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Re: HI people... My (very) long story....still searching to fix it
« Reply #25 on: May 06, 2013, 08:50:45 am »
Perhaps, Jessica.

But why do you want to eliminate starchy veggies, nuts and carbs? There's no reason to think that our paleo ancestors didn't eat any nuts, carby foods and starchy plants. On the contrary we know that both chimps and nowadays last  hunther-gatherers eat plants, fruits and nuts as well. 

Some people need to get almost completely rid of carbs for a while, before they can start healthfully eating a sizable amount of carbs again.

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Re: HI people... My (very) long story....still searching to fix it
« Reply #26 on: May 06, 2013, 04:00:16 pm »
Do you know anybody who had healed his whte flurry tonge with this way of eating zero carb?

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Re: HI people... My (very) long story....still searching to fix it
« Reply #27 on: May 06, 2013, 06:24:57 pm »
Looking at the pictures of this poster's coated tongue and poop full of mucus and his description of body fungus and digestive woes, I think it makes sense for him to severely limit (or eliminate) carbs. Our paleo ancestors did not have his eating and  health history, nor were they given antibiotics as children. If his internal body climate is so unbalanced, he cannot just ignore the dysfunction and pretend that omnivorous RPD will heal it.

When someone has candida albicans overgrowth, the candida itself overrides appetite signals and mental clarity, and all of a sudden that person will think he really, truly has an appetite for fruits and other carbohydrates. The cravings become intense. He is saying so himself: he is binge eating SAD. Next thing you know, somebody will come along and tell him he needs psychotherapy for eating disorder.

K-WI, with or without coconut oil, correct very low carb RPD is a good idea. If you are feeding candida with carbs, coconut oil will not prevail. If you do get commerical coconut oil, try to find a brand that uses the old method of natural oil separation, not the processed kind that Iguana provided a description of.

Are you sure that even unprocessed carbohydrates such as found in sweet potatoes, wild fruits, sugar cane or honey from wild bees should be avoided when someone has a candida albicans overgrowth? I looked on wikipedia and there’s nothing about such a recommendation. Excerpt (confirming what you wrote in your following post) :

C. albicans is commensal and a constituent of the normal gut flora comprising microorganisms that live in the human mouth and gastrointestinal tract. C. albicans lives in 80% of the human population without causing harmful effects, although overgrowth of the fungus results in candidiasis (candidosis).

Still, even if natural carbohydrates were a culprit, which I doubt, why avoid nuts while a processed derivative of nuts such a coconut oil would be fine?

And once again, cravings shouldn’t be entirely trusted because they are due to our memory of the last time (or times) we ate a particular foodstuff. Since our condition is dynamic, it has changed meanwhile, so that we have to check with our nose and taste buds whether this foodstuff is still good for us at the moment. We may crave for some raw paleo food, but once we got it and test it, we can be surprised that it’s not good at the moment.     
« Last Edit: May 06, 2013, 06:30:12 pm by Iguana »
Cause and effect are distant in time and space in complex systems, while at the same time there’s a tendency to look for causes near the events sought to be explained. Time delays in feedback in systems result in the condition where the long-run response of a system to an action is often different from its short-run response. — Ronald J. Ziegler

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Re: HI people... My (very) long story....still searching to fix it
« Reply #28 on: May 06, 2013, 10:22:52 pm »
Do you know anybody who had healed his whte flurry tonge with this way of eating zero carb?

I got rid of white coated tongue, body fungus, and brain fog as an added benefit of very low carb. I never did zero carb. My main object is to moderate the release of insulin because of insulin resistance. It does not sound like that is your problem.

I realize that many candida protocols advise cutting out all carbs for a while, but then add some back. A good friend of mine got rid of her candidiasis by substituting coconut flour and flakes for everything for a while. I don't have the habit of needing to replace things like breads, so I never did that.

