33:34 am »
Hello everyone. I think it's time for one of my detailed posts describing what I've been up to lifestyle-wise. So here it is, enjoy.


I've recently really upped my fat. I was eating 2.5 oz of beef fat per meal. Now I'm eating 4 oz per meal. I'm also eating a good amount of coconut meat. I estimate I get 2,400+ calories from fat daily. It's really contributed to a very calm, steady feeling of energy. It feels good.

I also decreased my protein consumption slightly. I was eating 5 oz of meat per meal. Now I eat 4 oz per meal. I still eat one duck egg and one chicken egg daily (some times an extra egg or two).


I've started "restructuring" my distilled water. I used to distill my water and drink it just like that. But I started adding a pinch of Real Salt to each gallon I make.


Generally I go to sleep pretty early and wake up early. I usually sleep about 9 hours. So long as I get to bed early I wake up well rested.

Supplements / Orthomolecular Medicine

I'm still taking most of the same supplements, but I've added in a few. I'm still taking the B complex, niacin, and vitamin c. Combined with RPD and the other things I'm doing the results are phenomenal. These things (as I've mentioned before) are essential for schizophrenia.

For bone/dental health I've implemented a variety of different things. I'm taking several different forms of magnesium (chloride, taurate, glycinate and theronate) for a total of about 1,100 mg. Magnesium is a big component of bones so it's supposed to help. It also gives me a very calming effect.

I'm still doing the iodine protocol. I take 50 mg of iodine using Lugol's which is supposed to help excrete toxic bromine, fluorine, and chlorine. Fluoride can mix with various minerals (calcium, magnesium, etc.) and form bone structures. So since I'm eliminating these things, I take 800 mg calcium to replace lost calcium.

I also take 15 mg of Vitamin K2 divided into 3 doses which is supposed to help direct minerals into bones and away from arteries, and other areas it can cause harm. This is in addition to eating pastured eggs, grass fed animal fats, etc. which are supposed to be very high in Vitamin K2.

I've been taking Fermented Cod Liver Oil, 5 mL daily to get the fat soluble vitamins A &D. According to Weston Price that's supposed to do a lot for dental health in combination with lots of animal fats and Vitamin K2.

Per the iodine protocol for eliminating toxic halides, I've been using a lot more salt. I think part of it is that I was eating regular food for a few days so there was more to eliminate.

Based on how I feel I think everything is working very well. I'd like to see more as far as dental health goes, but I know these things take time. It probably took a long time for it to get to the point it was, so I'm sure it'll take time to repair.

I feel great though. My mood is constant, always happy, calm and doing well in my life's pursuits.

I hope to do more sun bathing in the future. And especially exercising in the sun.
Disclaimer: I was told I was misdiagnosed over 10 years ago, and I haven't taken any medication in over a decade.

Offline LePatron7

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Re: DaBoss88's healing schizophrenia journal
« Reply #283 on: October 24, 2013, 05:17:58 pm »
And.. Drum roll please..

Saw my doctor yesterday. We've agreed to start on 10 mg of geodon. I've been taking 20 mg for the last 6 months. And starting last night I began 10 mg.

I went to sleep around 9pm. I took a timed release melatonin to help me fall asleep early, as well as a couple hundred mg of magnesium in various forms. That's my method for falling asleep early when I'm not tired.

When I've done that in the past I'd usually fall asleep around 9-10pm and wake up around 8am. That was on the 40 mg dose. Last night I went to sleep at 9-10pm while taking the 10 mg dose, and today I woke up at 5am.

I think this is a sign of my body needing less sleep while on the 10 mg. It could also be that the 10 mg created less of a drug induced coma.

I know when I used to take large doses it used to knock me out to the point of needing to go to sleep because I could barely keep my eyes open.

How do I feel right now? Pretty excited lol.
Disclaimer: I was told I was misdiagnosed over 10 years ago, and I haven't taken any medication in over a decade.

Offline jessica

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Re: DaBoss88's healing schizophrenia journal
« Reply #284 on: October 25, 2013, 03:16:45 am »
That's sweet DaBoss!!! Really good job with self control on stepping down the dosage!  I know I would have thrown that shit ooouut and then been on a rollercoaster, heh.  Do you have trouble falling asleep when you don't take the melatonin+mag?  Do you have anxiety or do you have anxiety that you might have anxiety and not sleep?  Just curious cause I went through this whole thing about learning how to relax and sleep and....yeh its a journey.  Anyway Congrats!  6 more months on 10mg or play it by ear?

