Author Topic: Raising awareness and leading people to health (If they want to be lead)  (Read 12502 times)

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Please trust that I have thought of all of that and understand it.

The naturopath taught me things even about life that I had already been pondering for a long while.
I am very critical.

I understand my body will eventually (probably) repair itself perfectly if I simply continue with raw paleo.
I am just unsure as to why people expect that anyone as weak mentally and physically as I am should just tough it out and hope for the best.
I am very into being helped along by intelligent people and making my symptoms of brain injury recovery as well as detox manageable. Why shouldn't I be? I'm not doing anything unnatural. I'm just helping my body so it can do it's job faster and more comfortably.

I cannot exercise.
Not yet.
I know regular people can't understand that, and it isn't your fault at all.
Yoga is my way of keeping myself flexible and active, even while exercise drains my body of life.

The world needs to learn from itself, it's whole self.
Everyone should just work together and we should delete the borders,
clearly they only do us harm.
I listen to everyone on this forum with the same ears, I don't care where the information is from, I only care if it makes sense.

I do not lack vitamin D from spending my time at home,
as I have a balcony in my room and sit out in the sun at any chance I get.
And since I'm always home, I get MANY chances.
I lack vitamin D from the canadian winter taking a big toll on me this year,
and from being in the sunless BC for 3 months.

I am not religious in any way, please assume that I can not be sucked into anything that can't be proven to me.

I have no patience, not in the way you're thinking at least.
I need to be actively doing something, actively making things better.
I am patient in the way that I know how much work is ahead of me, and I will not give up, even if I see as many detox results as I see progress.

Offline svrn

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If you think you lack vitamin d from being in canade then get the cod liver oil. Not only will ti help depression with the vitamin D but since it is fermented it will give you the same benefits as high meat. When I was taking it daily i always took a triple dose, three syringe fulls from green pastures) and I felt a mood lift as soon as I swallowed it in the same way I get the mood lift from high meat.

High meat is really great for depression.

Im not saying you should tough it out and hope for best, im saying it will be easier to just do the raw foods than to put yourself through even more trouble. Im not sure what the doctor said  to you so I cant really comment however. I understand the feeling of wanting it to go faster, thats why I did a bunch of cleanses from edwins blog and it did make things faster, its just unnecessary. I also believe the cleanses do a bit of damage and require some recovery.

And some of the people with the deepest beliefs are those who think they have none, im not saying you are one of them. Just know that religion is a very ancient science of mind control that can hit you when you least expect it. Like when people go to do yoga as a health thing and before they know it theyre chanting the names of some hindu gods and floating around in space thinking about quantum physics and moral relativity and how special and nlightened they are because theyv done so much yoga and wear turqoise clothing and the most powerful crystals. Iv seen it happen a million times before. Theres few things more dangerous than thinking you cant be tricked, those are the people to be tricked first.

I remember doing a lot of the cleanses goodsamaritan talked about on his website to speed my healing. I did lots of liver flushes and Im sure it really sped up my recovery but I kind of wish I didnt do it because it really is a terrible experience. Have you read any of edwins blogs? Theres a lot of stuff there to speed your recovery if you have a lot of free time and dont mind feeling quite uncomfortable. I think the liver flush is the most important to do.

theres his website

So what did the naturopath tell you to do? Is it cardio excercises that you were unable to do? have you tried slower excercises?

Offline LePatron7

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I'm really glad you're taking the steps to improving your health. Can you tell us what your daily diet is like?
Disclaimer: I was told I was misdiagnosed over 10 years ago, and I haven't taken any medication in over a decade.

Offline Poncho

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I'm not sure here, but I think I have some health problems (especially mental ones) that are completely unnatural and therefore cannot be helped in the natural way.
Obviously the RIGHT natural things applied in the RIGHT way will do it.
But I felt that if I didn't take action, I would continue declining.
I felt that I had to actively do something, even if it was for my own mental health.
Which is the biggest part of my battle.
If I was even just a little bit weaker than I already am, I probably would have done something stupid when my depression peaked. I am therefore saying that it would not have been possible to just do the raw foods. I am sure of that.

The naturopath diagnosed my need for vitamin D. Specifically D6.
I had already figured out the 'D' part, but not the '6' part.

I have no religion in any form. I know this because the only thing I truly believe is that we will never know everything, and therefore must NEVER stop trying to learn. I know to consider EVERYTHING and dismiss only the things that I have recently learned are certainly untrue. If someone brings up something that I haven't looked into in a long time, I will reopen the file. I often quickly close the case, because having already proven it wrong prior, it is easier to figure out. Not always though, quite a few reopened cases have been closed with new conclusions. 

So far, the only person to have the ability to trick me has been my mother.
This is because of the emotional ties and the obligation I feel to love her.

I have recently ended this trickery, at least for now.

I am horribly critical of all humans and am no longer trickable.
My openness to try new things, even when they don't make complete sense, should not be mistaken with trickability.
I even find myself trying really weird things, and have come to the conclusion that I try them just to be able to say that I have.
People like when you've tried many things, then they start to believe that maybe you actually have a difficult condition to heal.

