Author Topic: Why are people bashing Raw Paleo?  (Read 54496 times)

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Why are people bashing Raw Paleo?
« on: June 28, 2013, 01:02:38 am »
I have many thoughts on this topic.
I am not asking because I don't have any idea,
I'm asking because I would like more opinions, opinions from people in other countries etc.
I'm also not saying that I know the answer,

But I am saying that I'm sure you don't KNOW the answer either haha

Just discussion please, I have a lot of interest in this.

No one knows, all we can do is think and talk and put things together to help us progress.

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Re: Why are people bashing Raw Paleo?
« Reply #1 on: June 28, 2013, 01:13:34 am »
In the general population people tend to be afraid of bacteria and parasites.

They also think that:

animal fat is going to cause a heart attack.

red meat causes colon cancer.

a lot of protein will cause kidney damage
"In the modern, prevailing view of the cosmos, we sit here as tiny, unimportant specks of protoplasm, flukes of nature, and stare out into an almost limitless void. Vast, nameless tracts of emptiness dominate the scene. Talk about feeling small.
But we do not look out at the universe; it is, instead, within us, as a rich 3-D visual experience whose location is the mind" - R. Lanza, Beyond Biocentrism.

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Re: Why are people bashing Raw Paleo?
« Reply #2 on: June 28, 2013, 02:02:19 am »
But all of the medical sites posting garbage about it.
They have all of these made up 'facts' painting a really false picture for people.
They've gotta know better, dont they?
Then there are they people who go on these forums and claim to have gotten really sick blah blah blah from raw meat.
That's gotta be bullshit. Cause I mean I've eaten raw a few times daily for about 6 months now.
I started off very ill, now I get complimented on my radiant skin.
I am only going up, slowly but surely.

All of this controversy has had me afraid, because it all seemed so deliberate.
Like someone has been planting the weird evidence that would lead people to believing such garbage.
But now I'm wondering if maybe people here in canada are just misinformed as a whole?
So maybe there is hope, if there is a teacher?

I'm confused, haha.

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Re: Why are people bashing Raw Paleo?
« Reply #3 on: June 28, 2013, 02:04:46 am »
also, a very good example of the weird seemingly maliciously fabricated evidence that leads people away from health:

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Re: Why are people bashing Raw Paleo?
« Reply #4 on: June 28, 2013, 02:51:48 am »
But now I'm wondering if maybe people here in canada are just misinformed as a whole?

Of course they are misinformed, but it aint just canada, it's pretty much everywhere
"In the modern, prevailing view of the cosmos, we sit here as tiny, unimportant specks of protoplasm, flukes of nature, and stare out into an almost limitless void. Vast, nameless tracts of emptiness dominate the scene. Talk about feeling small.
But we do not look out at the universe; it is, instead, within us, as a rich 3-D visual experience whose location is the mind" - R. Lanza, Beyond Biocentrism.

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Re: Why are people bashing Raw Paleo?
« Reply #5 on: June 28, 2013, 05:08:29 am »
Because Raw Paleo is a diet - not a religion.
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Re: Why are people bashing Raw Paleo?
« Reply #6 on: June 28, 2013, 06:34:36 am »
I never used to be a conspiracy theorist, but I slowly find myself being put into that category because it's so obvious that the government (U.S. I at least know for sure, I guarantee others) knows whats really good for people but are driven by power and money and control. I'll explain:

Since the early 1920's, a German nutritionalist (can't remember her name, sorry, but Gary Taubes talks about her in Why We Get Fat and What to Do About It) noted, upon arriving in America for the first time that "the children are exceptionally large" and also that Americans eat a "disproportionate amount of bread and grains" There was no burger king back then, there were no refined fats, but she still said we were tubby. In the 1970's there was finally declared the epidemic of heart disease by the U.S. govt (all hail) and what do we do about it? Stop eating fat! What has changed since then? Heart disease is now the leading killer of Americans. People are told it's because they won't give up their McD's and other greasy food, but in reality, its all processed foods. Triscuits being pawned off as 100% whole grain and healthy and Dave's Killer Bread (Oh I've been battling my grandma on this one for months) is healthy because he uses grains and seeds only (not true, there are some fishy ingredients on that list). It's because those refined carbs give people a dopamine boost and are as addictive as cocaine. That's not my opinion either. There are a lot of recent studies (Dr. Oz just had one on his show this last month) showing how the same amount of dopamine is released for a cocaine addict as a coca-cola addict. However, I digress.

