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Re: Russell Brand, is he a messiah or a bolshevik?
« Reply #50 on: January 07, 2015, 11:29:39 am »

Strange times indeed when an actor and comedian calls out for world wide revolution. Although I am inspired by what he says, I am still skeptical. 100 years ago the Bolsheviks had a similar spiel and once the revolution was over, even bigger bastards took control than the ones who were thrown out.

Still he is right about many things, the time is now and we cant let the current political power structure set the agenda for the world of the future. The establishments politicians and their owners are not going to present the kind of alternatives that are needed to bring about the kind of changes that would benefit "We the People". We must take back the right to chose for ourselves what kind of world we want to live in, and take personal responsibility for the future we create.

Its the information age, anyone of us here is just as capable of being informed about the state of affairs in the world as anyone else. No longer should we allow decisions that effect everybody to be made behind closed doors by a small group of wealthy people, while the 99% are not allowed a seat at the table.


This Russel Brand guy has just woken up to the REALITY and the NEW CONSCIOUSNESS taking the world by storm these past few years. (I started waking up myself in 2006)

This guy Russel Brand has just spoken about his NEW CONSCIOUSNESS but he has no solutions yet.

Russel rightly says that there are others who may have the solutions...

example of a SOLUTION BELOW

I posted a video of a 4 hour talk of Michael Tellinger (South Africa) who wants a world revolution... an answer to what this Russel Brand has just exposed.  Michael is some 10 - 20 years ahead and doing something about this problem with his Ubuntu Party / Global Movement.

Michael wants all central banks become PEOPLE's banks... then eventually the demise of money... get rid of all money.  Money has enslaved humanity since the time we were created.  Something like Star Trek... they had solved the problem of money.

(Remember Ron Paul and his End the Fed battle cry?  Same consciousness.)

Like Jessica, I always stick to the message only.
Not the messenger.
This Russel guy may be a celebrity to some of you in your countries but I have no idea who he is.
His message is clear.  He's just not the guy with the solutions.
He is just the messenger.

First They Ridicule You.
Then they fight you.
Then you win.

Something like that.
« Last Edit: January 07, 2015, 11:57:27 am by goodsamaritan »
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Re: Russell Brand, is he a messiah or a bolshevik?
« Reply #51 on: January 07, 2015, 12:27:41 pm »
Michael wants all central banks become PEOPLE's banks... then eventually the demise of money... get rid of all money

Classical utopia.  It only works in ... ants or bees and only within their nest.
People naturally are not suited for this model.  You can't fool nature.

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Re: Russell Brand, is he a messiah or a bolshevik?
« Reply #52 on: January 07, 2015, 01:47:46 pm »
Classical utopia.  It only works in ... ants or bees and only within their nest.
People naturally are not suited for this model.  You can't fool nature.
100% (99.99999...%) wrong. This what we have and have had for a long time is outside negative manipulation, not nature. If there was no manipulation, it would essentially be utopia right now.

I'd suggest to upgrade your definitions of the world in regards to society and what's really possible and right and thus should be.
People presently are manipulated. People literally are not who they are supposed to be, thus of course everything will be messed up and no utopian-like society in effect.

I came to the exact same conclusions about money and how society should work all on my own some years ago. Then about a year ago I found this guy saying the exact same things, essentially wording the exact same solutions I would have in his position.

And of course in utopia there would be mistakes done and happening now and then (more in the beginning, less as it progresses), but they would be learned from and corrected and never, high emphasis on never, repeated. Because people would become aware of them quickly. And so mistakes would become rarer and rarer, until as if none at all, and until actually none at all (unless when potentially dealing with something that's outside their society and have little to no knowledge or experience with).
Repeating mistakes is how presently people are manipulated. Repeating mistakes is negative manipulation, not nature.

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Re: Russell Brand, is he a messiah or a bolshevik?
« Reply #53 on: January 08, 2015, 12:29:41 am »
People presently are manipulated

Not just presently.  It's been like that since day 1.  Manipulation has always been there throughout human evolution.
And not just humans.  All animals that form tight groups from small packs to huge colonies are highly manipulative.  Individualism is not tolerated. 

Humans already went through moneyless period.  If it is such a good system, why do you think they abandoned it?

