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Acid Reflux
« on: March 26, 2014, 01:26:10 am »
Recently my mother has gone into the doctor about a lump in her throat that turned out to be a couple benign nodule on her thyroid.  At the consultation for considering surgery, we learned that to remove the nodules, they would have to remove the entire thyroid as well, which being that they are benign and not cancerous, we really don't want to resort to something like that.  During the consultation, the doctor slid a tub with a camera down her nose so they could look at her throat from the inside.  Usually this procedure isn't very painful, but my mom felt like they were shoving a needle down her throat, and it was extremely painful for her.  From all her symptoms and hat the doctor saw in her throat, they concluded that she also has acid reflux, having all of the symptoms of it besides the burning feeling.

So, my mother eats a pretty SAD diet though I have long been trying to convince her of the amazingness of a raw diet and such, she just can't do that kind of thing, she is far too squeamish.  I've only recently been able to help convince her to stop eating wheat, even though I'm sure she still does eat it sometimes, she's trying to cut back.  And with this acid reflux now, I think she will finally stop drinking soda and coffee since the doctor said caffiene is bad for acid reflux, and hopefully also stop eating fast food.

My question is if any of you know a good list of what foods to definitely avoid and which foods are best to eat while having pretty bad acid reflux that will help with getting rid of it.  She can't go full raw as far as eating animal foods, she doesn't even like meats much to begin with though I encourage her to eat more, but she definitely won't be able to eat raw meat or eggs, and probably not even cooked organs.  I need a list of things she can eat and what she needs to avoid, and so if anyone can help with anything, that would be great.  Cooked food is fine as well as raw non animal foods besides milk, please also mention whether you mean cooked or raw food and the difference between the food cooked or raw, because my mom will of course prefer cooked on at least some things, though I will definitely try to get her eating as much raw as possible.  She also works at an office job so she will need foods that can be prepared beforehand and eaten on the go or in the office for lunch..

Thank you!
Hi, I'm 32, around 5'4" and ~124lb, no real significant health problems other than hyperventilating when running/exercising (that my doc said was because of the smog/asthma), fatigue, and really bad acne.
I'd preferably be a carnivore/very low carb, but I have had a very hard time finding grass-fed or even organic fats, organs, and marrow. I consume raw dairy, but I do not eat much vegetables.. however, I do love fruit.
I live with my dad, so I also have to sneak any raw meat eating.

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Re: Acid Reflux
« Reply #1 on: March 26, 2014, 01:40:58 am »
Acid reflux is what I would have if I ate as I pleased. My body type has that weakness.

Just follow the diet on the Pitta columns...

I treated mine successfully with a Rife machine.

Does she also have issues with dental pain, sore throats, sore gums, periodontal issues, cankers, goitre, visual, hair thinning or red hair etc?

She probably has Pitta problems and since Pitta travels uphill from it's home around the stomach it usually creates other problems on the way up.

She would probably respond very well to a raw diet.... You can lead a horse to water but.....

Offline eveheart

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Re: Acid Reflux
« Reply #2 on: March 26, 2014, 01:51:44 am »
...From all her symptoms and hat the doctor saw in her throat, they concluded that she also has acid reflux, having all of the symptoms of it besides the burning feeling.

I'm about your mom's age, and I had acid reflux many years ago. As your mom probably realizes, the pain is enough to take your breath away and make you feel like you are dying of a heart attack (because the esophagus is right next to the heart).

I guess your mom doesn't hurt badly enough yet to let the pain guide her to eating correctly. I don't mean to sound so snarky - not at all! - but the effect of stomach acid touching the esophageal lining will erode the lining and cause ulcers: HOLES in the lining. This is what hurts - acid burning your esophagus.

Non-diet remedies include not eating for a long time before bedtime so that there is no food in the stomach and sleeping on an inclined surface with the upper body elevated to let gravity help keep the stomach acid down.

In my opinion, part-time remedies, like sometimes avoiding some of the culprit foods, is useless, like letting a scab form and then cutting yourself again.

Before getting a list of what to eat or what to do, your mom might want to examine what her thoughts are. This is a good exercise as we get older, lots of my friends do it. We find our self-defeating thoughts, like, "I'm not entitled to take a day off unless I'm sick." Or "No one will help me unless I'm truly sick." Sometimes our comfort-food thoughts are so strong that we feel a tragic loss if we can't eat a comfort food. If your mom has these thoughts, it's easy to change them. I eat absolutely no sugar or wheat by seeing them as rat poison instead of foods that my wonderful grandmother made me when I was a kid.

