Author Topic: Help! I know someone who is fighting for life  (Read 7030 times)

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Help! I know someone who is fighting for life
« on: September 18, 2012, 10:34:16 am »
She is 70 yrs old woman , African American. Entire life she was on fast food. Recently she  was dianosed of pancreatic cancer stage 4 and after that she starts eating and drinking lota of fruits and veggie juice raw. She uses blackseed oil, tumeric, amino acid, organic greens food and now she is using a product that is called IMMUNOCAL.

She has been  hospitalized since last Sunday with blood clots in each lung and she has tumor or mass in brain so which one of these do she follow?

So the tumor on pancreas liver and now in brain.

I know Dorothy cured the cancer of her 85 yrs old mom. Please, everyone contribute your knowledge in this post, and we might save her for now.
« Last Edit: September 18, 2012, 01:28:52 pm by TylerDurden »
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Re: Help! I know someone who is fighting for life
« Reply #1 on: September 18, 2012, 10:57:08 am »
I would try gerson protocol with veggy, fruit, raw liver and raw fats and the coffee enemas.  Plus to remove the clots cayenne tinctures.  Put her on 1 hour treatments 4x a day.  And get her direct sunlight.  For the tumor or mass in the brain, my friend Vander Gaditano developed a method of using zappers for this purpose and the brain tumors go away in 3 hours.

And she gets lots of sleep.

Here in my country I would combine 3 healers for her, Vander Gaditano for 24 hour care, Sifu Jen Sam acupuncture and TCM insights, and Romy Macapagal beam ray energy medicine etc.

And get her a rocking chair to get that lymph moving.
« Last Edit: September 18, 2012, 08:48:51 pm by goodsamaritan »
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Re: Help! I know someone who is fighting for life
« Reply #2 on: September 18, 2012, 11:31:16 pm »
Hi Raw,

This is more information than you gave me in your email so I will respond here to things that I didn't know about and hence did not respond to you about already.

For blood clots there is nothing on the planet more effective than nattokinase which is a natural enzyme produced by the body usually as a blood thinner and supplementation of this enzyme is used not only for clots but also for cancer in general. Most alternative treatments are also blood thinners. The best overall pancreatic enzyme complex with nattokinase I've found is one called 10zymes.

The problem is that she canNOT take it if she is on any medications that are blood thinners - which I would be shocked if she is not on already being in the hospital with clots. They are probably mega-dosing her already on intense blood thinners. Also, having given my mother nattokinase in the hospital I know how dangerous it is to try to treat for viscosity of the blood because you can't control the staff in how they give medications unless you stay there 24 hours and don't sleep like I did -  just one shot in the stomach of blood thinner on top of other natural blood thinners could make her bleed to death internally. Oh boy the trouble I got into at the hospital just because of this one issue! I had to fight like a pitbull and still ....

Blood clots are often what kill pancreatic cancer patients because it is the pancreas which makes the enzymes that break up clots. The pancreas also makes the enzymes that break down the heavy fibrin around cancer cells so that the immune system can destroy the cancer cells. That is why pancreatic cancer is one of the most dangerous kinds of cancers you can get and kills the quickest. The cancer has attacked the very organ used for destroying cancer cells. At one point I had built my mother up to massive doses of nattokinase which would have made a normal person without pancreatic cancer and thickened blood bleed to death - but it is what kept her around in spite of the pancreatic cancer long enough to get rid of it.

When and if the patient goes home, transferring off of pharmaceutical blood thinners onto 10zymes would be a great idea - but I would have to discuss with you and/or your friend everything I know about the different kinds of blood thinners and how doctors test for viscosity and how some tests don't work with some blood thinners even though people think they do - including the maker of 10zymes.  If they have her on coumadin it will be pretty straight forward, but they have come up with new medications that are outrageously strong and complicated recently. If she is on one of these megadrugs you will have to be extremely careful! The problem is that if she needs any kind of procedure where she might bleed - that could be her end. I've talked to doctors about them - complaining terribly actually - about how they can't do necessary procedures where they used to be able to on the older blood thinners and how patients bleed to death so easily on them. If her mother is on one of these new medications where it takes a very long time for the substance to lose its effects - she should understand how that medications works and be aware of it even just for monitoring what they let people do to/with her mother while in the hospital. She should grill her doctor about the kind of blood thinners that her mother has been put on. There are ways at home to get a general idea of viscosity as well - that would be way too much to get into here - but she should know about. Anyone on blood thinners should know how to tell if their blood has gotten too thin or not.  My father had to have all his blood replaced from coumadin causing internal bleeding and that drug is child's play compared to what they have now. I recently lost a relative that took a fall in his garage and because he was on one of the new megadrugs was dead by the time the ambulance got there from a minor wound that he would have not died from without the drug. Those drugs simply don't make sense to me when you can take nattokinase instead. It's an enzyme that the body recognizes and can adapt to and that the body can use for lots of other good things as well.