@ Iguana: I'm not sure who you are asking about natural carbs, including nuts. Limiting carbs does not imply using unnatural carbs. One simply eats less of the natural carbs. Nuts have relatively low amounts of carbs, so they are not prohibited. Actually, come to think of it, nothing is prohibited to achieve low carb intake. I see people in the lunchroom maintain a low carb intake while eating sugary foods.
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Re: HI people... My (very) long story....still searching to fix it
« Reply #29 on: May 06, 2013, 11:48:41 pm »
Everheart, thanks for your responses....
Here are some questions
Did you passed the mucous strings like mines while on the diet?
Do you feel that you are cured completely (for example can you eat one month of SAD without getting that white tongue again)?
What sort of fungus did you have?
Did you do some cleanses or just change your diet?

Offline eveheart

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Re: HI people... My (very) long story....still searching to fix it
« Reply #30 on: May 07, 2013, 03:22:17 am »
Did you passed the mucous strings like mines while on the diet?

I have passed mucus strings when I have eaten the wrong foods, like dairy or gluten.

Do you feel that you are cured completely (for example can you eat one month of SAD without getting that white tongue again)?

I am so convinced that SAD itself is so toxic - including cooked foods, grains, pasteurized dairy, grainfed animal meats, grainfed farmed sea animals, etc. - that I avoid eating SAD at all. I am not tempted to poison myself. I would as soon eat rat poison as eat a SAD diet. For example, if you had arsenic poisoning and took a treatment that cured you, would you want to eat arsenic again?

What sort of fungus did you have?

Candida albicans, in all the wrong places: tongue and skin folds like groin, armpits, navel (itchy!). I think that once candida leaks out of the gut, it can show up and persist in the system even when the gut is clear. If you starve it, I won't flare up into symptoms.

Did you do some cleanses or just change your diet?

I gave up on decades of cleanses with herbs, fasting, and enemas when I started RPD. Nowadays, I don't feel bogged down by ill health, so I don't feel the need to cleanse in a significant way. I do take one medication and a few food supplements in response to some blood tests that I had. I don't believe I can give myself a reliable self-diagnosis, so it helps to learn from health professionals that I trust. I do try all the RPD food suggestions that are mentioned by members of this forum. Some stuff I like. Some stuff goes out with the trash.
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Re: HI people... My (very) long story....still searching to fix it
« Reply #31 on: May 07, 2013, 06:33:57 am »
As a general principle: oranges yes, orange juice no. Coconut yes, coconut oil no.

Fresh raw meat is often unattractive. After drying-aging it for some weeks hung on a hook in a (dry) fridge, it takes a quite different taste and may be very tasty. But to like it, we have first to get rid of any proteins overload due to a previous excessive consumption of cooked meat-eggs-fish and dairy.

Living in a wet climate here....maybe a dehydrator could be helpful.
How did you get rid of any overload by excessive comsuption of cooked stuff?

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Re: HI people... My (very) long story....still searching to fix it
« Reply #32 on: May 07, 2013, 06:49:19 am »

is there a chance you can have your vitamin and mineral levels tested?  have you actually had your food allergies tested?

Actually not jessica, i did a blood and stool test months ago. It showed a parasite and high whiteblood cells..did you mean that?
How is the way a food test intolerance is done?  Don´t know much about them....

Like to think that it is not that food the problem (which maybe it was) but is how your body is reacting to that food the issue....or  how damaged/poisoned is your body that it isn´t no longer able to handle that food properly.

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Re: HI people... My (very) long story....still searching to fix it
« Reply #33 on: May 07, 2013, 07:59:53 am »
The way I see it, there are two forces at play here. On the one hand, if we were all raised as paleolithic children, we would probably not exhibit immune disorders and other special needs. On the other hand, if we continue with a modern-day agricultural diet, our diseases will progress and multiply.

So there are two routes: continue with cooking and processing our food and search for a magic bullet to make us immune to the ravages of cooked and processed foods, or...

Dive whole heartedly into RPD, which removes the giant thorn, and then address the remnants of disease.

In my case, I came to RPD with such bad arthritis in my hip that I couldn't walk. I was still working, and the walk from the parking lot to my office was so painful that I considered lying down in the middle of the street so that someone would call an ambulance. The things I tried before RPD were the "usual" treatments: food supplements, raw vegetarian, vegan, and fruitarian, enemas, etc. After a few days on RPD, I was walking without pain, although a limp remained. Eighteen months after starting RPD, I consulted a naturopathic doctor, got some blood tests and xrays, and take a few supplements that were indicated. The doctors are all delighted that I stick to RPD - even though they do not prescribe this way of eating into their recommendations, they have had enough evidence from their patients to know that raw meat eaters make the most successful recoveries.

