Author Topic: Just starting ZC carnivor, might need pointers plz  (Read 8005 times)

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Just starting ZC carnivor, might need pointers plz
« on: July 03, 2013, 07:20:09 pm »
So my name is Henrik and im 31yo from Sweden. Plz read some more about me under presentations. I just started ZC 3day ago eating only raw beef fat, liver, kidney, tongue, heart, ox tail, mackerel, herring, bone marrow. I eat two time a day, first 8AM then again at about 4PM.
Is this style of eating and the foods im using what other people here are doing?
How much muscle meat do other ZC eat?
I have started to notice a small cramping feeling in my left side just where the spleen is and i can feel its hard to breath at times, almost like im out of breath at time with a deep hard pulse, esp if i take a hot bath. Is this standard going ZC?

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Re: Just starting ZC carnivor, might need pointers plz
« Reply #1 on: July 03, 2013, 07:54:28 pm »
Lol there is a wave of ZCers posting just now. As I've said to them: If you're going to eat ZC, please keep a journal of your experiences good and bad, so that others can learn from them. I recommend that you eat a small amount of plants to keep your relevant gut-bacteria ticking over, but as long as you share all your experiences here, then even if you end up in a bad shape at least others can learn from it.
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Offline 24isours

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Re: Just starting ZC carnivor, might need pointers plz
« Reply #2 on: July 03, 2013, 09:29:26 pm »
Hello Fave,

    I don't know if you've recently given up a high carb diet but from my experience, shortness of breath and tightness in the spleen area is something I temporarily went through when I had given up grains. I would say it is part of the cleansing process. I've been ZC now for two years and have not experienced any problems without consuming plant food. I am sure to include a little organ meat everyday as it is a necessary source of vitamins for ZCers. Over doing the protein can really make you sick - so be careful. To give you an idea of what my diet is like here are some macronutrient breakdowns:


Protein: 75g
Fat: 250g
Carbs: I eat around 40g of Liver/Heart per day which is about 1g/carbs

3 Years on a Strictly Raw Ketogenic Carnivorous Diet.
*Currently still on a Ketogenic diet but have now incorporated raw vegetables.

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Re: Just starting ZC carnivor, might need pointers plz
« Reply #3 on: July 03, 2013, 11:52:43 pm »
Sounds like that can be the trouble with the spleen, will wait and see if it goes away, other then that i feel good, somewhat low in energy but i guess it takes some time for me to up the ketones?

Thank you so much 24isours. I am doing more protein but not by much (im under 100g), i do about 500g of some sort of muscle meat/organ meat a day then i just eat beef fat until im not hungry. However some days i have done 400g of kidneys or liver...
Why do you eat so little organ meats? Why is not your main source of protein from oragan meat? What is your preferred source of protein and fat?

Offline 24isours

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Re: Just starting ZC carnivor, might need pointers plz
« Reply #4 on: July 04, 2013, 06:52:30 am »
Sounds like that can be the trouble with the spleen, will wait and see if it goes away, other then that i feel good, somewhat low in energy but i guess it takes some time for me to up the ketones?

Thank you so much 24isours. I am doing more protein but not by much (im under 100g), i do about 500g of some sort of muscle meat/organ meat a day then i just eat beef fat until im not hungry. However some days i have done 400g of kidneys or liver...
Why do you eat so little organ meats? Why is not your main source of protein from oragan meat? What is your preferred source of protein and fat?

You are welcome! The reason why I limit organ meat consumption is because I eat it mixed in with my meat daily. I seem to be doing okay eating this amount. Four hundred grams of liver too often could make you sick as it contains a lot of Vitamin A. I also take into account the bodys ability to store fat soluble vitamins - making me think that we don't need such a massive amount of them often. The body knows best.
3 Years on a Strictly Raw Ketogenic Carnivorous Diet.
*Currently still on a Ketogenic diet but have now incorporated raw vegetables.

Offline mango

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Re: Just starting ZC carnivor, might need pointers plz
« Reply #5 on: July 09, 2013, 10:46:43 am »
I've been doing raw ZC for close to 2 months (and 6 months of cooked ZC prior to this) and have had nothing but complete success and reversal of so many serious health issues that have plagued me my whole life.
Happy to answer any questions you might have.

99% of what I've been eating has been grassfed 75/25 ground beef.

Experimented with organ meats for about 2 weeks (grassfed heart, liver, kidney), eating a few ozs each day, and ended up feeling horrible after a few days.  I personally can't understand how so many on this forum an consume massive amounts of organ meat each day - they are so loaded with vitamins that I literally feel like I'm overdosing on some strange drugs after a few days.

I'm one of the few on here who advocates a muscle meat only raw ZC (grassfed) diet! :)


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