I didn't know the cancer had metastasized to the brain too. This begs the question if she is conscious, able to communicate and making sense still? Cayenne tincture could burn her mouth terribly and is never something you give to a person that isn't fully with it. Even if they are - one drop for a sensitive person could be problematic. Cayenne is something that would work for someone perhaps with a different kind of cancer than pancreatic, but the real issue for this person is that her blood is so thick from the cancer interfering with her nattokinase production so that the amount of cayenne that would be necessary to even make a dent could be very painful and create extreme digestive upset - not worth it really. The blood thinners and the enzyme in this case are what she needs to keep that blood thin. Cayenne is probably a little bit too little too late in her case. 

As I wrote to you already, what this woman's daughter is going to be able to do in an American hospital could be quite limited. With a terminal case such as this one, I have found that the doctors tend to be a bit more lenient generally - but still - the limitations are going to be severe in a hospital due to liability issues.

It is also VERY important to be conscious of herxheimer effects in such a case. The two kinds of cancers that can kill you just from the tumors rather than cachexia are pancreatic and brain cancer! If you suddenly kill off large amounts of cancer cells it will make for inflammation. That inflammation can cut off her bile duct and in the brain could damage a part of the brain that if doesn't kill her - could make her life not worth living.

So far here we have very limited information about the woman's condition including other medical conditions that would have to be taken into consideration.

I'll repeat my questions I sent you privately here since you have asked for general help from the community - as these questions really should be answered before contemplating ANY therapy:

When was she diagnosed?
What treatments has she undergone?
Does she have a bile-duct stent in place?
Where has the cancer spread to?
Are her other organs still functioning properly?
How long do the doctors give her to live?
Do they expect her to ever go home from this hospital visit?
Is she still eating?
Can she swallow?
What devices is she on: oxygen, IV liquids, ventilator, feeding tube?
What medications is she on?
What other health issues does she have?
How is her brain function? Is she still sharp and with it?
Now that I know she has brain cancer I'd like to stress that last question. How big is the tumor in her brain - how much of her brain function does she have left? Has the tumor(s) damaged an area of higher cognitive function?

When discussing stage 4 PANCREATIC and BRAIN cancers with the person in the hospital - sometimes the most important question to ask is whether or not you SHOULD reverse the cancer - as hard as it is to bring up the subject. If the woman comes back as a vegetable or in a state like my mother was in the end from central nervous damage from Parkinson's - you might not be doing your friend or her mother any favors by getting rid of the cancer.

So much depends on how far down the road she is with all this. After surgery, chemo or radiation on top of the kind of cancers she has it is vital to first ascertain if relieving her of her cancer at this point would be a kindness or not. Pancreatic cancer can be one of the most horrible ways to die. If she is in a situation where brain function is impaired and won't return - then it would make one question the use of even blood thinners. A blood clot to the brain can be an easy and comfortable death. Colloidal silver mixed with dmso is what I used to get rid of my mother's pancreatic cancer because it took away all her physical pain in the process - not because it was going to save her life - but it was a massive decision. I only wish I knew about it earlier. My mother lived in a terrible emotional pain with dementia for half a year which took a massive toll. My mother wanted to die because as she said "it was time and she would never be up and walking again and able to take care of herself because of the condition of her spine" - but she couldn't die even though she was willing herself to - because I made her too strong - and the law made it so that I was not allowed to help her leave when she wanted to in a way that she would have wanted to. She ended up living half a year in a state that she would have never chose and which my husband and I are still trying to recover from. I honestly don't know how I survived it. The stress of that situation made it so that now we are dealing with the physical repercussions it created for my husband.

