The last couple of days ,I have been eating Ram, drinking blood, and having great adventures and my testosterone feels fairly high. I feel a strong urge to protect the strength and vitality of my self and fellow tribesmen. I feel a sense of rage against the things that threaten the vital force of life which is the birthright of all humanity!
Together those of us who still have sufficient sperm cells to breed and brain cells to think, must work together to keep the industrial complex from wussifying all of Mankind.
In the words of the great Monty python from the meaning of life "Every Sperm is Sacred, every sperm is great, if a sperm is wasted, God gets quite irate"
sperm count of the western male is down 85 percent since the 50s according to the UN.
Lower sperm count can be seen as a general sign of lower virility as well as vitality. The signs are everywhere in industrial society, for those with eyes to see.
and the drop in sperm counts is not due to only gm foods but everything since the 50s combined including phytoestrogens in our food, mandatory pasteurization of milk, gm soy formula fed to infants instead of breast milk, pesticides in crops, toxic vaccines, etc etc etc.......
There are so many factors, and each individual cause of lowered virility can be so subtle in itself that its difficult for many people to see the whole picture.
Not only are there numbers of different factors involved in lowering the sexual and physical prowess of modern man, but all the factors that use to contribute to a heightened prowess have been subverted by unseen mechanisms.
Sunlight exposure increases testosterone production greatly, yet now people are told sunbathing is deadly.
Antibacterial chemicals are omnipresent in many hygiene products, heavy use of these substances have devastating effects on our hormonal systems.
Diets rich in large amounts of organ meat, seafood, animal fat, and cholesterol that were responsible for our ancestors accent from monkey to Man, have been demonized in many modern cultures. As a result most people are never given the proper building blooks nessisary to become a blue ribbon stud, or a blue bell brood mare.
Modern farming practice now require the castration of all male livestock, using the idiotic excuse that testosterone makes the meat tough and gammy. In reality they started doing it to make the male animals more passive and controllable. Lowered testosterone makes males more passive, this is as true in "withered live stock" as it is in "Human beings" ( I personally suggest that all paleo men eat intact mature male animals)
In general the average pubescent male of today. Will consume large amounts of GMO rich processed foods. Soy meat and cheese are a staple of the public schools cafeterias. The meat that is served to him will be from castrated, GMO soy and corn fed animals dosed with growth hormones and antibiotics. The water he drinks will be treated with chlorine and fluoride. The soap and tooth paste he uses will be laced with hormone disrupting elements. The vegetables he eats will be treated with chemical fertilizer, and sprayed with pesticides. He will spend his days in a school room under fluorescent lighting, getting very little exposure to daylight.
(This is the story of my adolescence, and it is the story for countless others born to the generation from which I had spawned)
The good news is that Life is tenacious, and despite all the garbage that is put into our bodies, most of use still preserve the will to live, and if the environmental factors responsible for weakened vitality can be identified, and the proper changes made, then it is possible to undue a lot of the damage being done by the"soft kill" methods of population control.