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Re: Russell Brand, is he a messiah or a bolshevik?
« Reply #54 on: January 08, 2015, 05:21:13 am »
Not just presently.  It's been like that since day 1.  Manipulation has always been there throughout human evolution.
And not just humans.  All animals that form tight groups from small packs to huge colonies are highly manipulative.  Individualism is not tolerated. 
I didn't mean it in the sense that just presently and never before. I meant it in the sense that they, we, still are manipulated (and/or still suffering the consequences of the manipulations), and that's why utopia is (still) mostly regarded as unachievable and nonsense.

Animals form groups because that's how they can survive. Even we humans couldn't survive nor progress without each other, so even for us it is natural and right to form groups.
In case of native human tribes there are elders and shamans people look toward for guidance. It is natural that some individuals, in terms of self growth, either physical or rational, or emotional, etc. grow faster than others and get ahead.

With animals, from our perspective, there seems like little individuality, so you have to look at them from their perspective. Plus the fact that our mental abilities enable much more varied individualities, but animals don't have such minds (plus animals aren't so highly genetically manipulated over the ages, unlike us).

The suppression of individuality is also a negative manipulation.
In case of animals, for example those who have higher individuality in the sense that they are physically and mentally above others (meaning they will win the challenges), those will become the "leaders" of the group. It is natural.

Humans already went through moneyless period.  If it is such a good system, why do you think they abandoned it?
Negative manipulation. That's why.

But when did they go through it? What times are you referring to?

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Re: Russell Brand, is he a messiah or a bolshevik?
« Reply #55 on: January 08, 2015, 05:38:21 am »
According to sumerian text scholars... homo erectus... before genetic engineering could not speak and could not understand their alien / godly commands... was the time of the moneyless period.

When the alien gods manipulated homo erectus and turned him into an adamus... the first human... the first discussion these god aliens made with adamus was about a river splitting in 4 and the first head going to the land of Havila... where there is GOLD and that GOLD is good.

Read your oldest Bible, Genesis 2. I found King James Bible Online.

Humans were born and alien god introduced GOLD at birth...

That is MIchael Tellinger's story... that humans had NEVER tried a moneyless system.

Homo erectus was not human.  And there is no missing link.
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Re: Russell Brand, is he a messiah or a bolshevik?
« Reply #56 on: January 08, 2015, 07:36:03 am »
Here is a messenger more precise, more formal, more respectable than Russel Brand and you can listen to his message this 2015.  Presenting the great monetary historian Mr. Andrew Gause in New York City, USA.
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Re: Russell Brand, is he a messiah or a bolshevik?
« Reply #57 on: January 08, 2015, 07:59:10 am »
If Russell did achieve something tangible with his protest (and time will tell how effective it really was), then he has earned some credit, regardless of his personal failings. I will give him that.

He sure does have one of the strangest style preferences I've ever seen, though:

This looks like old lady + gym bum + crackhead style. Perhaps he figured out that the more outlandish he acts, the more media attention he gets?
Do you know what he wearing in that video and is there a special reason he wore it?
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Re: Russell Brand, is he a messiah or a bolshevik?
« Reply #58 on: January 08, 2015, 11:56:37 am »

Do you know what he wearing in that video and is there a special reason he wore it?

It appears to be some kind of fancy motel towel, as for why he wore it, I could only guess?

Perhaps he wants to appear like an average news consumer, whom after taking a shower and waiting to dry off, picks up a news paper and becomes so enraged by what he is reading that he doesn't bother to get dressed before going off on a huge rant, decrying the twisted agenda of the corporate media.

I find it amusing that the primary criticism regarding brand has been that he is a "Narcissistic Hypocrite" Has anyone ever considered the point that many of the historical figures regarded as messiahs, oracles, prophets, sages if put under the same scrutiny could be called out for the same offence. I say hypocrisy is a part of human nature, and is only bad if it is used for nefarious purposes. Many hypocrites are idealist who have very pure intentions, such as aspiring to love thy neighbor and encouraging positive change. Even though they may not fully apply in their personal lives their publicly espoused ideals, so what. Who out there really does? Lord knows I dont!

"Do I contradict myself? Very well, then I contradict myself, I am large, I contain multitudes"

The united states was founded by" Narcissistic hypocrites". Our founding fathers where boozing, slave owning, whore mongering, cannabis consuming, radicles.... yet many of their ideals and aspirations have merit!

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Re: Russell Brand, is he a messiah or a bolshevik?
« Reply #59 on: January 11, 2015, 07:30:21 am »

His shows, tapes probably aren't selling as strongly as they once were, so he is reinventing himself to keep in the limelight. He is an entertainer (con artist even comes to mind) not a messiah .