At these times it's vital to look at the BIG picture. What kind of living will does this person have? What are their wishes for how and if they would want to be kept alive? I know what stage 4 pancreatic and brain cancer can look like and what it can do to a person and their family.

So - we REALLY need the information about this person's true condition - not only her physical condition, but her mental condition and what SHE wants at this stage.

I'd like to repeat here what I said to you privately as well. I so wish people would ask me about these things at the beginning! It's so sad at this point in the road trying to deal with hospitals and asking these very rough questions because I've been through it all myself already and know how painful and difficult this all is for your friend.

The short answer - is if we have enough time and the right circumstances - any cancer is easy to reverse and there are many different options on ways to do it too.... but there really is never any short answers.



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Re: Help! I know someone who is fighting for life
« Reply #3 on: March 02, 2013, 05:05:11 am »
My wife is dealing with pc too stage 4 and i will like to chat with you one on one if possible. I have already im you.

Hi Raw,

This is more information than you gave me in your email so I will respond here to things that I didn't know about and hence did not respond to you about already.

For blood clots there is nothing on the planet more effective than nattokinase which is a natural enzyme produced by the body usually as a blood thinner and supplementation of this enzyme is used not only for clots but also for cancer in general. Most alternative treatments are also blood thinners. The best overall pancreatic enzyme complex with nattokinase I've found is one called 10zymes.

The problem is that she canNOT take it if she is on any medications that are blood thinners - which I would be shocked if she is not on already being in the hospital with clots. They are probably mega-dosing her already on intense blood thinners. Also, having given my mother nattokinase in the hospital I know how dangerous it is to try to treat for viscosity of the blood because you can't control the staff in how they give medications unless you stay there 24 hours and don't sleep like I did -  just one shot in the stomach of blood thinner on top of other natural blood thinners could make her bleed to death internally. Oh boy the trouble I got into at the hospital just because of this one issue! I had to fight like a pitbull and still ....

Blood clots are often what kill pancreatic cancer patients because it is the pancreas which makes the enzymes that break up clots. The pancreas also makes the enzymes that break down the heavy fibrin around cancer cells so that the immune system can destroy the cancer cells. That is why pancreatic cancer is one of the most dangerous kinds of cancers you can get and kills the quickest. The cancer has attacked the very organ used for destroying cancer cells. At one point I had built my mother up to massive doses of nattokinase which would have made a normal person without pancreatic cancer and thickened blood bleed to death - but it is what kept her around in spite of the pancreatic cancer long enough to get rid of it.

When and if the patient goes home, transferring off of pharmaceutical blood thinners onto 10zymes would be a great idea - but I would have to discuss with you and/or your friend everything I know about the different kinds of blood thinners and how doctors test for viscosity and how some tests don't work with some blood thinners even though people think they do - including the maker of 10zymes.  If they have her on coumadin it will be pretty straight forward, but they have come up with new medications that are outrageously strong and complicated recently. If she is on one of these megadrugs you will have to be extremely careful! The problem is that if she needs any kind of procedure where she might bleed - that could be her end. I've talked to doctors about them - complaining terribly actually - about how they can't do necessary procedures where they used to be able to on the older blood thinners and how patients bleed to death so easily on them. If her mother is on one of these new medications where it takes a very long time for the substance to lose its effects - she should understand how that medications works and be aware of it even just for monitoring what they let people do to/with her mother while in the hospital. She should grill her doctor about the kind of blood thinners that her mother has been put on. There are ways at home to get a general idea of viscosity as well - that would be way too much to get into here - but she should know about. Anyone on blood thinners should know how to tell if their blood has gotten too thin or not.  My father had to have all his blood replaced from coumadin causing internal bleeding and that drug is child's play compared to what they have now. I recently lost a relative that took a fall in his garage and because he was on one of the new megadrugs was dead by the time the ambulance got there from a minor wound that he would have not died from without the drug. Those drugs simply don't make sense to me when you can take nattokinase instead. It's an enzyme that the body recognizes and can adapt to and that the body can use for lots of other good things as well.