I have read that, when autoimmune issues are present, removing the toxins are imperative. Even if you don't recover the tissues and organs that were damaged, at least you won't decline further. Also, remember that it is impossible to see long-term improvement immediately. Go on faith a little, and be patient with the process of healing.

For the record, I eat a high fat, moderate protein, and low carbohydrate RPD diet. I do not cook my food.

Hope this does not confuse you further. There are no absolute rules here, and there are many variations to eating raw meals that include animal products.

Remarcable....Glad to read your great recovery. And hope it continues.

And for removing the toxins, all of you say,  raw diet is imperative...but as you said there are a lot of different combinations. You can eat green leafy veggies plus nuts and you could make that diet a High fat/moderate protein/low carb RPD.

And, perhaps the real heal, uthopic one, maybe, but will be when i ´ll be able to eat all raw paleo foods again.  So as you said, first step will be not harming more your damaged organs...let them to "breath" again. But maybe will be some added protocols to recover almost completely and help detoxing a little bit more. And perhaps being able to tolerate again some milk, honey, or least they are paleolitic foods or maybe cheat on SAD for a social event and not having problems at all.

Also there are other toxics on this times not only cooked/processed foods but chemicals/antibiotics/vaccines/pollution/microwaves/stress.....

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Re: HI people... My (very) long story....still searching to fix it
« Reply #34 on: May 07, 2013, 08:24:21 am »
Looking at the pictures of this poster's coated tongue and poop full of mucus and his description of body fungus and digestive woes, I think it makes sense for him to severely limit (or eliminate) carbs. Our paleo ancestors did not have his eating and  health history, nor were they given antibiotics as children. If his internal body climate is so unbalanced, he cannot just ignore the dysfunction and pretend that omnivorous RPD will heal it.

I have read some stories of people getting rid of toenail fungus and white tongue just by removing what were poisoning them, for example amalgams/mercury and doing long time chelation.

When someone has candida albicans overgrowth, the candida itself overrides appetite signals and mental clarity, and all of a sudden that person will think he really, truly has an appetite for fruits and other carbohydrates. The cravings become intense. He is saying so himself: he is binge eating SAD. Next thing you know, somebody will come along and tell him he needs psychotherapy for eating disorder.

Totally agree but there is one missing point in this for me.....Imagine you have amalgams, and you are being poisoned by them.  Aulthought a good RPD will give you more strenght,(and more importantly, tou your elimination organs) there are theories that claim that, in this case, candida and parasites could be helping you detoxing from heavy going low carb you are not feeding them and you are not removing the main cause of your illness.

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Re: HI people... My (very) long story....still searching to fix it
« Reply #35 on: May 07, 2013, 08:30:08 am »
One thought that makes sense to me is that it takes an effective army to mount a defensive action. In the case of the body, symptoms such as fever and cold symptoms are the body's defenses. When the body is weak, it cannot raise a defensive symptom to fight infection.

Totally agree, i think :-)

Also, if you are talking about candida albicans, it is not like an infection. Some candida is normal, so the body should not raise fever in response to candida.

I am completely sure that this strings are an infection. And Giardia Lamblia as well, but don´t know if a high fever is the properly way to get rid of listening to my body it seems either it isn,t or my body is so weakened to do that.

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Re: HI people... My (very) long story....still searching to fix it
« Reply #36 on: May 07, 2013, 04:05:57 pm »
Living in a wet climate here....maybe a dehydrator could be helpful.
How did you get rid of any overload by excessive comsuption of cooked stuff?
Yes, a dehydrator is useful to dry the meat at ambient temperature. 12 to 24 hours in the flow of a fan is enough to have the meat dry in surface. It can then be stored in a fridge and perhaps put again in the dehydrator one hour or two if it gets to damp again.

