To me it sounds like you need rest and to focus on diet. I would suggest doing cooked paleo and continuing to include starches while you transition back into a healthier Pattern of eating and eliminate caffeine from your diet. Make broths with oxtails or other gristly bits and herbs, onions and celery and drink those with warmed meat, fat and greens. Try doing small amounts of psychical activity, sub as stretching and maybe some body weight exercises and walks, but do not over exert yourself. Your heat issues sound like low thyroid, add some seaweeds into your diet. Try eating large quanities of proteins and fats for breakfast and lunch and a starchy dinner and see if that helps your body warm up. Add raw milk to your diet if its accessible, it will help nourish you with vitamin d. Switch up your protien and fat sources like fish, oysters and pastures pork if available.
I've included kelp into my supplement stack as of now. Taking it about 4-6 of those / day..recommended dosage.
Seaweed does not exist around here other than the junk food kind, but i'll double check
I'm lactose intolerant now, can't find raw milk around here either. Asked around couple years back apparently stores around my area don't really carry it because it's quite hard to deal with legal issues / potential drawbacks from customers
Really trying to pinpoint my issue right now..I'm going to review my own principles of health and turn this around.
1. Lifestyle + Diet causes health issue. Nothing else...Formulate a good lifestyle with good diet = health
2. Inflammation is the name of the game, the more inflammatory food = damaging system. The more anti-inflammatory food = recovering system
3. Natural food > Processed in terms of anti-oxidants, nutrient content and lack of AGEs
4. AGEs causes aging in the body, and the more I research into it the more I realize AGEs also link to all sorts of health problem
5. AGEs may also link to testosterone receptors in rats (recent findings)..Such an under-researched area in science..Cooked food vs raw food changes
6. Anecdote I find that western lifestyle just consist of higher chance of hairloss for people. Almost every family member of my own who've been to the North America society develops hair-loss (male)
7. DHT and hair loss is well documented, but the reason it causes miniaturization of hair follicle is still very vague. Immortalhair seems to provide very great source of information on the matter. Looking into the research further. Seem to be connected with adrenal, thyroid glands which I do have major issue with. DHT also seems to be less of the focus of issue here for me because I do not have that much body hair. It is either a) I have high amount of DHT and it's overly inflammatory for my scalp or b) I have low amount of DHT, but my body so inflammatory it's still attacking my hair follicle. More into the mechanism later.
8. Low libido seems to be connected with low testosterone..It make sense that I have low T because I've been training hard to couple years in weight lifting (despite on and off) but my muscle growth seems to not even compare with newbies who started for 1 year on bad diet. Genetics definitely play a roll but I think that the only way is compensate with better health to make up for poor genetics. Over the last 3.5 years I've transitioned from 130 - 140 lbs, which is very little for muscle mass despite I've gotten much stronger. Under eating/ Overtraining / Hormonal influence seems to be the only question here. Since I do take a lot of time off, I believe undereating and hormones to be the only issue.
Practical step first.
A. Sticking to a RPD..Making bone broth when cheap bones and vegetables are available
B. Scalp issue is causing more hair loss, it is possibly a combination of eczema + candida, or just scalp eczema. Either way I sort of see them as the same thing. Most hair are scratched off but minor thinning at the crown is coming out. Really don't want to go the drug way but If this doesn't get solved in a year that might be the only option
C. Stress release techniques: Stretching, Spiritual walks + Muscle release techniques
D. Upping fat content as prime key in diet. Fat is key to energy and calorie intake. Going to finish up the marrow bones I have right now first.
E. Looking into fixing my organs and make them run properly as well. The only difference between a guy who have no issue with health whatsoever despite eating junk all the time and me, is only possible in a better running system. The only way they have a better system is better organs, endocrine system and blood flow etc. Basically their engine is running better and body is able to regenerate and clean out the junk they're eating