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Typical daily diet:

2 raw eggs

(1-3 times daily, various serving sizes) Kephir

(1-2 times daily) Fruit (this is a new addition, my body is LOVING it)

(2 times per day) Raw vegetables (Also new, also loved by my body)

(2-3 times per day) Various meats, cut up into manageable chunks, covered in really nice cold-pressed oil.
Instead of one serving of meat, sometimes I have a serving of raw fish. Often with raw seaweed and some of the oil + avocado

I also try my absolute best to eat my last meal before 4:30 PM, if I fail to do this, I suffer very uncomfortable indigestion and bloating the next day. I also have a hard time falling asleep if I ate past 4:30, the next morning is also rough. My sleep tends to suffer as well. (I figured this out through trial and error.

I drink LOTS of water, I also drink a raw protein shake about once per day with raw goats milk.

I eat a lot of raw cheese too, I love it.

Since I introduced raw dairy just weeks ago, I have gained 6 pounds.
This is incredible, because I had been slowly but surely dropping pounds till I was at 103.
I weighed myself at the doctor's office, an accurate scale that said 103 pounds.
At the naturopath yesterday, on another accurate scale, 109 pounds!

Offline LePatron7

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Good stuff  :)
Disclaimer: I was told I was misdiagnosed over 10 years ago, and I haven't taken any medication in over a decade.

Offline Poncho

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The kephir is also raw by the way.
Everything is raw always.

Offline svrn

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How do you know the oil is raw? Most arent. ANd why are you using oil for your fat? You dont have access to suet or bone marrow or butter? Oils are more for cleansing than nutrition and very few of them are pressed below 96f, none that are available for common sale as far as Iknow and oils are extremely vulnerable to heat damage.
and waht is this raw protein shake you are drinking. I havent heard of a truly raw protein shake yet.

As far as natural problems go there are none. If we were being totally natural we would have no problems.

Everything is unnatural, we are sick because of cooked food, vaccines, pharmaceuticals, foods spiked with biological weapons, gm foods that produce their own biological weapons, stratospheric aerosols, electromagnetic interference, haarp waves, and god only knows what else. Nobodies illnesses are natural right now, they are all pretty much caused by high technology. Nature will heal all these things though if you arent extremely close to dead or have been impacted by a biological weapon such as those who have morgellons disease. Nobody ahs tried raw paleo/primal diet for this condition, I would be very interested to see the effect this diet has on this probably nanotech based affliction.

And as far as your brain injury goes, nothing is more natural. Your body definitly knows how to handle that much better than it knows how to handle biological weapons.

so i guess you found a raw dairy source? Howd u do that up there in canada?

funny how the naturopath told you that you needed exactly what I said, vitamin d, and i didnt even get to look at you. Did he say anything else?  I hope you take the green pastures fermented cod liver oil (there is no other truly raw fclo as far as I know, the rest are contaminated rancid heated or all three)for your vitamin d6 instead of isolated d6 pills. Those pills are minimally absorbable by the body  and while they may help a little with this one issue it will cause lots of side effect damage along the way and it isnt worth it at all. Those isolated pills are the oppsite of a raw food, even worse than normal cooking. You want to heal yourself with raw foods and the best way to deal with the vitamin d issue is with totally raw and absorbable fclo.


Offline Poncho

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It's irritating that you pick at everything I say in a way that makes me appear wrong always.
When really I'm just being much more vague than I guess you can follow.
I know that nothing is supposed to be wrong with us, I know that the planet is perfect and that anything wrong with it is manmade. Manmade meaning that it can be unmade.
Nature can not be unmade.
Because it was not made, it was already here to begin with.

You can argue against that I'm sure, but no one knows the truth, so it doesn't matter.

None of us really know, we all just need to listen to each other.
The arguments you're making with me are ultimately irrelevant.
I am healing the way that I am healing, I learn under any circumstances.
You turn me off with all of your ranting, but I have heard of cod liver oil being good so I will now try it.
No matter how foolish someone is being, you should ultimately just seek the truth in their words.
The rest is useless.

All I have chosen to retain from this argument is that I should try cod liver oil.
Nothing more.
I have already thought of the rest, and do not need to be condescendingly told about it.

I am not angry, I just want you to understand that approaching someone in this way is a bad idea.
Be nice to everyone.

Help everyone but never assume that they don't already know what you're telling them, because they might.
They also might know more about it than you do.

Offline svrn

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I keep it real with everyone and sometimes they dont like it. You will hear the truth as I see it from me 100%. Im not gonna sit here and try to sound super loving with everything and be super positive and just bursting with loving encouragement because thats not me. All I do is give the facts as I see them and the way they pop into my head with no editing so you are getting nothing but honesty with me.

its only because im trying to help. 

Sorry if you think im making you feel stupid. I actually think you are really smart.

Sorry if I dont always sound like a nice guy, its only because im not a nice guy, not because of you.

The way I help people is with emotionless information and I attempt to give them all the info they need. Im not trying to make anyone like me im only trying to help and what iv realized in this life is the more you try to help the more you are hated. Its like such an act of love always results in hate which is an absurdity but it is the reality we live in. Thats why Im not loving in my advice anymore. You may think thats not the way to go about it but its worked out for me. It turns most people off but when I get the occassional person who is serious about wanting to learn it makes all the others seem like they dont matter anyway. (I am mostly referring to teaching people the true nature of reality now, not teaching them diet which it may apply to as well but I have less experience with)
« Last Edit: May 25, 2013, 12:54:35 pm by trollofthedungeon »


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