Offline LePatron7

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Re: DaBoss88's healing schizophrenia journal
« Reply #285 on: October 26, 2013, 01:53:32 am »
That's sweet DaBoss!!! Really good job with self control on stepping down the dosage!  I know I would have thrown that shit ooouut and then been on a rollercoaster, heh.

Lol I'm being very careful tapering the meds and with any modifications I make to my routine. Better safe than sorry.

Do you have trouble falling asleep when you don't take the melatonin+mag?

Typically no. I generally don't take melatonin at all. Most nights I'll take a little bit of magnesium right before going to sleep. My sleep schedule usually has a lot to do with when I take the geodon.

If I take it around 5pm I'd be asleep by 8-9. But if I take it at 8 or 9 I might not fall asleep till much later. I'll have to see how taking the lower dose effects my sleep schedule since it might not put me to sleep like it usually does.

Do you have anxiety or do you have anxiety that you might have anxiety and not sleep? 

Never anxiety. I'm always very calm. Some times I just fall asleep a little later than I'd like, so I took the melatonin that night. Especially not knowing the effects of the reduced dose and how I'd sleep.

6 more months on 10mg or play it by ear?

I'm aiming for 6 months just to be on the safe side.
Disclaimer: I was told I was misdiagnosed over 10 years ago, and I haven't taken any medication in over a decade.

Offline LePatron7

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Re: DaBoss88's healing schizophrenia journal
« Reply #286 on: October 31, 2013, 09:18:23 am »
I started researching which form of calcium is the best. I decided to start supplementing with Microcrystalline Hydroxyapatite (MCH). It's supposed to be very bio available, and it's extracted from grass fed cows.

The Weston Price Foundation had good things to say about it.

"But only one is actually a food extract and that is calcium hydroxyapatite. This is the form of calcium that naturally occurs in bone. Low temperature processing techniques are used to extract microcrystalline hydroxyapatite concentrate (MCHC) from raw bone--the best products utilize MCHC from free-range, pesticide-free New Zealand cattle. MCHC is a complex crystalline compound composed of calcium (about 24 percent), phosphorous, delicate organic factors (thus the importance of low-temperature processing), protein matrix and the full spectrum of minerals that naturally comprise healthy bone."

I decided to buy the NOW brand Calcium Hydroxyapatite capsules. I'll start taking 1,000 mg divided in two doses with lunch and dinner. I'll continue with the high doses of magnesium, as well as the Vitamin K2 and see how it goes.
Disclaimer: I was told I was misdiagnosed over 10 years ago, and I haven't taken any medication in over a decade.

Offline van

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Re: DaBoss88's healing schizophrenia journal
« Reply #287 on: October 31, 2013, 10:50:55 am »
as calcium supplements go,  yes, but I'd stay with ground bone, if you think you have a need for more ca.   anything in a bottle has gone through big processes.  You can easily guy ferrier files on line, or at any horse equipment store...

Offline paper_clips43

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Re: DaBoss88's healing schizophrenia journal
« Reply #288 on: October 31, 2013, 11:12:08 pm »
I bought a ferrier's file as Van recommended and am very happy with it. Fresh bone meal tastes good. Almost sweet.
Gnawing on bones.

Offline LePatron7

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Re: DaBoss88's healing schizophrenia journal
« Reply #289 on: November 01, 2013, 08:41:11 am »
I plan to try filing the bone but I need to wait for some bones from Miller's. Till then I'll use the supplement.
Disclaimer: I was told I was misdiagnosed over 10 years ago, and I haven't taken any medication in over a decade.

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Re: DaBoss88's healing schizophrenia journal
« Reply #290 on: November 03, 2013, 06:13:02 am »
Did the Geodon really help you?  I have heard some bad things about it.
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Re: DaBoss88's healing schizophrenia journal
« Reply #291 on: November 03, 2013, 09:28:11 am »
It's one of those things that I was put on it before I knew anything about alternative health. As I've started using alternative health practices I've decreased the dosage.
Disclaimer: I was told I was misdiagnosed over 10 years ago, and I haven't taken any medication in over a decade.

Offline LePatron7

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Re: DaBoss88's healing schizophrenia journal
« Reply #292 on: November 05, 2013, 06:19:10 pm »
I just got a shipment of about 1 lb fresh/unfrozen beef brain. It's been a while since I have brain. Today I plan to have 1 oz with breakfast and see how it goes.

I've been cutting back on fruit and eating more honey after reading about the Fukushima accident in Japan resulting in a lot of radiation in California (most of my fruits are from California). So I'll be sourcing fruit from other places and eating more honey till then.
Disclaimer: I was told I was misdiagnosed over 10 years ago, and I haven't taken any medication in over a decade.

