... it may be the cause of my eczema and other auto-immune issues. I also read that overtime it eats away at the mucosa barrier of the digestive wall, which I believe is strongly associated with auto-immune issues.
Yeah, I think anyone who has autoimmune issues should probably try doing a super-strict autoimmune diet for at least a month, based on my experience and others. You can always add foods back in later, one by one, testing each as you go. My immune system has gradually calmed down some over the years and I'm tolerating more foods than I used to.
You may get grief from friends/relatives/bloggers/... for it, with today's worries about eating disorders, "orthorexia", etc., but I found that the health benefits were worth the getting hassled about it, and when I later added back foods I found I could tolerate, most of the worryworts relaxed some when they saw that. In my case I also had test results I could show them if they doubted I had an autoimmune issue and an elimination diet was actually prescribed for me, which I found satisfied folks who feel that a therapy is only safe if prescribed by someone in a white coat (though I found that my own personal testing of foods was vastly more effective than the prescribed diet based on the test).
Do you guys ever worry about calcium on a raw paleo diet? I guess it's not a problem as long as you can get raw dairy. I know Loren Cordain states you don't need nearly as much as the modern RDA states, although I'd be interested to hear y'alls take.
Other raw Paleo sources of calcium include marrow, greens, small bones and raw bone broths (there's a thread on that) .
Most concerns about calcium relate to bones. Collagen protein and phosphate are also important components of bones and there are important cofactors to calcium like vitamins D and K2 and other minerals like magnesium and zinc, but hardly anyone talks about them (other than vitamin D) because the dairy industry doesn't have a profit interest in those.
Another option is to try to improve the gut microbiota. Beneficial microbes tend to calm the immune system down, per the Old Friends Hypothesis and recent research. I find this much more difficult to achieve than improvement via dietary effects, unfortunately.
There are still other therapies that reportedly calm and improve the immune system, most of which involve hormesis or relaxation, such as cryotherapy, meditation and relaxation techniques, sunlight, quality sleep, etc.