
Could one over dose on fermented foods?

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Offline paper_clips43

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Fermented Foods?
« on: October 13, 2012, 11:11:09 am »
I am just 4 months into my experiment with RAF. Due to toxic build up it has been one helluva journey. If were it not for the miraculous recovery from; epilepsy, depression, underweight, etc. within just the first two weeks of following a strict A.V. Primal diet I would not have continued to eat RAF. The reason being that the following months I became plagued with "detox symptoms" along with digestion issues that were almost too much to bear. After adjusting diet and eliminating all toxins I was able to somewhat recover from these RAF "Side Effects". I now experience the healthiest I have ever looked and for the most part felt except for this nagging issue of poor digestion or perhaps mal-absorption. Which leads me to my questions... if I experience improper digestion of raw foods, especially animal, due to a estimated deficiency of enzymes, bacteria, and pro-biotics then could I potentially cure it with fermented foods?

I understand cultured veggies, kefired cream, and cheese all contain beneficial bacteria that have been proven to aid in digestion along with promoting feelings of optimism and I do admit eating those have helped me tremendously but what about meat? Is there really any proof that this "high-meat" is actually good for us?

Could I potentially "over dose" on bacteria by eating too much fermented foods and experience "food-poisoning"?

Is there a limit to how much fermented foods I should eat? Is Nitric Oxide Toxicity a possibility?

These are just a few questions I have if anyone cares to share I would much appreciate it. So far I am the only one I know that eats this way...

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Re: Fermented Foods?
« Reply #1 on: October 13, 2012, 03:37:04 pm »

As seen above, there is plenty of evidence in favour of "high-meat".  The main thing with "high-meat" is that it predigests the raw meats so that hardly any digestion is needed by the body, plus very little goes out the other way since it's all absorbed by the body.

I don't consume "high-meat" all the time, simply because I can't store so much of it in the fridge for that purpose and SAD-eating acquaintances loathe the stuff so I can hardly hoard it in quantity.

There is no danger from overeating bacteria, unless the bacteria is not regularly exposed to oxygen, so always air the high-meat once every 2 days for a few minutes each time.

Re the above details:- if you are following AV's diet, the prior "detoxes" and current malabsorption might actually have far more to do with the possibility that you have a food-intolerance/allergy to one or more raw foods(raw dairy, raw veggie juice, raw eggs, raw honey) being the most likely, in descending order.

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Re: Fermented Foods?
« Reply #2 on: October 14, 2012, 09:54:48 am »
Sometimes fermented foods can be a little too "overheating".  They tend to speed up metabolism, increase body heat, and speed up digestion.  Some people don't need those things to happen.

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Re: Fermented Foods?
« Reply #3 on: October 14, 2012, 02:28:09 pm »
Goitrogenic foods such as cabbage, kale and brocolli retain their goitrogen even when fermented. So limit sauerkraut consumption if you're hypothyroid.

Offline jessica

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Re: Fermented Foods?
« Reply #4 on: October 15, 2012, 05:05:19 am »
i think if all you ate were fermented foods and high foods that yes, you can overdose because there is a balance to be struck and that you would just be full of the bacteria and only adding additional bacteria.  the bacterias job, when one has proper balance and population, is to then help break down and accimilate the foods you eat that are not so high or fermented.  the reason many people have to eat a good amount of fermented foods, even daily, is that they are exposed to foods that have been rinsed in anti bacterial fluids such as vegetables, drink and bathe in chlorinated water, use chlorinated tooth paste, take antibiotics, eat other foods that disrupt that balance and feed the more pathogenic bacteria in the body, breathes in toxic fumes from cars, office machines, air freshners etc.etc.etc.

when one eats a purely natural diet, one that is harvested directly from the animal or picked from the earth the natural bacteria and enzymes(especially in raw meat ) are present enough so as to aid proper digestion and assimilation. 

