Ok, Phil. Yes, I appreciate your open mind.
Let’s go back to the tolerance / intolerance concept as seen by GCB and endorsed by Seignalet. I had to rethink about it and try to get it straight in my mind before explaining it properly, which I failed to do (because I was eager to go to the beach!), as pointed out by Cherimoya Kid.
The assumption is that by eating cooked food or an excessive amount of any specific foodstuff, the body gets polluted by abnormal molecules and foreign proteins. Before becoming a part of us, ingested foreign proteins must be cut into amino acid which are subsequently re-formed in suitable human proteins, as well explained by Seignalet under his point 3 here http://www.reocities.com/HotSprings/7627/ggforeword.html :
If you’re interested, you can read the complete explanation of Seignalet, which is quite technical. (select the text, copy and paste it on Word or whatever to get rid of the mess on the webpage) but certainly more accurate than my approximate tentative.
To make it short, cancerous cells continuously appear in our bodies. These are earmarked by what I think is called in English “antigen presentation”, so that the immune system can identify them and destroy them. Now, when the body is polluted by foreign proteins which trigger the cells having included them to show a specific type of “antigene presentation” on their membrane, the immune system is thought to finally go “on strike” (tolerance), failling to destroy those cells anymore as it would involve destruction of a large proportion of the body.
My difficulty with this article also extends to most "scientificism" discussions.
The authors start off with assumptions that are based on the predjudice they started off with. Here is an example:
"1. Man's genetic adaptation to his natural environment. This tenet is in keeping with Darwin's theories published in 1859 and which remain valid despite their having been partly altered or improved on by other scientists. Species are descended from one another, evolution being due to genetic alterations (mutations, deletions, insertions, replication, genetic and chromosomic reshuffling) best suited for such changes being the ones selected - individuals fittest for survival in given surroundings superseding the lesser endowed. Both man's forebears and primeval man lived like animals and were subject to that law. Thorough-going natural selection over an extended timespan turned out beings well suited to their background and especially to their diet. "This assumes that Darwin's theory or "Natural Selectionism" as a number of contrary-minded authors call it, is accurate. There are a number of well know objections to this modern religion, ie. large populations were decimated by starvation, which has nothing to do with cancer, or adaptation, or genes or DNA or enzymes or what can get through the intestinal tract. If there is no food such as when the sabre-toothed tigers were wiped out in North America, then there is no food. People cannot eat rocks and dirt and survive for a sensible period of time.
Cancer is a relatively modern disease in as far as it being a popular way to kick the bucket. My favourite version of the reason for the popularity of cancer is the one in "Dirty Electricity" by Epidemiologist Dr Samuel Milham
A Brief Introduction to 'Dirty Electricity' - Dr. Sam Milham That has squat to do with what we eat.
Ayurveda says that food that does not digest properly tends to get stuck in the GI Tract, sort of like glue. Then it eventually makes it's way through the osmotic barrier depending on the health of the tract (which is to a large degree based on it's lubricity, [is that a word LOL]... surprise, surprise fat [which dairy has in spades] is necessary for health because it provides the lubrication). Once it makes it's way into the blood it's anybody's guess as to where it ends up and what organs etc are damaged. Fat in the diet afaiac is primarily to lubricate the tract so that food can move along it, and the walls and thus the osmotic barrier is kept supple and strong, thus preventing undigested foods breaking through into the blood.
Before anyone gets excited obviously dairy is not the only source of fat.
Personally and this is my opinion, (not my religion like Darwinism is to Richard Dawkins) that humans have only devolved. There's a heap of wild and crazy guesses amoungst anthropologists etc that defy explanation and are typically left out when making broad brush descriptions of the "Descent of Man".
AFAIAC The only reason we live longer nowadays is that we have such an abundance of food and comforts that allow us to look out our windows at major weather upheavals and allow us to live in places that would have been impossible in the past when a minor weather issue could wipe out a bunch of us from starvation.
Regarding enzymes, they are not a static thing that we have all our lives. They diminish in quantity and quality as we age and may indeed be the reason that we age as a lot of people have concluded today. I personally think the reason we need additional enzymes particularly as we age is related to not eating raw foods.
Here is another statement that he makes which proves his predisposition to say what he believes and paint it up in a "Scientificism" article.
"Consequently, man has altogether strayed from his natural condition, considering that no wild animal feeds on the milk of another species,"He clearly states that populations that consumed dairy expanded greatly and indeed may have wiped out the hunter-gatherers. this would lead one to believe the opposite of his assumption, in other words dairy must be good because it brought about a population explosion. By extension, his logic would have had us all kickin' the bucket from Cancer.....
However I return to what I said all along, which is that milk is like every food, in that it is apropos for some and not for others and as far as percentages, who gives a hoot! If it's good/bad for you, it's good/bad for you. Eating any food constantly without a break, I don't care whether it is raw or not is a bad idea. I can only stand a certain number of days with anything.