Hi little Elefant!
I think you have gotten some great advice, also as far as the insulin goes from Adora!
You know I also have a weight gain problem. But I managed to go from 45 to almost 50kg (I'm 165cm tall) (100-110 lbs at 5'5") recently, while not even eating a very high amount of calories.
Summer last year I was trying to eat high carb AND high fat. I consumed about 81% fat, up to 3700 calories. There were carbs in there, even though it seems unlikely given the high fat content, about 90-140 g at the time. I did NOT gain an ounce, I even lost some weight and my face looked weirdly gaunt...like I lost fat in my face.
I gave up counting calories and eating lots of carbs and fat because it was frustrating. I ate a very low amount of calories, drifted into ketosis (30-60 g of carbs a day,
shared with a baby due to breastfeeding).
I lost a bit more weight, I was fatigued, started losing my hair, had horrible PMS, bad acne, I had heart palpitations, chest pain, my thyroid was acting up again (TSH - 5), I had inflammatory pains in my body, my liver enzymes were so high my doctor suggested hospitalization...did I forget anything? Well, I felt like falling apart a bit too.
I am the type of person that when things don't work out naturally, and my body does not sort itself out after about 3 months, I take things into my own hands. Which means I go pestering a bunch of doctors and I do a TON of research. I turn into a research machine
. It honestly is a bit stressful, and I have been told that by Iguana too. But I just feel that it would be even more stressful to watch myself falling apart. Not to mention I was having problems that were getting unbearable and painful.
So my research made me try a few things. I don't know if it is for you, and I don't mean to make actual recommendations, but I just want to share this and you can extract from it whatever you like and what makes the most sense to you.
1. Detox and regulating hormones. I chose (herbal) supplements for fast results and ease of use. And fast results I did get. All problems bettered within two weeks. My hair loss lessened a bit, my acne went from bad to mild acne, my skin turned very rosy, felt warm and I could feel blood rushing through it for the first two weeks. It got very soft...like it has not been this soft since I was 14, dry spots disappeared. My next period was MUCH better, almost normal. My liver and thyroid tests turned out a bit better. I put on a little weight (went to 47.5 kg) and my face started looking more "plump" again. It even feels like it..very odd actually (I first noticed my face getting more flabby after pregnancy, or my skin not being a plump in general, which I rad is due to pregnancy hormones, since your body wants you soft and stretchy for birth
and should subside..which it did not really do for me) To me it seemed that my body finally started depositing fat in some places, which I know you have a problem with too.
2. I then read that ketosis can cause problems in some people that have a history of certain illnesses/ problems. With my thyroid problem and being underweight while eating lots, I totally fit the description. I also had every single symptom.
I upped my (good) carbs slowly, and now eat between 140-170 g of carbs. That is when I saw more bettering too. Pretty much all my problems improved. My liver enzymes were almost normal, my thyroid went back to the *3.2 TSH I had been able to maintain on Paleo, my hair loss lessened again, it went back to almost normal...etc.
And most importantly, since I added some more carbs, made sure I eat enough calories without forcing myself (so having a general idea of what I need to eat, but making it tasty and readily available so I easily reach my goal), a variety of things I gained even more weight.
I think my problem was a combination of many things. I had changed my diet, but was still full of toxins from my prior lifestyle, and adding more toxins because my body was trying to detox fast after going Paleo, but not doing a good job (my guess).
To top it off I was unable to absorb and digest my food and calories. I assume I could have lacked calories and nutrients due to poor absorption.
I am have been prone to hormone related problems and autoimmune diseases. I think the diet that drastically differed from what my body knew, might have thrown it off even more. Hormones CAN be affected by diet. Hormones also can lead to a million other problems in your body. I read something that suggested that almost everyone has a (at least minor) hormone related problem. Our hormones really are connected to everything.
The way you describe your problems, it sounds like you have major problems absorbing, digesting etc. That is something that can't be caused by something like not working out enough, or not eating enough of [insert rpd foot]. I personally think you have a bigger problem, than just not eating a perfect diet or not maintaining a perfect lifestyle and exercise routine. So I would look further.
Work with doctors. They are not perfect (at all), but they have the tools to investigate further. You could get your intestines checked for example, to see if you have damage from a previous undetected Gluten issue (Celiac can also cause one to be malnourished).
I would assume that after getting a bunch of check ups, you will have more clarity, and in case something is found, at least you will know your "enemy" and can target the problem more specifically.
Nachwort: Das tut mir uebrigens sehr leid mit deinem Mann. Ich denke du machst gerade eine sehr schwere Zeit durch und es ist verstaendlich, dass der Stress da bestimmt auch ein Grund fuer deine Probleme ist.
Falls du Freunde und Familie hast dort, wuerde ich versuchen viel Zeit mit ihnen zu verbringen, viel zu unternehmen, leichte Aktivitaeten, vielleicht etwas hobbymaessiges, um einfach den Stress auch erstmal etwas wegzunehmen.
Fuer dein Problem gibt es sicher einen Grund und eine Loesung. Mann muss die Sache vielleicht nur einfach mal anders anpacken. Nicht nur auf eine Sache vertrauen, sondern alles versuchen. So wuerde ich es jedenfalls machen.
Es ist ganz wichtig fuer deinen Mann und deine Tochter, dass du wieder bei Kraeften bist. Selbstmordgedanken, wie alle depressiven Gedanken, sind erschreckend und quaelend, aber ich bin mir sicher diese sind nur eine "Begleiterscheinung" der Misere in der du gerade steckst, und werden auch ganz schnell verschwinden wenn die Dinge sich etwas bessern.
Ich selbst habe keine Selbstmordgedanken, aber seit meiner Schwangerschaft spielen meine Gedanken auch manchmal verrueckt. Das aussert sich am ehesten dadurch, dass ich staendig Angst habe meinem Sohn koennte etwas passieren und in meinem Kopf spielt sich dann etwas zuviel Kopfkino ab (was ich frueher nie hatte) und das macht es noch viel schlimmer. Ich bin sicher, dass es bei mir hormonell bedingt ist, denn es fing genau 2 wo. nach der Geburt an. Es ist jetzt viel besser und eventuelle Gedanken verwerfe ich gleich wieder. Jeder hat Sorgen und auch schreckliche Gedanken, nur geben wir ihnen normal nicht so viel Bedeutung.
Ich habe mir immer wieder gesagt, dass es totaler Quatsch ist was ich mir zusammen denke und es auf die Hormone geschoben. So hat es wenigstens etwas an Schrecken verloren. Ich hoffe du kannst die Selbstmordgedanken beiseite schieben und dich auf alles Gute und Schoene konzentrieren. Ich bin zur Erkenntnis gekommen, dass man als Mutter weniger fuer sich selbst lebt, als fuer sein Kind.
Bevor ich Mutter wurde und einen liebenden Ehemann hatte, liess mich meine Krankheitsgeschichte ziemlich kalt. Natuerlich wollte ich leben, aber mit dem Tod haette ich mich einfacher abgefunden. Als mein Sohn auf die Welt kam (und ich noch Probleme mit dem Krebs etc. hatte), fand ich den Gedanken daran, dass seine Mutter vielleicht sterben koennte, bevor er gross war, einfach schrecklich. Umso mehr habe ich deswegen beschlossen "das
kann einfach nicht passieren, und damit basta"...
Was ich damit sagen will - trotze deinen Problemen, lach sie aus, spiele sie herunter, sei ueberlegen. Irgendwann glaubt man wirklich dran.
Sorry for the German everyone, but you all know, me has bad English and some things I can't express the same way in another language