I tried frozen meat. I froze it myself, then unfroze it. Just to get to know the difference. I am never eating frozen meat again. It was that bad compared to the real thing. Although I dried some of it later and then I didn't notice as big a difference, compared to never frozen dried meat.
I don't think frozen meat is as bad as cooked, as the damage caused in the meat comes from frozen water that expands and destroys as a result. No new toxic substances are formed, unless they form from mechanical breaking. Cooking is far worse.
Then frozen animal fat shouldn't be that big an issue, as it doesn't have as much water in it as does meat.
Better frozen grass-fed than animal's raised in false conditions and on wrong diets.
There are farms everywhere, all kinds of animals really. At first glance it might seem like there's nothing, nowhere to get real meat from. They're sort of hidden, have to stumble onto them. Find a butcher or someone who deals with meat and ask them where to search for suppliers, as well a good place would be a farmers market or similar, just to get your nose in.
There should be farmers unions and such, contacting them should give leads. And hunters unions or such as well, to get leads on wild game.
Find a supplier of fresh quality meat, no matter how far from your home. Visit them once a month or so, if they are far away, and bring back a months worth of food, or more.
Eggs are one of the easiest and fastest to digest foods, and one of the most nutritious ones. With gut issues the easiest and fastest digestible foods should be the best option, they are metabolized fast so they stay in the gut the least. As a result healing should go faster. But individuals differ, so eggs might as well not be for everyone. Maybe you just need some time to adapt to raw eggs?
Fish are easy to digest too.
If you have problems with gut and digestion on cooked foods, and have actual serious damage caused while on that diet, then going raw is really the only option left. Removing the cause, or fixing the cause, will eventually remove the symptoms. Problems with digestion and gut are caused directly by false diet.