In light of all these wonderful studies and powerful evidences, what does the government do? They would never admit they were wrong about low-fat diets. No, we have always been at war with Oceania. It's just now they have to say that what helps your heart the best? "omega-3 fatty acids" (all hail). Wait a minute, omega-3's are a fat. But isn't that bad? No, let's never allow that question to be asked and the govt. can still go on being hailed as mighty savior of our terrible disease ridden nation, with all those damn polluters (let's go buy some manufactured cars and plastics) pesticides (let's go to wal-mart for food) and fast food joints (but they are so quick and I'm so tired).

The government WANTS us sick. They are okay with letting plant foods being known as good raw, but they'll also throw out the notion that needing to eat cooked grains is truly going to help you. And every now and then promote the idea that someone somewhere got sick from eating a raw steak and make a HUGE deal about it. Raw vegans? I delivered flowers to a lady not too long ago that was dying of cancer. She and her husband were goat farmers. She had a handful of bumper stickers (memory fails me of their exact wording) that led me to the conclusion she was near vegetarian, if not quite "healthy" by SAD standards. I believe she took the conventional treatment and received radiation and chemo. My heart broke.... So many things going through my head. If only's and but's and how my discontent with the govt can be shown from either two ways by them:

1. They are absolutely the most retarded board of scientists/doctors/leaders to EVER walk the face of the earth in ALL of history. Which lends to just how GREAT (sarcasm) democracy can be.

2. They are playing dumb and want our money, want us sick, want control, while they continue living with the secret power of being able to keep people from enjoying life. Which also shows how great democracy isn't.

Doctors go to school to learn about drugs from other doctors that did the same. They learned from books produced and funded by pharmaceutical companies. Those companies get the "FDA" stamp of approval on their drug for a certain share of the cash, regardless of side effects (huge lists far worse than what you're trying to cure, so much so it's become comical rather than sickening to the average american), the govt also has other branches they maintain (ADA, AHA, USDA, etc.) all promoting the same thing, "eat plenty of grains and make frequent doctor visits." Why can they promote doctors of western medicine so much that have the worst record of medicine in history, far worse than Ayurveda or Chinese medicine, both of which arose from the introduction of processed (cooked) foods.

Too long, didn't read?: People bash raw paleo because they are brainwashed by a government that wants to keep us sick, regardless of their countless failures, our greatest mercies would grace them to plead ignorant, somewhere in the middle would show them pleading greedy, and at the far end, which I can't help but lean towards, hopefully not out of resentment, but out of sheer truth, they would plead sadistic, simply enjoying having the power they have and reveling in the fact that they can control a whole nation of people, constantly getting them to partake in the actions (eating poor food and downing drugs) that continue to make them more sick.

I know, I hate the big conspiracy texts also, but I can't seem to find any other logical conclusion.
« Last Edit: June 28, 2013, 06:40:22 am by Dr. D »

Trying to heal ADHD. Common symptoms: fatigue, impulsiveness, poor attention, no motivation.
Other side issues I'd like to get over: Acne, dandruff, tooth health (yellow, poor gums, gingivitis)

If ya ain't hungry enough to eat raw liver, ya ain't hungry enough.

We are all just doing the best we can, with what we know, at any given time.

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Re: Why are people bashing Raw Paleo?
« Reply #7 on: June 28, 2013, 06:38:51 am »
From the link you posted,

"What’s missing?
Dairy, which is how most of us get our calcium and vitamin D. The Paleo Diet is also low in carbohydrates—and there’s research that shows limiting or eliminating carbs impacts your memory and your mood"

Yet they don't cite the research... hmm...

Anecdotal evidence of people on ketogenic diets (cooked) seem to say their mood and memory are greatly increased.

My mood and memory go down when I have carbs of any sort, more refined being worse, easier to digest not being an issue.

"What’s missing?
If you’re not eating any animal-based products like meat, fish, eggs, poultry or dairy you’ll miss out on vitamin B12—a vitamin your body needs to transform fat and protein into energy, as well as other essential functions. You also won’t get much, if any, vitamin D—and more and more research is showing that adequate vitamin D is important in warding off a host of chronic conditions, from heart disease to cancer."

Umm, Liver contains awesome amounts of vit. d... and we are probably the least deficient people in B12, considering thats mostly what we eat. haha. Yet of course they say "food-born Illness" as to why you shouldn't eat raw meat.

