DISORDER Even though we have had some
success with schizophrenia, I have no experience whatsoever with bipolar. But the brain with its trillions of neurons is the most demanding organ in the body, and if you are not getting the nutrients from a good nutritious diet which this is, and if you are getting bacterial toxins from too much fermentation in your colon, it's bound to effect your brain. So I can't give you the kind of statistics for bipolar disorder that I can give you for the other things, but you could try it; it's a wonderful diet. You don't have to mortgage your home. You just try it for a month or longer. It's a good diet it is going to help many different problems. is interesting to note that in June, 1985, the Schizophrenia Association of Great Britain launched a research project to investigate Dr. F. C. Dohan's research concerning a relationship between celiac disease and schizophrenia. The basis for this project is a strict grain-free, milk-free, low sugar diet, closely related to the Specific Carbohydrate Diet. time something began to happen. People using the SCD found their other chronic health conditions became less serious or completely disappeared. Diseases caused by inflammation or autoimmune reactions seem to be helped in some way by the diet. This includes: asthma, allergies, chronic sinus infections, type two diabetes, arthritis, MS, heart disease, seizure disorders, epilepsy, depression, schizophrenia, autism and the spectrum disorders. The list continues to grow. produces changes in the amygdala and hippocampus.
LPS produces alterations in serotonin levels.
LPS causes degeneration and reduction in dopamine (DA) neurons
LPS exacerbates hippocampal damage induced by seizures
LPS affects cerebral blood flow
LPS results in degeneration of Myelin
LPS promotes excessive numbers of cholinergic neurons
LPS results in White Matter Damage affects social interaction
LPS inducing fear and anxiety
LPS increases tendency for addiction.
LPS might might precipitate alcohol drinking behavior
Some of the physiological consequences of LPS are mediated by endogenous opioid peptides.