How do you know the oil is raw? Most arent. ANd why are you using oil for your fat? You dont have access to suet or bone marrow or butter? Oils are more for cleansing than nutrition and very few of them are pressed below 96f, none that are available for common sale as far as Iknow and oils are extremely vulnerable to heat damage.
and waht is this raw protein shake you are drinking. I havent heard of a truly raw protein shake yet.
As far as natural problems go there are none. If we were being totally natural we would have no problems.
Everything is unnatural, we are sick because of cooked food, vaccines, pharmaceuticals, foods spiked with biological weapons, gm foods that produce their own biological weapons, stratospheric aerosols, electromagnetic interference, haarp waves, and god only knows what else. Nobodies illnesses are natural right now, they are all pretty much caused by high technology. Nature will heal all these things though if you arent extremely close to dead or have been impacted by a biological weapon such as those who have morgellons disease. Nobody ahs tried raw paleo/primal diet for this condition, I would be very interested to see the effect this diet has on this probably nanotech based affliction.
And as far as your brain injury goes, nothing is more natural. Your body definitly knows how to handle that much better than it knows how to handle biological weapons.
so i guess you found a raw dairy source? Howd u do that up there in canada?
funny how the naturopath told you that you needed exactly what I said, vitamin d, and i didnt even get to look at you. Did he say anything else? I hope you take the green pastures fermented cod liver oil (there is no other truly raw fclo as far as I know, the rest are contaminated rancid heated or all three)for your vitamin d6 instead of isolated d6 pills. Those pills are minimally absorbable by the body and while they may help a little with this one issue it will cause lots of side effect damage along the way and it isnt worth it at all. Those isolated pills are the oppsite of a raw food, even worse than normal cooking. You want to heal yourself with raw foods and the best way to deal with the vitamin d issue is with totally raw and absorbable fclo.