Well I bought and drank raw milk last night. Then had a nice hot bath before bed. I awoke later to feel my intestines gurgling, familiar to my prior milk drinking experiences. I had the thought, "hmm not sure if this is going to work." Later though awoke to feel a strength and fluidity that has not been there since my accident in my arm. And when I awoke in the morning my first thought was not about my wrist at all for a few moments, which surprised me.
Regarding the fat/carb question, I've definitely had given preference to fats over carbs in the last few years. It is interesting though, when ZC I actually would get rather thick in the torso. I wonder if this has to do with the liver enlarging piece. It is hard to generalize though, as I think the source of the fat makes a lot of difference. Using marrow and bison back fat prior I would stay rather lean. But using butter or cooked tallow I would actually put on weight.
For now I think I need to do a little carb. How I'm eating is changing a lot daily, in these stages of learning. My plan to gain some stability is to do primal at least today and see how it feels. Yesterday, since I was not sure what to eat, I had skipped lunch and was very hungry at dinner, when I had raw meat (ground and roast) fermented veggies and cultured butter. I did not feel satisfied though. This may be an adjustment to adding more carbs. I think though, that it is not good for me to miss meals. Also I think I'll forgo honey for now. Its is a bit too carby for me.