You get rid of an overload just but avoiding anymore load and wait until the overload is resorbed!  ;)

And perhaps being able to tolerate again some milk, honey, or least they are paleolitic foods
To get milk, you need to go into domestication of animals. This is typically Neolithic and even a few decades ago there were several large population groups on the planet who never drank any animal milk. 
« Last Edit: May 07, 2013, 05:02:57 pm by Iguana »
Cause and effect are distant in time and space in complex systems, while at the same time there’s a tendency to look for causes near the events sought to be explained. Time delays in feedback in systems result in the condition where the long-run response of a system to an action is often different from its short-run response. — Ronald J. Ziegler

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Re: HI people... My (very) long story....still searching to fix it
« Reply #37 on: May 07, 2013, 04:38:51 pm »

To get milk, you need to go into domestication of animals. This is typically Neolithic and even a few decades ago there were several large population groups on the planet who never drank any animal milk.

Yes, sorry, i apologised, is neolithic

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Re: HI people... My (very) long story....still searching to fix it
« Reply #38 on: May 07, 2013, 05:16:43 pm »
You get rid of an overload just but avoiding anymore load and wait until the overload is resorbed!  ;)

I don´t know if i understood:

So in order to get rid of cooked neolithic protein------raw paleolithic protein...

In order to get rid of cooked neolithic fats------raw paleolithic fats....

In order to get rid of cooked neolithic carbs----raw paleolithic carbs.....

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Re: HI people... My (very) long story....still searching to fix it
« Reply #39 on: May 07, 2013, 06:07:02 pm »
No, I mean that to find an unseasoned and unmixed raw food tasty, we need to get rid of an overload of the nutrients contained in that foodstuff.

When our body is in a state of protein overload (which is almost always the case with a standard cooked and dairy diet) unseasoned raw meat, raw fish and raw eggs are repulsive: we bump immediately into the instinctive stop. In practice, it generally suffice of a few days without dairy and cooked animal foods until raw unseasoned animal foods become attractive.

Said in simpler way: we have to be hungry to appreciate a meal!  :)
Cause and effect are distant in time and space in complex systems, while at the same time there’s a tendency to look for causes near the events sought to be explained. Time delays in feedback in systems result in the condition where the long-run response of a system to an action is often different from its short-run response. — Ronald J. Ziegler

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Re: HI people... My (very) long story....still searching to fix it
« Reply #40 on: May 07, 2013, 09:15:13 pm »
I have read some stories of people getting rid of toenail fungus and white tongue just by removing what were poisoning them, for example amalgams/mercury and doing long time chelation.

Totally agree but there is one missing point in this for me.....Imagine you have amalgams, and you are being poisoned by them.  Aulthought a good RPD will give you more strenght,(and more importantly, tou your elimination organs) there are theories that claim that, in this case, candida and parasites could be helping you detoxing from heavy going low carb you are not feeding them and you are not removing the main cause of your illness.

I'm not sure why you said "imagine," but if that means you do have amalgams, remove your amalgams and do chelation for a while! Dental health deteriorates on SAD, so amalgams (which get loose margins that harbor bacteria) plus periodontal disease can be a constant source of toxic overload. Candida and parasites are not the only source of detoxing, so you can replace them with an appropriate substitute - iodine, selenium, chlorella, cilantro all come to mind. Oil pulling is nice, too.
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Re: HI people... My (very) long story....still searching to fix it
« Reply #41 on: May 07, 2013, 09:54:45 pm »
I'm not sure why you said "imagine," but if that means you do have amalgams, remove your amalgams and do chelation for a while! Dental health deteriorates on SAD, so amalgams (which get loose margins that harbor bacteria) plus periodontal disease can be a constant source of toxic overload. Candida and parasites are not the only source of detoxing, so you can replace them with an appropriate substitute - iodine, selenium, chlorella, cilantro all come to mind. Oil pulling is nice, too.

No. I don´t have amlagams, just 2 composite fillings of root canals due to an accident in which i broke my 2 front teeth. But i don´´t believe that this is the root of my problem...I wanted to open the point of view a little thing wondering if maybe will be important to do some more things along with the diet. (Chelation, cleanses or something....)

Problems came many years ago....most important bipolar/depressive/lack of concentrarion/attention/autoinmune disease/bone density/food intolerances

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Re: HI people... My (very) long story....still searching to fix it
« Reply #42 on: May 07, 2013, 10:46:49 pm »
Actually not jessica, i did a blood and stool test months ago. It showed a parasite and high whiteblood cells..did you mean that?
How is the way a food test intolerance is done?  Don´t know much about them....