So far 6 weeks of raw meat (including high meat) and I only slightly puked once, though I'm pretty sure that was from alcohol.  -v ;D
« Last Edit: June 28, 2013, 06:45:27 am by Dr. D »

Trying to heal ADHD. Common symptoms: fatigue, impulsiveness, poor attention, no motivation.
Other side issues I'd like to get over: Acne, dandruff, tooth health (yellow, poor gums, gingivitis)

If ya ain't hungry enough to eat raw liver, ya ain't hungry enough.

We are all just doing the best we can, with what we know, at any given time.

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Re: Why are people bashing Raw Paleo?
« Reply #8 on: June 28, 2013, 04:58:32 pm »
Guys I just got a live blood analysis, it uncovered a lot.

It's very interesting.
I wrote a nice detailed post, read it on my blog.

But the point I wanted to emphasize here, is the amount of parasites in my blood.

Guess how many?


Most people typical american dieters have some.

I didn't have a single one.

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Re: Why are people bashing Raw Paleo?
« Reply #9 on: June 29, 2013, 10:35:56 am »
I don't like that the web is full of crazy 'intellectual seeming' madness like this:
Why Are People Still Eating Meat?

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Re: Why are people bashing Raw Paleo?
« Reply #10 on: June 29, 2013, 11:11:48 am »
Vegans will always bash meat eaters, raw or not. They think they have found the absolute truth but need to survive off supplements. The comments on that video are absurd.  "people have no taste receptors for amino acids so that's why meat doesnt taste delicious like carbs" or "humans don't like to kill so we are herbivores"

Those people are so destroyed by their lack of b12 they are irritable and ignorant and can't even use logic. Best to ignore and move on.

Trying to heal ADHD. Common symptoms: fatigue, impulsiveness, poor attention, no motivation.
Other side issues I'd like to get over: Acne, dandruff, tooth health (yellow, poor gums, gingivitis)

If ya ain't hungry enough to eat raw liver, ya ain't hungry enough.

We are all just doing the best we can, with what we know, at any given time.

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Re: Why are people bashing Raw Paleo?
« Reply #11 on: June 29, 2013, 09:46:10 pm »
But theyre wrong.
Its been proven countless times.
It's cool if they want to deny their bodies the proper nutrients, fab, but I'm not okay with them convincing others that it is right.
You know, the follower-type people who really look to others for guidance?
They want help, and instead they receive false information delivered by some passionate lunatic.

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Re: Why are people bashing Raw Paleo?
« Reply #12 on: June 29, 2013, 10:26:48 pm »
I agree with you Poncho.  Yes, they are wrong.  In Aajonus' experience, adding raw meat to raw fruit and raw vegs increases the cure rate of sick people.

I have experienced this myself in healing people.

I'm sad that there are vegan healers.  I call them noisy short on knowledge teenagers.  When they mature enough and kill enough of their patients they will learn raw paleo diets.

Our time is coming.  Soon veganism will be buried by the raw paleo diet tidal wave.

In the future, all healers will know raw paleo diets and the variations in which to cure people.

« Last Edit: June 29, 2013, 10:33:35 pm by goodsamaritan »
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Re: Why are people bashing Raw Paleo?
« Reply #13 on: June 29, 2013, 11:58:35 pm »
It is very frustrating and saddening Talya. I think the best we can do is continue getting the word out.

GS, I'm not so sure with our current day that raw paleo will become a big thing. Most people I talk to are usually so revolted by the concept they usually say they would rather die. Plus, vegetarianism is usually seen as the pinnacle of health because of the massive media brainwashing.

Trying to heal ADHD. Common symptoms: fatigue, impulsiveness, poor attention, no motivation.
Other side issues I'd like to get over: Acne, dandruff, tooth health (yellow, poor gums, gingivitis)

If ya ain't hungry enough to eat raw liver, ya ain't hungry enough.

We are all just doing the best we can, with what we know, at any given time.

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Re: Why are people bashing Raw Paleo?
« Reply #14 on: June 30, 2013, 12:26:25 am »
We can do it.
I'm sure of that.
There is enough undeniable proof out there.

It's just going to take persistence and dedication.
Don't ever accept the idea that you should just keep your wisdom to yourself and live your own happy life.
That's insanity, were all too connected for that kind of thing to be possible.

