Author Topic: Ocean brine  (Read 2473 times)

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Offline RogueFarmer

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Ocean brine
« on: February 25, 2013, 06:47:51 pm »
I'm not sure I have read many people talking about this subject on this forum. I think it is incredibly important.

All life came from the oceans. They are vast reserves of the brine that spawned life, compared to the limited life recourses us landlubbers have at our disposal. Our blood mineral composition is close to identical to ocean brine, as is the blood of all animals.

I have read the point made that oceanic fish are healthier and more vibrant than freshwater fish and that they are much less likely to succumb to disease. Also it is seldom argued that freshwater fish are healthier than sea fish. Sea foods are commonly referenced as being some of the healthiest of all foods.

Like I said, life was spawned in the oceans or rather, back then, "the ocean", as it could very well be looked at today. But it wasn't simply fungus, animals and plants evolving to live on land that caused the verdant land we have today, it was actually the migration of ocean life onto land, via transportation up river and the consumption there of by predators. I have read estimates that the volume of salmon in the US coming up river was equal in nutrient value to 1/3 the amount of chemical fertilizers used in the US every year.

And then! Couple that with the knowledge that millions of years ago (can't remember exactly when but after the dinosaurs died out), the earth supported 6 times the amount of biomass (life) on land than it does today.

Finally, one has to question the quality of the soil. Man isn't the only thing that is hard on soil. The other thing is time. If I remember correctly the Appalachian mountain range is the oldest in the world. It's been rained on for so long that the soil has inherited a low cation exchange. High cation exchange is what promotes the most verdant vegetative growth and in turn the healthiest, shiniest herbivores and predators that feed off of them.

Chemical fertilizer harms the soil in a similar way to time and rain, but it's more like 1000 times as fast!

Also, on another topic but worth mentioning. The age that we slaughter modern farmed animals is a very new thing, less than 100 years old. Beef used to be 4-5 years old. Porkers were raised to 400 pounds or more. The average chicken in a pot wasn't no spring chicken! It was a spent hen!
The greeks preference was for a 5 year old bull. Native Americans hunted the biggest, oldest bucks and bulls they could find. They ate the tough parts and it wasn't uncommon to leave behind the tender pieces of meat.

Just some chuck roast for y'all to grind up into hamburger and add to your personal diet dictionaries.

I think some of this stuff is key. Especially since man has such an intrinsic and historical relationship with the sea.

Chew on some high meat and stew on that one for a minute folks. I wouldn't be surprised if this is the next step to be taken for those diligent raw dieters to surpass the sound barrier in age prevention and reversal.

Personally all sorts of seafood are about my favorites.... though I might be saying that cause I haven't had hardly much in so long. ;)

Offline TylerDurden

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Re: Ocean brine
« Reply #1 on: February 25, 2013, 08:14:19 pm »
An old person's digestive system deteriorates over time(though I'm not sure if this is to do with decades of eating cooked foods). If it has solely to do with age, then eating mostly high-meat would certainly be very helpful for old people.
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Offline dogman333

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Re: Ocean brine
« Reply #2 on: February 26, 2013, 12:20:03 am »
I live near the Chesapeake Bay where we the the Virginia Marine Institute. Alot of the scientists come into my workplace and I was speaking with one of them about his experiments. He mentioned that all the fish in the Chesapeake Bay are sick to some degree. His experiments were to understand the toxicity that is causing it. He said ALL the fish. And he understood that it was the toxins in the water --  not germs  -- that was responsible. That conversation opened my mind to the belief that the food we're eating just isn't what it used to be. Even in the oceans ( I know, the Bay isn't the same as a deep ocean).
« Last Edit: February 26, 2013, 07:16:53 am by TylerDurden »


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