I had the impression that I was not eating enough. Looking at nutritional data I am only getting around 1000-1200 callories
That sounds like way to little to me. I agree that I eat much less meat than I did pre raw paleo. For example I eat maybe 4-5 oz of meat per meal now (3 meals daily) when I used to eat much larger servings of meat. However I eat massive amounts of fat daily which gives me plenty of calories.
I eat at least 2 oz of beef fat per meal (3 meals daily). Each ounce of beef fat is about 200 calories, giving me a total of around 1,200 calories from beef fat alone. I also eat a few egg yolks daily (anywhere from 2-4) and various fruits throughout the day. I average about 2,000 calories without counting the fruit or egg yolks I eat.
I feel like I have a limit of how much I can comfortably consume during a day. Maximum amount would be 500-600 grams of raw meat or fish (must be less than 20% fat or I can not even eat this much).
That's about 21.5 ounces, or 1.5 pounds. That's a lot of meat. I personally think eating large amounts of meat is bad news, and there needs to be an added fat source.
1) fat adds calories, and digests slowly which will help you feel full
2) fat is a great energy source, even if you eat a modest amount of carbs. The body generally burns a combination of fat, carbs, and ATP
3) muscle meat (generally) is expensive. I get beef fat trimmings from Miller's Farm for $3/lb with shipping. It really brings the price of the diet down
4) the body is a large proportion fat, especially the brain. Eating exclusively meat severely limits the amount of fat you get, even if you eat fatty cuts
Here's a link on low fat diets and depression -
http://www.psychologytoday.com/articles/200304/the-risks-low-fat-dietsHere's a link on rabbit starvation, which I think is especially important for you to look into since you're new to RPD. A lot of newcomers who don't get it right the first time give up on it all together. If you see you're feeling bad (low energy, always tired, diarrhea, etc.), don't attribute it to detox. Generally speaking when you're detoxing and your body is getting the nutrition it needs it makes you feel better. Don't be afraid to make changes and ask questions.
Rabbit starvation -
http://www.wisegeek.com/what-is-rabbit-starvation.htm"Rabbit starvation, also known as protein poisoning, is a dangerous health condition
caused by the over-consumption of protein coupled with fat, carbohydrate, and micronutrient deprivation. "
If I eat fruit I eat untill I feel sick, so I try to avoid it.
It's important you look into rabbit starvation since it sounds like you're eating just meat, not getting much fat and restricting/eliminating carbs.