Just forced myself to re-watch the first interview, it was painful.

If I understand correctly, Brand moved beyond mere words and Tweets, leading a protest that took on billionaires, succeeded and addressed the real issue of the housing crisis, yes?

Well I read he has solved his own personal housing crisis for when he travels to LA  he owns a million dollar Hollywood mansion.

I suspect he puts a great deal of effort to dress like a bum.

I personally think everyone should live in an affluent area like Hoxton, close to the business centre, close to transport. It should be decided on fairness not the ability to pay for the rent ha ha.
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Re: Russell Brand, is he a messiah or a bolshevik?
« Reply #60 on: January 11, 2015, 10:39:06 am »
Wodgina, Its very easy to criticize anyone for anything, we all fall short of the glory, and for sure I would agree that there are far more worthy messages in this world than those provided by Brand. People like John Perkins, as well as many others like Aaron Swartz, or Pat Tillman who have become the martyrs of our age, are much more honorable hero's

Yet because brand is associated with being ridiculed in the press, to the point of having no "credibility" he is in a position where he would be able to reach certain demographics with a message that other more eminent minds of our time would not be able to reach, because of the unilateral censorship apparatus of the Corporatocracy.

Many of the critics in the media Regarding brand centers around petty trivialities, and will not address the heart of the issues he brings up. He may be a rascal, he may live in a million dollar home, so what, what the fuck does that have to do with global awakening and the restructuring of our systems? So far I have heard very little critique of the message and much banter about some relativistic hypocrisy regarding the messenger.

The awakening is not some popularity contest, nor is it centered around any individual. Anyone who wants to participate should be free to stand and be counted. If Russell Brand is merely pandering to naïve Pollyanna sentimentalities of misguided people, so what, as long as his intentions are good, and the information he is spreading is "true" I don't think any less of the Man. He is only Human for Christ sake.

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Re: Russell Brand, is he a messiah or a bolshevik?
« Reply #61 on: January 11, 2015, 11:39:33 am »
Wodgina, Its very easy to criticize anyone for anything, we all fall short of the glory, and for sure I would agree that there are far more worthy messages in this world than those provided by Brand. People like John Perkins, as well as many others like Aaron Swartz, or Pat Tillman who have become the martyrs of our age, are much more honorable hero's

Yet because brand is associated with being ridiculed in the press, to the point of having no "credibility" he is in a position where he would be able to reach certain demographics with a message that other more eminent minds of our time would not be able to reach, because of the unilateral censorship apparatus of the Corporatocracy.

Many of the critics in the media Regarding brand centers around petty trivialities, and will not address the heart of the issues he brings up. He may be a rascal, he may live in a million dollar home, so what, what the fuck does that have to do with global awakening and the restructuring of our systems? So far I have heard very little critique of the message and much banter about some relativistic hypocrisy regarding the messenger.

The awakening is not some popularity contest, nor is it centered around any individual. Anyone who wants to participate should be free to stand and be counted. If Russell Brand is merely pandering to naïve Pollyanna sentimentalities of misguided people, so what, as long as his intentions are good, and the information he is spreading is "true" I don't think any less of the Man. He is only Human for Christ sake.

I saw his documentary on drug addicts and he came across as unbelievable low on compassion (which is surprising considering he used to be one) I was really put off by him. This is why I joined the discussion.

He comes across as pretty harmless and he will be helpful for the cause , there is no doubt about it.
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Re: Russell Brand, is he a messiah or a bolshevik?
« Reply #62 on: January 12, 2015, 05:26:20 am »
Has anyone ever considered the point that many of the historical figures regarded as messiahs, oracles, prophets, sages if put under the same scrutiny could be called out for the same offence.Has anyone ever considered the point that many of the historical figures regarded as messiahs, oracles, prophets, sages if put under the same scrutiny could be called out for the same offence.
Indeed, I have. Have you ever considered that some of us might not be enamored of many of the other "messiahs, oracles, prophets, sages" either? I'll bet there are some that you aren't impressed by, yes?

I give credit to Brand for moving beyond words and attention-grabbing and into constructive action. He's still not a messiah to me and it's that sort of over-the-top language that's part of what makes me skeptical. I hope it's just tongue-in-cheek.

He is only Human for Christ sake.
My point exactly. Ordinary human--not messiah/oracle.