Offline paper_clips43

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Re: Fermented Foods?
« Reply #5 on: October 18, 2012, 05:01:44 am »
Thank you all so much for your answers, advice, and information. I am going to make a point to balance my intake of cultured foods into my diet. I for surely do not want to speed up my digestion. Being as underweight as i already am. I could also do with the heating factor since I live in a desert.

I have eaten high meat on more than dozen occasions now and I totally felt an uplifting feeling as well as an increase in energy several hours after the consumption. With no bad side effects the first several times. Then I started to experience sharp stabbing pains in the lower abdominal area about 8-12 hours after the consumption. I tested it out and it only happened on the days I ate my high meat (which was every 3 days which is what AV said to open and let oxygen in). I only let it go a full 8 days of no aeration at one point when I was out of town and i suppose this could be the issue. Although AV mentioned it would be fine...

I am currently exploring the idea of food allergies or food intolerance. My diet consists of meat,dairy,veg juice,eggs

I ve been reading a lot on this forum about many people experiencing intolerance to dairy. Has anyone factored blood type in? My blood type is B+ which they say does well with all kinds of dairy, I do not agree with a lot Peter A'adamo has written, although when I read this it definitely rang true. I have always felt like i digested dairy well and perhaps better then any other food group... but i am willing to consider cutting it out and record the effects.

Vegetable juice %90 of the time has negatively effected me. If I drink it in the morning I am having frequent bowel movements all day to the point of discomfort. I stick to powdered green supplements because of this factor and I increase my lemon consumption as well as drink apple cider vinegar to alkalize my body.

Eggs sometimes make me feel nauseous at first but for the most part feel good about the raw consumption of them. Maybe they are the culprit? idk...

Then there is meat. Which i feel the raw introduction of it to my diet has improved my health more than any other food or supplement.

My diet now is already so constricted. If i cut another food group out such as dairy or eggs, what else is there to eat? Are we just supposed to eat raw meat and avocados twice a day?
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Re: Fermented Foods?
« Reply #6 on: October 18, 2012, 05:03:49 am »
i think if all you ate were fermented foods and high foods that yes, you can overdose because there is a balance to be struck and that you would just be full of the bacteria and only adding additional bacteria.  the bacterias job, when one has proper balance and population, is to then help break down and accimilate the foods you eat that are not so high or fermented.  the reason many people have to eat a good amount of fermented foods, even daily, is that they are exposed to foods that have been rinsed in anti bacterial fluids such as vegetables, drink and bathe in chlorinated water, use chlorinated tooth paste, take antibiotics, eat other foods that disrupt that balance and feed the more pathogenic bacteria in the body, breathes in toxic fumes from cars, office machines, air freshners etc.etc.etc.

when one eats a purely natural diet, one that is harvested directly from the animal or picked from the earth the natural bacteria and enzymes(especially in raw meat ) are present enough so as to aid proper digestion and assimilation. 

That was so well-said.

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Re: Fermented Foods?
« Reply #7 on: October 18, 2012, 11:48:04 pm »
it's always good to start low with fermented foods (various kinds) and increase in quantity to prevent detox symptoms or general intestinal trouble. also, be patient. it may take a few months until digestive issues are completely gone (took about two months for me after two years vegetarian/vegan diet before i could properly digest larger amounts of meat again and got rid of candida overgrowth). you can help meat digestion with hcl+pepsin tablets in the beginning. as for the fermented foods (i recommend to start with sauerkraut and kefir besides the high meat), it will take some time until the beneficial bacteria displaced an overgrowth of harmful bacteria or yeasts (candida). until then it can always happen that plant foods keep fermenting in your guts and create various symptoms. in my experience it's better to not eat any fruits and generally very little in the way of carbs and fiber (besides things like sauerkraut) until the intestines are well colonized with good bacteria.

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Re: Fermented Foods?
« Reply #8 on: October 26, 2012, 02:37:46 am »
Matter of fact, if we all the time eat fermented food like high meat , acidophilus, kefir...etc. that will fix up our health faster. These probiotics are never enough to intake. The more the better
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