Like to think that it is not that food the problem (which maybe it was) but is how your body is reacting to that food the issue....or  how damaged/poisoned is your body that it isn´t no longer able to handle that food properly.

intolerance tests are done by testing the blood, they can also be done on the skin.  mineral and vitamin analysis can be done to the stool.

when your body is constantly out of balance and reacting to things you are allergic to, it takes a toll on the adrenals, which produce histamine to fight the inflammatory response to the allergens.  removing the allergens, and things that feed disbiosis, and then concentrating on saturating the body with proper nutrients, fats, amino acids and beneficial bacteria is what to focus on.

I had systemic candida, I didn't have a white tongue coat like yours, but had yeasty sticky spit, bad dandruff and would get extremely fevourish and break out in acne and sores when I would eat fruit, honey, starchy veggies, alcohol.  I would binge on these things, felt very out of control and at the will of my blood sugar swings.  this was so severe that, even after cutting out all food allergens, which helped but didn't instantly cure the disbiosis, I had ammenorhea for five years due to this whole cycle of build up of yeasts/disbiosis, binging, blood sugar issues....etc...

what finally helped was to really commit to a very low carb diet, remove all plant foods besides greens, and lower carb veggies like celery and cucumber, and to really focus on whole animal foods, some cooked, some raw but mostly fatty cuts, offal, marrow, egg yolks, seaweeds and even some supplemental vitamins and omega 3's because I know that the allergies and inflammation inhibited proper absorption of nutrients. 

I finally have my blood sugar and hormones back in balance, my mouth is amazingly clean feeling, no sores or acne flaring up from consumption if carbs, no cravings, my digestion is regular, no bloating, my energy is improving daily and most of all my mental health is truly STABLE, for the first time in my life, the depression used to lift for a while, but it was like a rollercoaster, now I feel calm and sustainable in my emotions.

I have read so many other similar anecdotes on the internet I have to believe that this is not some kind of gimmick or quick detox diet, but a sustainable and healing lifestyle.   i have seen it range from stories so similar to mine psychologically as well as physiologically to many other types of disorders improve and heal with a low carb, ketogenic whole foods diet.

to be clear I don't think carbs/fruits/starchy veggies are totally out of the picture for life, but I would say even a few years healing time isn't out of the questions.   if its spring in your area, like it is here, i encourage moderate amounts of spring veggies for sure, all the bitter greens, flowers, asparagus, onions and garlic if you are not sensitive to them. 

patience, moderation and really focusing on a healing period where you just slow down, simplify the diet, get past the cravings, get the blood sugar stabilized and intestinal bacteria back in check, and let your body rest and calm down is extremely important and the basis for healing.

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Re: HI people... My (very) long story....still searching to fix it
« Reply #43 on: May 07, 2013, 11:24:48 pm »
I have already beginned again with the dr suplements till i decided what to do because i have them at home and already noticed they have some vitamins, aminoacids, omega3 and probiotics, and maybe they could help me a little bit for energy while i decide what to do

But her diet is high in fruits, PUFAS, processed milk (folic acid B flora), beans, grains, and all of you are not advocating to do so, althought the dr calls this diet "orthomolecular" in Argentina Ortho is how is the ass hole called -d
I noticed my stools on this diet were pretty frequent, big and medium formed....
I didn´t go yesterday to the bathroom and neither today...that is very infrequent on me. When i eat carbs i go to the bathroom without any problems and very frecuently and tend to have loose and pale stools...but this kind of constipation fear me.

Within your point of view, it Seems that the only good thing  this diet advocates is fatty fish and veggies.

Anyway there are a lot of people on the forums doing very low carb and not  healing from candida....
Maybe they are not focusing on Raw low carb RPD

I have ordered Candex enzymes as one option i have it is to go high on raw green leafy veggies(blended and strained with water) + candex + raw animal foods for the bulk of my calorie intake. ( i am underweight this week lost 2 kilograms because i didn´t know what to eat)

I have been searching for a All grass feed distributor near my house.....but i have been told they finalice their meat on grains for about a month. I live in the coast line, so i can purchase good and fresh fish.