Perhaps he could be summed up as a flawed activist? It seems like he is striving to do better, in what he sees as better. Who knows, maybe he'll earn more respect and commendation in the future.
« Last Edit: January 12, 2015, 05:36:40 am by PaleoPhil »
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Re: Russell Brand, is he a messiah or a bolshevik?
« Reply #63 on: January 12, 2015, 08:04:02 am »
Brand was recently ridiculed over his protest at a bank:-

Brand also came off worse in a debate with Farage:-

One can always tell when a particular epoch has become  completely decadent. One generally sees more "gender-confused" people like Russell Brand being far more prominent/numerous  in public  during those times.
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Re: Russell Brand, is he a messiah or a bolshevik?
« Reply #64 on: January 12, 2015, 12:02:28 pm »
Looks like the tribe has spoken. " go ahead and Nail the heathen to a cross of scorns"

Phil may be right and there is no such thing as a messiah, though I insist there must be people of various kinds who in various ways embody the spirit of the age. These people may reflect some very uncomfortable truths, and so are reviled by good society. Inevitably there will be people waiting to cast judgment upon anyone who attempts to resurrect the archaic notions that divinely inspired individuals live among us. There is a prevailing attitude that no one is divine, so any human who aspires to be must be viewed skeptically. Perhaps rightly so given the absolute humanitarian catastrophe the life of the historic Jesus has been.

Yet in an age of instant access of information and free association between fellow humans, I believe there is the real possibility of an evolution in consciousness, and we need people from all walks of life to spread the word that we are the divine spark, anyone is capable of embodying a higher spiritual self and changing the world .This seems to be a very taboo Ideal and the hierarchy of the established order will not accept the belief that everyone, no matter how fucked up your world is, can transcend the limitations placed upon us by those who choose to use the gift of life, to hate and bring down others instead of lifting them up with Love.

This discussion does not have to center around The individual known as Russell Brand, I really just wanted to discuss some of his ideas more deeply, without getting into pissing match regarding his moral fiber, and particular quirks.  Anyone else please feel free to put forth your own messianic idols to sacrifice at the alter of public opinion? Who in our world is the living embodiment of the humanist Ideal?
« Last Edit: January 12, 2015, 12:59:11 pm by sabertooth »
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Re: Russell Brand, is he a messiah or a bolshevik?
« Reply #65 on: January 12, 2015, 12:33:03 pm »

This guy has a way cooler message than your typical messiah, and he practices what he preaches.
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Re: Russell Brand, is he a messiah or a bolshevik?
« Reply #66 on: January 12, 2015, 08:13:33 pm »
>"When some one eats an Epi paleo Rx template and follows the rules of circadian biology they get plenty of starches when they are available three out of the four seasons." -Jack Kruse, MD
>"I recommend 20 percent of calories from carbs, depending on the size of the person" -Ron Rosedale, MD (in other words, NOT zero carbs)
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Re: Russell Brand, is he a messiah or a bolshevik?
« Reply #67 on: January 13, 2015, 11:31:09 pm »
Looks like the tribe has spoken. " go ahead and Nail the heathen to a cross of scorns"

Phil may be right and there is no such thing as a messiah, though I insist there must be people of various kinds who in various ways embody the spirit of the age. These people may reflect some very uncomfortable truths, and so are reviled by good society. Inevitably there will be people waiting to cast judgment upon anyone who attempts to resurrect the archaic notions that divinely inspired individuals live among us. There is a prevailing attitude that no one is divine, so any human who aspires to be must be viewed skeptically. Perhaps rightly so given the absolute humanitarian catastrophe the life of the historic Jesus has been.

Yet in an age of instant access of information and free association between fellow humans, I believe there is the real possibility of an evolution in consciousness, and we need people from all walks of life to spread the word that we are the divine spark, anyone is capable of embodying a higher spiritual self and changing the world .This seems to be a very taboo Ideal and the hierarchy of the established order will not accept the belief that everyone, no matter how fucked up your world is, can transcend the limitations placed upon us by those who choose to use the gift of life, to hate and bring down others instead of lifting them up with Love.

This discussion does not have to center around The individual known as Russell Brand, I really just wanted to discuss some of his ideas more deeply, without getting into pissing match regarding his moral fiber, and particular quirks.  Anyone else please feel free to put forth your own messianic idols to sacrifice at the alter of public opinion? Who in our world is the living embodiment of the humanist Ideal?

