Iguana, sorry for my slightly harsh comment. But I get allergic reactions when I read ignorant words like "trendy obscure fad about keto adaptation", "a ridiculous one-food-only diet (mackerel in your example)" (which I never recommended) or instincto drivel like "categorizing by delineating artificial limits".
That’s ok ! Joy 2012 had some fun with it and we should have as well…
Probably « keto adaptation » is obscure for me because as a pre-fire hominid, I have absolutely no clue about what it is - and I don’t care.
We agree that a one-food-only diet (mackerel in your example) is ridiculous and I didn’t mean nor even think at all that you assume the opposite. I supposed that you, of course, agree it is ridiculous !
"Categorizing by delineating artificial limits" is a sentence personally self-devised by your Iguana and has nothing to do with the instincto theory
(or drivel if you prefer, but I find it really strange that two persons apparently sane can diverge to the point that one finds something logical while the other finds it’s a drivel). 
Sugar nearly always tastes good to nearly everyone. Do we need sugar? No. For me, it's extremely artificial and absolutely not recommendable to eat imported overbred high sugar fruits like mangoes and durians in our north European climate zones, especially during winter times.
Oh no ! Sugary foods don’t always taste good: the sweeter they are the more mouth burning is the “stop” ! We could move to warmer places and eat durians and mangoes along with sea turtles eggs and fresh coconuts
(aren’t you a big fun of coconuts, even in our north European climate zones ?) By walking not even in straight line at 4 km/h during 5 h/day, it would take less then a year to walk 5000 km down south
(depending where we start from and as long as we wouldn't have to swim across a sea, of course). Early men where nomads and so should we be.

Perhaps we wouldn’t need sweet foods in case we have enough other foods
(and enough love !). I don’t know. Is there anyone having successfully experimented a “ketogenic diet” over several decades ? Have newborns been grownup into very healthy adults with a strict 100% ketogenic diet ? BTW, the answer to both questions is YES for the “instincto drivel”.

Let’s have fun bickering gently!