Hey Chris. I'd just like to apologize. I know you, like everyone on this forum means well. Even if some times you come off a little strong.
You don't have to apologize. Contrary to a few peoples beliefs, this was not a personal attack on you. It's no secret that you suffer from Schizophrenia. Heck, you have a journal dedicated to it. Let me explain a few things about this site that bothers me. It's trolls that aren't ready to fully commit, or partially commit. People that need their hands held and need encouragement mentally and educationally. This diet is NOT for everybody. I've had issues with posters in the past about expecting this diet to cure all that ails them. A "cure all diet". I think that sends the wrong message. But, for some reason a lot of the senior posters who kind of run this site encourage it.
. I think it sends the wrong message. People are going to look at this community and diet as a bunch of blood thirsty mentally F@#$%^ up people. I don't want that!
This diet is a lifestyle. Not some sort of freak/show diet. I'm not trying to pick on you, even though it seems like I am. But, I've read so many crappy, time wasting, $#$% on this site it blows my mind. I actually left this site for a while due to exactly that. Maybe, I don't need to be on this site, or I shouldn't be on this site anymore. I feel personally that for the most part this site brings nothing to the table for me. I think I'm starting to realize that.
I wish you well in controlling your Schizophrenia. I really do. It's funny, because there are a lot of people on this site who think this diet is a cure all. It's a great foundation. But, a cure all? That's stretching it. Nutrition, like I've posted before is only one part of the human condition. Mentally, emotionally, love, ect will never be solved just because you eat raw! IMO.
When I first joined I felt a community. I've meet some great people along the way. Plus, there are some extremely smart and intelligent people in this forum. I'm sure I don't have to tell you that. But, I don't like where this forum is going. I think I'm going to check out and go this on my own.
I wish you well and no hurt feelings. Negativity doesn't do anybody any good. I'd like to checkout in a positive vibe. Peace.