um no, inuit tribes / american indians in cold climates use technology, we are talking about natural habitats here, without technology, pure naked human skin against the elements. we are also assuming that these humans didn't try to survive in colder climates than was comfortable for them, because why would they? wild animals simply don't migrate to colder climates than they would prefer to start making/raising young (without genetic adaptations) yet you can compare the northern human evolution to the equatorial human evolution and the only dramatic difference is skin color, which makes sense given the sun changes, but there is no evolutionary difference which shows cold adaptations.
what people did after technology is a completely different story as we had/have all kinds of stupid ideas like chopping human heads off for sacrifice to the gods or talking about theories that naked apes natural habitat is a cold climate when it goes against all reasoning that many children and all reasonable people who aren't deluded by gods, fairytales, and the validity of their own abstract daydreams can see.
in short, the argument is what is the natural habitat for humans, how did it get so far off base from choosing between warm climates? because there are people who have been staring at a computer screen, the walls of their heated home, draped in clothing, totally oblivious to what a cold climate feels like on a naked body 24 hours in a row, day and night, that's how. It simply can't be done over a span of 10,000 years with our current bodies. We are talking about thriving here, animals don't last as long as we have by "barely hanging on by a thread" in climates that constantly torment them (they evolve dramatic genetic changes if they are forced with extended stays).