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Re: Why are people bashing Raw Paleo?
« Reply #15 on: June 30, 2013, 04:47:41 am »
I don't mean to be a pessimist and I probably sound like one but I consider myself a realist. The hundreds of people that saw me lose 20 lbs in a little over a month asked me what i did, if I starved myself or something. I said I ate as much as I wanted. Then told them I ate beans, meat, and veggies. First question "no fruit or bread?" I said nope. They almost always said "ill just count calories and eat a little bread" even when telling them I consumed over 2000 calories a day, mostly in fat and protein and that calorie counting was a lie, they still didn't care and would rather eat bread and "exercise it off"

my point is trying to show the world that raw is as wonderful as we've experienced it to be is like trying to show a drug addict that he'd feel better without drugs. It's like trying to tell a child that sex is better than candy or chocolate. The idea of their favorite thing being taken away at the slight chance the new thing is better doesn't appeal. People fear the unknown more than they are intrigued by it. People don't want to face the fact that they believed a lie because they take it too personally and consider it a reflection of their character.

Don't get me wrong, I try to let anyone know that I can, and gauge their reaction before diving in all the way. But this thread is about why people are averse to raw so that's what I'm trying to stick on. Playing devil's advocate. I want my family and friends healthy just as much as myself. It's just I've been here before, making health leaps and people usually respond with "cool pass a beer"

Trying to heal ADHD. Common symptoms: fatigue, impulsiveness, poor attention, no motivation.
Other side issues I'd like to get over: Acne, dandruff, tooth health (yellow, poor gums, gingivitis)

If ya ain't hungry enough to eat raw liver, ya ain't hungry enough.

We are all just doing the best we can, with what we know, at any given time.

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Re: Why are people bashing Raw Paleo?
« Reply #16 on: June 30, 2013, 05:17:18 am »
Yeah all of that seems to be the same for everyone, I get that.
But then why do we stop there?
It's not the learners that are the problem here, it's the teachers. Us.
Because honestly, the majority of people don't give a shit, right.
But we do,
so we have to learn to teach them in a way that will be effective.
See, we've got the truth on our sides,
it isn't actually possible that we would not find a way to lead others.
People are ALL sick, all of them. (Including us, I think it's going to take at least a few healthy generations going by for us to see health again.) The sicknesses are so unique in each person, which should further prove to them how absolutely poisoned humanity is.
The more videos and articles I read online, the more I see that every type of person is catching on.
People all over the world, scientists, activists, parents, you name it.
The problem is, they are only catching on to pieces of the whole truth.
I've seriously spent weeks and months and now years researching and observing my own symptoms as well as the symptoms of others.
I know that it's only a matter of time before the whole truth gets out, I hope that I'll be around to see it.

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Re: Why are people bashing Raw Paleo?
« Reply #17 on: June 30, 2013, 05:59:28 am »
All we need are business models.
That will get the ball rolling.
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Re: Why are people bashing Raw Paleo?
« Reply #18 on: June 30, 2013, 06:15:07 am »
I think, as it was said by another here, that over time we are the best examples.  And yes 'famous'  people in the media will help to a great extent.  But living as an example is what I am talking about.  Losing twenty pounds in a month is great, but your friends don't know whether or not you'll put it right back on, as the majority of dieters do.    If you think about who in your life has influenced you the most towards health:   physical, emotional and spiritual,  it most likely was someone who was vibrant, loving, optimistic,  intelligent, kind, caring...  as well as healthy looking.  My point is,   pure presence or the ability to shine as a completely aware individual far outweighs  something like a verbal description of a newly adopted diet or lifestyle  in influencing others.  Something to think about in this world of competing should do's and should not do's. 

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Re: Why are people bashing Raw Paleo?
« Reply #19 on: June 30, 2013, 06:43:53 am »
Once I'm healthy, I'm moving to the wilderness.
In the wilderness, I don't expect to be influencing others with my healthy presence.
Seeing as I don't plan on having many 'others' around me. Ever.

I'm trying to spend my healing time wisely
I figured I may as well give it my all while I'm here in the world of technology and sick people.
If that's considered a bad idea, I don't really care, because it feels right.

Even if people don't learn from me now, it doesnt matter, because when they come looking for answers they will be right here waiting.
The internet remembers all.

I think the only damaging thing is going to be all of the grouchy negative people bashing supplements and 'non paleo' ways of helping the body transition to raw paleo.
Our bodies are messed right up.
Generations of damage have been dealt, and certain people's bodies are clearly taking it harder.

