Alright guys... After 3 days of taking the max doses of immodium I can, and still waking up and feeling nauseous all day, having loose stools. I'm beginning to think it had nothing to do with the raw brain at all. I've eaten a lot of raw brain before, I never had these symptoms.
When I ate dirty eggs and started getting diarrhea, nausea, and vomiting. Around when I cut out the dirty eggs it all cleared up, and never returned. So being that I haven't eaten raw brain since like, Wednesday last week. AND I've been taking immodium, something doesn't add up. So I'm thinking it's not the brain.
I'm also thinking it's not hypochondria, or orthorexia, or imagined. And I'm definitely not making this up. I'm also definitely not worrying about it. Today I spent the day with family watching Burn Notice, eating, not thinking at all about it. Except for when I needed to rush to the bathroom, or when mid-episode my stomach started hurting.
I'm thinking it could be my a
side effect of my medication, Geodon.*Nausea or upset stomach
- Not digestive, but likely related - *Increased cough/runny nose
I've also had a very strong cough recently, that started a little before the diarrhea started, and got worse as time went.
I'm also thinking it could be
IBS, but it's not the main thing I think it is. Although there's evidence suggesting schizophrenia and digestive illnesses go hand in hand.'m still open to other suggestions. But please, if you're going to tell me I'm orthorexic, a hypochondriac, or I'm simply not really having these symptoms. Please save it for the other members you'd like to think aren't having problems.
I'm not saying raw foods are dangerous or problematic, and that everyone's gonna get the shits from raw foods. But there is a small chance it COULD happen, though very unlikely. But the more likely answer is that it's happening because of something totally unrelated, like me with my meds. But I don't think everyone who experiences some kind of symptom is a hypochondriac, or orthorexic. Remember though I did eat raw foods for some time entirely problem free. So this is a bump in the road.