Unfortunately this is not how the world seems to work, and discussion has to center around Russell Brand. I would rather punch myself in the head than listen to that guy. 
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Re: Russell Brand, is he a messiah or a bolshevik?
« Reply #68 on: January 14, 2015, 12:16:44 am »
I would rather punch myself in the head than listen to that guy. 

Finally, it had to happen: Wodgina and I agree on one thing.

If Brand is a messiah (with a small m), who has proclaimed him as their leader? As an entertainer, his work is backed by his producers, who market his "messages" to a target audience. If he espouses a "cause" and derives his "content" from that cause and delivers a "message" using his entertainer persona, he is still an entertainer. Take the camera away and I'll consider him for some other title.

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Re: Russell Brand, is he a messiah or a bolshevik?
« Reply #69 on: January 14, 2015, 01:55:40 am »
That's a straw man tactic, and a bit thick headed, saying that one is unable to discuss the message without criticism of the messenger. Martin Luther King was a philanderer, who wasn't there for his children, Gandhi would bicker and fight with his wife, Thomas Jefferson" a founding father of the free world" had sex slaves. Regardless of the failings of these historic men, we can still discuss their ideals separately from the moral judgments society would place on their actions.

The world has changed so quickly and the wise ones of the past, if suddenly placed under the microscope of a video media empire would break apart at the seams.

So Eve.....If a messiah prophesizes in the forest and no one is there to hear, does the message truly exist? Take the camera away and Brand will fade out into obscurity.

Perhaps we are all too dependent upon the media to bring to us a truth that can only truly be found in direct experience.

Be a lamp unto your selves, and help light the path for those not yet illuminated. So, you don't like the particular colors of another's light, Perhaps your own light much too bright to see the value in the more dimly lit minds of those still caught up the great illusion" Maya"... but what good does that do for the world of Humankind, unless you can learn how to get that message out..

Perhaps, I fall prey to the illusion that is not enough to simply live out your own truth and stay true to your own values, having been told early on by the world that what I felt and thought didn't matter. I can identify with people who seem to have lived a life full of inner turmoil and confliction, to a point where I have no judgment upon them for their human failings, only an interest in their higher aspirations. Or what Dostoevsky called "the beautiful and sublime."
« Last Edit: January 14, 2015, 02:05:10 am by sabertooth »
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Re: Russell Brand, is he a messiah or a bolshevik?
« Reply #70 on: January 14, 2015, 03:09:23 am »
So Eve.....If a messiah prophesizes in the forest and no one is there to hear, does the message truly exist? Take the camera away and Brand will fade out into obscurity.

That's the problem with a messiah who is all message. A person cannot be a "leader" if he is all talk. You have to go somewhere and do something if you want a following, and a convicted leader will lead with action even when nobody is following. Let's see what Brand would do if nobody turned up for his show. 

Perhaps we are all too dependent upon the media to bring to us a truth that can only truly be found in direct experience.

And what a sad commentary on our era that many are even looking for a messiah!

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Re: Russell Brand, is he a messiah or a bolshevik?
« Reply #71 on: January 14, 2015, 04:27:01 am »
No one should follow anyone nor anything.
No person who sufficiently understands the world and how matters should be, would ever want a following.

People who follow are religious. Being religious is negative, because being religious means the person simply believes no matter whether the object of belief is true or false, and in fact without personally having any true understanding of the object.
There's two kinds of beliefs (maybe more...): one when belief originates externally, also meaning the object believed is not part of the person, and in truth doesn't understand the object; the other when belief originates from within the person, because what is believed is part of the person, which also means the person actually has deep understanding of the object. (And mixes of these two belief forms, like in religions where truths and lies are mixed up, and thus how one form of belief is confused with another on many levels. Where perhaps actual truth is indeed part of the person, but to it is attached lies, thus lies are in extension part of the person... It's a negative vortex hard to get out of once in deep.)
Someone can follow something only if that something is not part of the person. If it was a true part of the person, then the person would not be following anything, but would simply be who he or she is.
You cannot follow yourself, you are yourself. But if you do follow something, then who are you?

Anyone who does something or says something and likes having followers doesn't really have a clue about the world, or has some negative agenda and uses people as a tool.
Belief and believing is a wall of the box of the matrix we are subjected to.

Imitating truth is one thing, but living it, having truth as an actual part of oneself, is something completely different.

Messiahs? Impostors, hypocrites, plain and simple.