I didn't know the cancer had metastasized to the brain too. This begs the question if she is conscious, able to communicate and making sense still? Cayenne tincture could burn her mouth terribly and is never something you give to a person that isn't fully with it. Even if they are - one drop for a sensitive person could be problematic. Cayenne is something that would work for someone perhaps with a different kind of cancer than pancreatic, but the real issue for this person is that her blood is so thick from the cancer interfering with her nattokinase production so that the amount of cayenne that would be necessary to even make a dent could be very painful and create extreme digestive upset - not worth it really. The blood thinners and the enzyme in this case are what she needs to keep that blood thin. Cayenne is probably a little bit too little too late in her case. 

As I wrote to you already, what this woman's daughter is going to be able to do in an American hospital could be quite limited. With a terminal case such as this one, I have found that the doctors tend to be a bit more lenient generally - but still - the limitations are going to be severe in a hospital due to liability issues.

It is also VERY important to be conscious of herxheimer effects in such a case. The two kinds of cancers that can kill you just from the tumors rather than cachexia are pancreatic and brain cancer! If you suddenly kill off large amounts of cancer cells it will make for inflammation. That inflammation can cut off her bile duct and in the brain could damage a part of the brain that if doesn't kill her - could make her life not worth living.

So far here we have very limited information about the woman's condition including other medical conditions that would have to be taken into consideration.

I'll repeat my questions I sent you privately here since you have asked for general help from the community - as these questions really should be answered before contemplating ANY therapy:

When was she diagnosed?
What treatments has she undergone?
Does she have a bile-duct stent in place?
Where has the cancer spread to?
Are her other organs still functioning properly?
How long do the doctors give her to live?
Do they expect her to ever go home from this hospital visit?
Is she still eating?
Can she swallow?
What devices is she on: oxygen, IV liquids, ventilator, feeding tube?
What medications is she on?
What other health issues does she have?
How is her brain function? Is she still sharp and with it?
Now that I know she has brain cancer I'd like to stress that last question. How big is the tumor in her brain - how much of her brain function does she have left? Has the tumor(s) damaged an area of higher cognitive function?

When discussing stage 4 PANCREATIC and BRAIN cancers with the person in the hospital - sometimes the most important question to ask is whether or not you SHOULD reverse the cancer - as hard as it is to bring up the subject. If the woman comes back as a vegetable or in a state like my mother was in the end from central nervous damage from Parkinson's - you might not be doing your friend or her mother any favors by getting rid of the cancer.

So much depends on how far down the road she is with all this. After surgery, chemo or radiation on top of the kind of cancers she has it is vital to first ascertain if relieving her of her cancer at this point would be a kindness or not. Pancreatic cancer can be one of the most horrible ways to die. If she is in a situation where brain function is impaired and won't return - then it would make one question the use of even blood thinners. A blood clot to the brain can be an easy and comfortable death. Colloidal silver mixed with dmso is what I used to get rid of my mother's pancreatic cancer because it took away all her physical pain in the process - not because it was going to save her life - but it was a massive decision. I only wish I knew about it earlier. My mother lived in a terrible emotional pain with dementia for half a year which took a massive toll. My mother wanted to die because as she said "it was time and she would never be up and walking again and able to take care of herself because of the condition of her spine" - but she couldn't die even though she was willing herself to - because I made her too strong - and the law made it so that I was not allowed to help her leave when she wanted to in a way that she would have wanted to. She ended up living half a year in a state that she would have never chose and which my husband and I are still trying to recover from. I honestly don't know how I survived it. The stress of that situation made it so that now we are dealing with the physical repercussions it created for my husband.

At these times it's vital to look at the BIG picture. What kind of living will does this person have? What are their wishes for how and if they would want to be kept alive? I know what stage 4 pancreatic and brain cancer can look like and what it can do to a person and their family.

So - we REALLY need the information about this person's true condition - not only her physical condition, but her mental condition and what SHE wants at this stage.

I'd like to repeat here what I said to you privately as well. I so wish people would ask me about these things at the beginning! It's so sad at this point in the road trying to deal with hospitals and asking these very rough questions because I've been through it all myself already and know how painful and difficult this all is for your friend.

The short answer - is if we have enough time and the right circumstances - any cancer is easy to reverse and there are many different options on ways to do it too.... but there really is never any short answers.