I have cravings for peanuts since 2 days ago. I don´t know why. Yesterday night i ate a bunch of them.

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Re: HI people... My (very) long story....still searching to fix it
« Reply #44 on: May 08, 2013, 07:28:10 am »
After reading this I am thinking on sulfur deficiency

Lot of symptoms here too.
And it seems that rich sulfur foods are those all  you are advocating. And most are raw paleo ones.

How Sulfur Deficiency is Created

Sulfur has been known since ancient times for its healing abilities.

Sulfur is very involved with the production of collagen and collagen cannot be made without sulfur.

Sulfur is also very important in protecting your body from harmful toxins and heavy metals found in our environment.

There is no RDA for Sulfur, but your body uses up about 750 mg. of sulfur per day.

Most people are probably deficient in this mineral despite the adequate consumption of sulfur foods.

The depletion of our soils and bad animal husbandry practices mean that our fruits, vegetables, and factory farmed animal products usually have very little organic sulfur to give our bodies.

This sulfur is then further destroyed during cooking or pasteurization processes.

Properly grown and eaten sulfur rich foods will help to give your body this necessary mineral that literally helps to keep your form.

« Last Edit: May 08, 2013, 08:01:58 am by K-WI »

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Re: HI people... My (very) long story....still searching to fix it
« Reply #45 on: June 20, 2013, 08:22:14 pm »
I came here searching for answers to my illness.
I read, read and re read the forum (and still reading).
There are not 2 same persons.

I really aprecciate all your help.

Some of you reccomended a nearly zero carb diet to me.....i researched stories here on raw zero carb and found a lot of failed stories.....Yuri, BBQ, Brady, michael, little elephant and way more. Also there are a lot of succes stories. But problems like tiredness, weak adrenals etc are common among this zero carbers.

Iguana advocated me the instinto way. He put me in contact with a french guy that would help me. But again, i read some failed stories on anopsology (little elephant) and feared of it so i didn´t do it yet. I think i will overdo on fruits and fats....because that are my cravings. I dont watch myself smelling and going for a raw meat without seasoning. On my last experiments....if i ate fruits and fats (nuts or whatever fat) i will reach diarrea that i am guessing if maybe that is my goal (reach diarrhea so my body could detox itself but also it could got dehidrated too) EDITED: I mean...if i eat raw fats and raw carbs (apples and coconut/nuts) i reach diarrhea.....but if i eat cooked fats and carbs (bread with butter or olive oil or even nuts) i dont reach diarrhea. I just reach soft and pale stools.....will this mean anything?

Some people had reccomended me a totally raw milk/kefir diet to repopulate the gut.

Some other people say diet will not be all, and that your way of living is more important.

So i am a little bit more confused right now and not know how to act or what to do. I heve been reading almost all journals and didnt find a patch that matched for me.

Also, I have a friend with candida/symptoms like mine´s.....After trying all type of diets he become desesperated, crying all day....Then he has been doing IF but eating normal (cooked meat, cooked fish, some rice, some beans, coconut oil, nuts, salads, fermented veggies, little fruit...)
He has been drinking during 3 months 1 to 3 liters of his own urine and doing one enema daily. Yo would not believe the stuff that has been coming out of her ass.....Strings like mines, then roots and more awfull shit....His tongue went completely pink first week of doing it....and he feels more focused, energetic and calm too.

This is not that i dont want to eat raw meat/organs and so on....i think i will eat whatever in order to scape from this big hole i entered when i read about candida, decided that i was a candidiasistic person since childhood and changed my diet to whole grains, salads, and nuts...then continually changing life become more and more stressed (you know, social meetings, doing shopping...doing sprouts, kefir, water kefir....etc etc...)

Anyway...thank you a lot for all your answers and blessings to you. It is clear that all of you love to help othe rpeople.

I will write here or i will start a journal once i decided what to do with my live and eating patterns.

Best regards to all of you
« Last Edit: June 20, 2013, 08:42:35 pm by K-WI »

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Re: HI people... My (very) long story....still searching to fix it
« Reply #46 on: July 03, 2013, 11:03:59 pm »
This are candida (or what i think it is) released during my water fast....anyone knows this alien?

That is mucus.


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