We don't need messiahs or anything such, as all they do is talk empty and collect followers without actually making anything better, because they are victims or users of the belief matrix, and they suck those unaware into the very thing we need to get out of. What we need is people who can guide and help others find themselves and the world they live in, to show people how to find truths and integrate/incorporate those truths so they could start living truths and not keep imitating them.

From birth onward we are taught to imitate truths. Parents who are unaware, schools, media, etc. If we imitate truths, then at the same time what are we living?

Messiah is someone that's supposed to be like a "savior" or something such? Every person can save only oneself, others can help but they can't do the act of "saving"; no other person can do this for anyone but him or herself. The word "messiah" doesn't even have meaning that's actually worth something, because it is a part of the belief matrix. The worth of the word and concept of "messiah" is negative in its essence (at least in the context it's been used throughout the ages).

King, messiah, prophet, priest, etc. - all the same. As if one, or a small group of people is going to "save" everyone else (save from what?? those very same few people and their agendas?), and so everyone else can simply not do anything (thus keeping themselves in the negative), because they are going to be "saved" by a few people. But sure, it's all about perspectives... the people are going to be "saved", but from truth and positivity, into lies and negativity, or from one rut to another of the same.

There are no messiahs, never will be. Those who seemingly do something great, they are just people like any other, who perhaps have merely noticed there's more to this than meets the eye, and have investigated further. Put any person through the right conditions suitable to them, that sparks truth in them... (maybe not all, but definitely most).

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Re: Russell Brand, is he a messiah or a bolshevik?
« Reply #72 on: January 14, 2015, 05:17:48 am »
I am in agreement with you guys in many regards.

What I would like to direct attention too is the fact that people in our present society still possesses a strong desire to be spoon fed predigested messianic banter, only now instead of calling it revelation from god, it has morphed into entities such as the Associate Press that have given us the "News Testament"  Which brand and many others are railing against.

The messiah complex is much more deeply embedded into our collective soul than is really being discussed. People like Russell Brand who are delving back into the antiquated religious beliefs of the distant past, can allow us to see how our in our age much of man kind is still paralyzed by established religious entities, only these entities are have evolved into much more sophisticated forms of thought control.

The lord Mammon reigns supreme embodied by the financial overlords that rule in our day. The news anchors, and talking heads now act as our priest, disseminating the worlds events, dogmatically, through a very narrow and highly control scope.

Yet the spirit will not be contained, and humanity yearns to be free. To me its a bit trite to simply denounce all talk of the Messianic nature of human beings as humbug. We are given the word as a gift from the divine creation. With it we have learned to collaborate with each other to move mountains.

To focus ones thought in cultivation of an inner vision, guided by an inner voice, and then bringing that message into the outer world, is only a small part of what it means to be a messiah. One also must learn to listen to the voices around, with great discernment, awareness, and compassion in order to not get carried away by ego.

« Last Edit: January 14, 2015, 07:56:01 am by sabertooth »
A man who makes a beast of himself, forgets the pain of being a man.

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Re: Russell Brand, is he a messiah or a bolshevik?
« Reply #73 on: January 14, 2015, 07:42:33 am »
It would be such a treat if I can see the discarding of money in human life in my lifetime.
Star Trek fantasy.
Michael Tellinger's Ubuntu Movement is what I'm monitoring.
I have a friend just like him with his ideas of a moneyless community.
But Tellinger is special, he wants money less global.
And he is not claiming to be a messiah, he just wants to spread his info, he is doing his thing for his country in South Africa, and you see if you can do it in your country.
If we are dreaming anyway, dream big.
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Re: Russell Brand, is he a messiah or a bolshevik?
« Reply #74 on: January 15, 2015, 07:17:09 am »
But when did they go through it? What times are you referring to?

early on, hunter/gatherer societies.
then came shiny things.
then coins.
then paper money.
then electronic money.

these these appeared not just because someone wanted it like that, it took thousands of years to evolve the money system we have today.  it is not perfect, but it works the best at the moment.

all technological progress was/is funded by venture capital directly and indirectly.
without monetary rewards all technological progress will grind to a screeching halt.
Look at what happened to Soviet Union where no one could own Intellectual Property and could not be rewarded monetarily.  They've got nothing except for special interests like military and space and even then most of it is already far behind Western products.

So when someone brings out various moneyless systems I see it as a step backwards.  Humans been there already.

If I have a rare skill or a great idea that's in high demand, how do you I think I get rewarded in moneyless system?


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