Good luck to your mom. Let her realize things on her own. There's no rush, and this kind of thing can't be rushed.

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Offline cherimoya_kid

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Re: Acid Reflux
« Reply #3 on: March 26, 2014, 03:48:47 am »
An elimination diet will help determine what is causing the reflux. 

As far as the tumors, she might want to do some week-long raw juice fasts.  Is she overweight at all?  What's her BMI?

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Re: Acid Reflux
« Reply #4 on: March 26, 2014, 07:17:44 am »
GERD / Acid Reflux cure is just 30 ml castor oil every evening 9pm for 5 nights.

My employee's testimony

If she cannot do castor oil for some reason, like the pregnant woman I helped who had GERD / Acid Reflux, I gave her lots and lots of papaya + lots and lots of pineapples... both have powerful digestive enzymes that cured her in 3 days.

« Last Edit: March 26, 2014, 07:39:45 am by goodsamaritan »
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Re: Acid Reflux
« Reply #5 on: March 26, 2014, 10:56:19 pm »
Acid reflux is what I would have if I ate as I pleased. My body type has that weakness.

Just follow the diet on the Pitta columns...

I treated mine successfully with a Rife machine.

Does she also have issues with dental pain, sore throats, sore gums, periodontal issues, cankers, goitre, visual, hair thinning or red hair etc?

She probably has Pitta problems and since Pitta travels uphill from it's home around the stomach it usually creates other problems on the way up.

She would probably respond very well to a raw diet.... You can lead a horse to water but.....

What is a rife machine?  As far as I know she doesn't have any dental problems, but she has had a sore throat and cough, I think she mentioned a canker sore just the other day, she's had a goiter problem for a very very long time but she avoids like beets and stuff, and it goes away, she can't feel it at all right now she was saying she was actually surprised she can't feel her goiter at all, but while feeling for it is how she discovered the lumps.. as far as visual, she was near-sighted as long as I've known her but got lasik eye surgery.  Her hair is blonde and she also dyes it, but I don't think it's thinning, only starting to turn grey a bit.

I know she would probably do great on a raw diet, but she's way too squeamish for it, the animal foods, and I'm just glad I'm starting to get her away from wheat and gluten, and her coke and coffee everyday.  And fast food.  But she's too squeamish to eat raw meat or eggs or organs or fat, and she also hates bland food, she likes lots of seasonings and stuff.

I'm about your mom's age, and I had acid reflux many years ago. As your mom probably realizes, the pain is enough to take your breath away and make you feel like you are dying of a heart attack (because the esophagus is right next to the heart).

I guess your mom doesn't hurt badly enough yet to let the pain guide her to eating correctly. I don't mean to sound so snarky - not at all! - but the effect of stomach acid touching the esophageal lining will erode the lining and cause ulcers: HOLES in the lining. This is what hurts - acid burning your esophagus.

Non-diet remedies include not eating for a long time before bedtime so that there is no food in the stomach and sleeping on an inclined surface with the upper body elevated to let gravity help keep the stomach acid down.

In my opinion, part-time remedies, like sometimes avoiding some of the culprit foods, is useless, like letting a scab form and then cutting yourself again.

Before getting a list of what to eat or what to do, your mom might want to examine what her thoughts are. This is a good exercise as we get older, lots of my friends do it. We find our self-defeating thoughts, like, "I'm not entitled to take a day off unless I'm sick." Or "No one will help me unless I'm truly sick." Sometimes our comfort-food thoughts are so strong that we feel a tragic loss if we can't eat a comfort food. If your mom has these thoughts, it's easy to change them. I eat absolutely no sugar or wheat by seeing them as rat poison instead of foods that my wonderful grandmother made me when I was a kid.

Good luck to your mom. Let her realize things on her own. There's no rush, and this kind of thing can't be rushed.

