Yeah, would you be offended if I copied you? I really, genuinely think it's a great idea for people who are comfortable sharing their health challenges and successes! My angle is helping others cure problems that they think they can't, and if you have a whole board full of people who have beat common issues, then it would be easy for newbies to say, "hey, I see you [remineralized your teeth/cured your cancer/got rid of your acne, etc], do you have any tips for me?" or something along those lines, or they can ask for detailed help on specific issues for specific conditions.
Actually I've thought about that kind of system in the recent past, and you manifested it! This could be a really big thing for raw paleo. If we could somehow get it in to a catalog so you can search members by the conditions they've cured or are making progress with. Modeling on success is hands down the BEST way to achieve health quickly, you can do it better on your own, but that takes so much longer! And this sort of a catalog system would make it a breeze.
I'm sure this idea will get poo'd by the admins, but it would be such an incredibly powerful tool to help others, I hope it will get a chance!
The reason I asked about k2 is because IMO it's the most difficult (and one of the most critical!) vitamins to get, and it always seems to be surrounded by high nutrient density and other very critical vitamins. In otherwords, k2 tends to be in foods that we need to eat, and those foods tend to cause us to grow the best. So focusing on those foods may give you the best chance of healing, along with any other foods that might be specific to your particular issues.
Brie, gouda, fish eggs, natto, FCLO, pastured organs/fat, etc
The brie and the gouda apparently don't even have to be raw, organic or grassfed (though it should be of course!), the bacterial culture produces bioavailable K2 from the milk, apparently even if it's garbage milk. Now I know you'd rather stay away from raw dairy, but it may have some benefits for you in the present and maybe could be dropped later.
What kind of cheese did you eat from the supermarket? Also, I highly recommend, if you have regrowing wisdom teeth, that you move hill and mountain to make sure you're getting as much k2 as you need so it's putting the bone in the right place in your body and so that tooth grows in as properly as possible. I'm almost certain that mine are coming in too, the lump seems to be getting bigger where those teeth should be.
Also, I noticed that foods high in K2 satisfy me particularly, almost always, in a profound way.
Just some thoughts, keep up the great work!