People just need help. When the sickness gets into the brain, it becomes much harder to cure. Cooked food really messes up the brain.
 It won't be easy, but it has to be done. Just try your best and don't tell people that helping is a waste of time.
Because that's all I'm hearing, a lot of the time.

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Re: Why are people bashing Raw Paleo?
« Reply #20 on: June 30, 2013, 07:09:45 am »
I recognize the stage you are in in this healing and realization process.

I can see that when you become cheerfull in your youtube videos you'll be a youtube sensation for paleo dieters on youtube. 

Try to look for that black 70 yr old lady who looks like 30.

Ingers videos are inspiring.

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Re: Why are people bashing Raw Paleo?
« Reply #21 on: June 30, 2013, 07:23:07 am »
Gotta keep in mind that my youtube videos serve a few purposes.
-Documentation of my recovery (Must be accurate)
-Informing others
-Working on my verbal expression (Because I suck at it, but can write just fine)
-Getting vegans to understand that they are just slowing down the recovery of man, but that the raw ones are on the right track in certain ways.
-Being true to all 4 reasons.

I will not fake cheer just to get likes, even though it is very clear to me that would work.
I understand how to manipulate people, it's very simple, I'm just not interested in that.
I want to show everyone how true all of this is, that even a crazy unstable 20 year old girl can see how right it is.
Then they will be able to someday look back on my old videos and see how far I've come.
It will be good, just wait haha. Don't give up on me, I know what I'm doing. My emotions are just all over the map and really messing up my credibility. My sanity somehow remains intact underneath it all.

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Re: Why are people bashing Raw Paleo?
« Reply #22 on: June 30, 2013, 08:54:45 am »
"I think, as it was said by another here, that over time we are the best examples..."  "But living as an example is what I am talking about..."  "If you think about who in your life has influenced you the most towards health:   physical, emotional and spiritual,  it most likely was someone who was vibrant, loving, optimistic,  intelligent, kind, caring...  as well as healthy looking.  My point is,   pure presence or the ability to shine as a completely aware individual far outweighs  something like a verbal description of a newly adopted diet or lifestyle  in influencing others.  Something to think about in this world of competing should do's and should not do's.

van, well said. 
lead through example, not by trying to convince others.

i'm not sure i want some hollywood movie star promoting what i personally chose to do, and how to live...  it makes it seem "hokey", like everything else they promote...     :D
when we're all the last healthy people alive on this earth, things will be great.  gs, no more computer attacks!  the stupid shall be punished.  let the "youtubers" revel in their moment of popularity...  i can't wait until they're gone.  they thrive on ignorance, and they mislead the ill informed, without dignity or responsibility.

where's a massive solar flare, when you need one?     ;)
"it'll be just like a sleepover, only we'll be sweaty and covered with grease!"  spongebob squarepants

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Re: Why are people bashing Raw Paleo?
« Reply #23 on: June 30, 2013, 09:12:22 am »
van, well said. 
lead through example, not by trying to convince others.

i'm not sure i want some hollywood movie star promoting what i personally chose to do, and how to live...  it makes it seem "hokey", like everything else they promote...     :D
when we're all the last healthy people alive on this earth, things will be great.  gs, no more computer attacks!  the stupid shall be punished.  let the "youtubers" revel in their moment of popularity...  i can't wait until they're gone.  they thrive on ignorance, and they mislead the ill informed, without dignity or responsibility.

where's a massive solar flare, when you need one?     ;)

I gained the courage to start raw paleo by watching others eat raw meat on youtube and explain how great it is.
These raw paleo promoting videos really help someone nervous about the transition.
Without the internet, I would not have been able to discover raw paleo.
Without that discovery, I would not have healed from all of my injuries properly.
I was helped, I see the importance in helping others.
I am condensing my helping into a smaller amount of time, so that I can be free to live in nature.
The purpose of life is to help others, you obviously don't agree
Keep on Keepin on, though.

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Re: Why are people bashing Raw Paleo?
« Reply #24 on: June 30, 2013, 09:17:37 am »
i has been brought to my attention in other threads, that my opinion of youtube is "less than popular"...  allow me to recant my feelings relating to the site, and offer an apology to those who find it a valuable resource.

i'm very sorry to have ruffled feathers.

i did not intend to offend, or disrespect.
"it'll be just like a sleepover, only we'll be sweaty and covered with grease!"  spongebob squarepants


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