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Re: Help! I know someone who is fighting for life
« Reply #4 on: March 02, 2013, 09:15:32 am »
The iodine protocol causes apoptosis.
This means it causes cancer cells to commit suicide. Unlike chemotherapy, it kills cancer, and only cancerous cells.

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Re: Help! I know someone who is fighting for life
« Reply #5 on: March 03, 2013, 02:14:27 am »
Pancreatic Cancer -- Complimentary/Integrative treatments that may be worth looking into:

1. Dietary factors--feed your mitochondria and starve the cancer cells:
-> Foods linked to higher cancer risk: processed industrial foods, grains (especially gluten grains), aflatoxin contaminated grains, irrigated corn, margarine, refined vegetable oils, high-heated fats, fructose, processed fruit juices, excessive fruit intake, ... (See
-> Foods linked to lower cancer risk or even cancer therapy: wild herbs, red meat, saturated fat, pork, eggs, resveratrol-rich foods (grapes, red wine, berries, nuts, ...--possibly due to a hormetic effect in small to moderate doses that is lost in excess), ...
-> Paleo foods like berries and nuts have been found to restore natural apoptosis (programmed cell death) to cancer cells (so that they die), slow or stop angiogenesis (increased blood flow that cancer cells feed on via growth of new blood vessels), and reduce the blood thickening that enables cancer cells to generate more blood cells (which requires a certain level of pressure).
-> Low Carb/ketogenic diets: “Over the last years, evidence has accumulated suggesting that by systematically reducing the amount of dietary carbohydrates (CHO) one could suppress, or at least delay, the emergence of cancer, and that proliferation of already existing tumor cells could be slowed down.”
-> Zero Carb diets may be inferior to low carb diets in treating cancer: An Anti-Cancer Diet, Paul Jaminet, September 28, 2011, (the article also mentions supplements and other therapies that may hold promise)
-> Here's a couple's success story (so far) report with pancreatic and breast cancer that mostly involves a near-Paleo diet (it does include some non-Paleo foods like whole wheat and soy milk and some bizarre advice like "Grain fed beef is best") after alleged failure with the Burzinski Clinic's supposed antineoplaston therapy:
2. Oxygenation and the Warburg Hypothesis: oxygenate the blood (high oxygen levels kill cancer cells); measure the progress in the blood oxygen saturation with a pulse oximeter. Again, feed your oxygen-loving mitochondria and starve the oxygen-hating cancer cells
3. Fever and/or infection: Heating the body and/or provoking the immune system to identify and attack cancer cells--infections with fever have been correlated with killing of cancer cells; "scientists are trying to harness the power of fever and infection in a controlled way to treat cancer patients." (;
4. Minimize process-induced food toxicants: don't overheat foods such as bread/grains (which should be avoided anyway), meats, fats, coffee, etc. and minimize consumption of highly processed foods (such as refined/powdered foods). See Process-Induced Toxicants,
5. Avoid smoking, or at least switch to a pipe or cigar, instead of manufactured cigarettes
6. If you must drink an alcoholic beverage, make it an ancient drink that your great-great-great-great-great grandfather might recognize and don't drink chronically to excess
7. Low-dose naltrexone has been found to inhibit cancer cell proliferation with some successes in treating pancreatic and other cancers: Burton Berkson, MD, PhD - LDN in Pancreatic Cancer and in Autoimmune Disease
part 1 LDN 2008 Dr Burt Berkson Best of part 1  part 2 LDN 08 Dr Burt Berkson Part 2 (Berkson also uses intravenous alpha-lipoic acid and a low-carb, high-greens diet, sun tanning and relaxation in his protocol), The Long-term Survival of a Patient With Pancreatic Cancer With Metastases to the Liver After Treatment With the Intravenous alpha-Lipoic Acid/Low-Dose Naltrexone Protocol,,,,
>"When some one eats an Epi paleo Rx template and follows the rules of circadian biology they get plenty of starches when they are available three out of the four seasons." -Jack Kruse, MD
>"I recommend 20 percent of calories from carbs, depending on the size of the person" -Ron Rosedale, MD (in other words, NOT zero carbs)
>Finding a diet you can tolerate is not the same as fixing what's wrong. -Tim Steele
Beware of problems from chronic Very Low Carb


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