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Re: DaBoss88's healing schizophrenia journal
« Reply #293 on: November 08, 2013, 01:20:15 am »
What kind of vitamin K2 do you take?
Gnawing on bones.

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Disclaimer: I was told I was misdiagnosed over 10 years ago, and I haven't taken any medication in over a decade.

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Re: DaBoss88's healing schizophrenia journal
« Reply #295 on: November 08, 2013, 06:25:18 am »
Is it extracted from Natto?
Gnawing on bones.

Offline LePatron7

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Re: DaBoss88's healing schizophrenia journal
« Reply #296 on: November 09, 2013, 05:48:28 am »
Is it extracted from Natto?

No. The kind of K2 extracted from Natto is MK-7.

"K2, the vitamin extracted from fermented natto soyfood, has been shown to have greater levels of absorption in the blood than commonly used vitamin K, as well as reducing several risk factors for osteoporosis, suggest new findings."

I prefer the MK-4 form which is what's found in pastured animal foods.

"Two forms of vitamin K2 supplements are commercially available: menaquinone-4 (MK-4), also called menatetrenone, and menaquinone-7 (MK-7). MK-4 is a synthetic product that is believed to be chemically and physiologically identical to the vitamin K2 found in animal fats. This form has been used in most of the animal experiments and in the Japanese osteoporosis studies. Although synthetic, it is effective, and there is no known toxicity. MK-7 is a natural extract of natto, a fermented soy food popular in Eastern Japan. MK-4 is much less expensive than MK-7, but no studies have yet compared the efficacy of these two forms."

By "synthetic" they mean that is it's not a food extract. None of my supplements are (except the blue ocean minerals and FCLO) and all the sources I've seen say they're exactly the same chemically.

"Natural vs. synthetic ascorbic acid

Natural and synthetic L-ascorbic acid are chemically identical, and there are no known differences in their biological activity. The possibility that the bioavailability of L-ascorbic acid from natural sources might differ from that of synthetic ascorbic acid was investigated in at least two human studies, and no clinically significant differences were observed. A study of 12 males (six smokers and six nonsmokers) found the bioavailability of synthetic ascorbic acid (powder administered in water) to be slightly superior to that of orange juice, based on blood levels of ascorbic acid, and not different based on ascorbic acid in leukocytes (white blood cells) (1). A study in 68 male nonsmokers found that ascorbic acid consumed in cooked broccoli, orange juice, orange slices, and as synthetic ascorbic acid tablets are equally bioavailable, as measured by plasma ascorbic acid levels (2, 3)."
Disclaimer: I was told I was misdiagnosed over 10 years ago, and I haven't taken any medication in over a decade.

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Re: DaBoss88's healing schizophrenia journal
« Reply #297 on: November 09, 2013, 03:52:01 pm »
I've found a few places to get some non-California fruit. I've also been eating 1 oz of brain every day.
Disclaimer: I was told I was misdiagnosed over 10 years ago, and I haven't taken any medication in over a decade.

Offline LePatron7

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Re: DaBoss88's healing schizophrenia journal
« Reply #298 on: November 14, 2013, 08:28:57 am »
Going strong on 10 mg of the geodon. Exciting! Lol

Still eating an oz of brain daily, I can't go without it! Lol I feel like the brain is really helping a lot.

I started using Iguana's method of cleaning meat with seawater. I've learned from experience that New Zealand lamb and brain (both of which come pre packaged in plastic) will start smelling while aging. So I put some Redomond's Real Salt in distilled water and dip them in. It eliminated the smell completely.

Still taking a tsp of FCLO. I'm considering decreasing it to maybe 3/4 or 1/2 tsp.

Still taking 50 mg Lugol's iodine daily.

I started putting 3 drops of Blue Ocean Minerals in each gallon of water, in addition to the pinch of salt. The 3 drops of BOM adds about 12 mg magnesium to each gallon of water.
Disclaimer: I was told I was misdiagnosed over 10 years ago, and I haven't taken any medication in over a decade.

Offline LePatron7

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Re: DaBoss88's healing schizophrenia journal
« Reply #299 on: November 20, 2013, 08:59:17 am »
I was reading up on the book "Enzyme Nutrition" by Dr. Edward Howell and he actually talks about raw meat dishes around the world. And especially mentions the Inuit. He describes their "high" meat and fish as being broken down by enzymes saving the body enzymes that would be needed to digest it.

He also mentions raw honey and its high enzyme content. Very good information.
Disclaimer: I was told I was misdiagnosed over 10 years ago, and I haven't taken any medication in over a decade.


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