Author Topic: Sand dunes!  (Read 4134 times)

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Offline gL0v3zz

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Sand dunes!
« on: March 12, 2014, 04:32:31 pm »
So, inspired by the MovNat video I watched yesterday (in the thread below actually), I traded my usual workout of running on the flat beach near my home to running up and down and around the sand dunes five minutes away. It felt so much more natural to be jumping over small dune and running up and down the steep sand slopes. I was really surprised at how much fun I was having - I usually detest cardio!

I finally feel like I've found a form of exercise that works for me. To be honest, exercise is the wrong word, because it didn't even feel like I was exercising! I actually found myself adapting my movement to suite the environment. It was a really cool moment for me :)

I do have a question for MovNat veterans or people that have exercised regularly on sand dunes. Are there are specific warm up routines or stretches that I should focus on before getting out there? I did notice that certain muscle were overworked when compared to my other workouts...
« Last Edit: March 12, 2014, 04:42:52 pm by gL0v3zz »


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