How do you know how old my mom is?
She's had no pain like heartburn or anything like that whatsoever.  She just has the inflammation of her throat, sore throat, hoarse voice, cough, feeling of a lump in her throat, has to clear her throat a lot, everything else like that, which she thought might be being caused by the nodules.  Also don't forget the majority of people (at least americans) don't think that their diet has very much impact on their health, and the doctors never say as much either.  I have been able to get my mom to see that a lot of issues can be solved with a cleaner diet, but I think she still doesn't believe that pretty much EVERYTHING can be solved with a healthier diet.  What I'm hoping to do is to get her on a much healthier diet and when she feels so much better like this that she won't regress back to eating junk food.
I don't know what you mean by examining her thoughts, but she is not the comfort-food type of person who needs to eat when they are upset or anything like that, however I know that the examination to look down her throat to check for acid reflux, where they stuck the tube down her nose with the camera so that they could look at her throat, it was so extremely painful for her that I did tell her that anytime she craves one of her coca colas, which she is slightly addicted to (lol addicted to coke) that she should remember that pain she went through, and if she doesn't want to have to go through it again then she better not ea anything that's going to worsen her acid reflux.

An elimination diet will help determine what is causing the reflux. 

As far as the tumors, she might want to do some week-long raw juice fasts.  Is she overweight at all?  What's her BMI?

Th problem with trying to pinpoint exactly what foods are causing her acid reflux is that she does not have the burning pain heartburn part of acid reflux whatsoever, so even if she eliminated foods and tries different things, it's going to be difficult to tell what's helping and what isn't without much of an indicator.  Also, too extreme of a diet might not be good for her, I forgot to mention that there have been a few times where she passed out because she hasn't eaten anything all day, so fasting is definitely out of her options, she needs to be able to have something to eat throughout the day so that she won't get light-headed or pass out.

A week long raw juice fast might be a bit extreme for her, especially since the nodules were told to be benign and also told they were quite common, and that about 20% of people have them without even realizing it.  Since it isn't some malignant cancer that's going to kill her, she's not really going to want to do something so drastic as that.  And if anything, I gotta work her into it slowly, she refuses to just up and bam, switch it all around cold-turkey anything, and wants to wean herself off things slowly, so it's kind of difficult trying to get her to make any changes.

she's not overweight at all, and never has been, our family has really good luck on that, we say it's good genes with fast metabolism and such, that no one in the family is really fat, mostly we're all super skinny.  I don't know what her BMI is, though I know she is 5'5" and her weight at the doctor consultation a few days ago was I think about 135.

GERD / Acid Reflux cure is just 30 ml castor oil every evening 9pm for 5 nights.

My employee's testimony

If she cannot do castor oil for some reason, like the pregnant woman I helped who had GERD / Acid Reflux, I gave her lots and lots of papaya + lots and lots of pineapples... both have powerful digestive enzymes that cured her in 3 days.

My mom has always been wary of doing a colon cleanse, she see's those commercials that say how some ten-foot long thing comes out of you and such, and that frightens her, as well as stories of people being stuck on the toilet for hours and such, feeling sick, and she just doesn't want anything like that to happen to her.  She probably could do with doing a colon cleanse type thing though, but she also does have to work everyday, she's very tight on money and can't really afford to take too many days off, and she's already taken off some days for the doctor's appointments, and getting sick from a colon cleanse isn't going to be good if it makes her miss work.  She's very sensitive to a lot of things, or it might just be the whole that she thinks she's going to get sick, so she's going to get sick just because of that type thing, but I'm almost positive she'd get sick from any sort of colon cleanse. 
I don't think she likes papaya, but I could maybe try to get her eating pineapple, but I wouldn't think it's good for her acid reflux with pineapples being so acidic and all.  I thought perhaps a more alkaline diet would help her with the acid, but it seems there's a lot of debate on that subject.
Hi, I'm 32, around 5'4" and ~124lb, no real significant health problems other than hyperventilating when running/exercising (that my doc said was because of the smog/asthma), fatigue, and really bad acne.
I'd preferably be a carnivore/very low carb, but I have had a very hard time finding grass-fed or even organic fats, organs, and marrow. I consume raw dairy, but I do not eat much vegetables.. however, I do love fruit.
I live with my dad, so I also have to sneak any raw meat eating.

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Re: Acid Reflux
« Reply #6 on: March 26, 2014, 11:48:01 pm »
How do you know how old my mom is?

I approximated with the word about, since you are about as old as my children, mo-less.

She's had no pain like heartburn or anything like that whatsoever.

She's lucky so far!

Also don't forget the majority of people (at least americans) don't think that their diet has very much impact on their health, and the doctors never say as much either.  I have been able to get my mom to see that a lot of issues can be solved with a cleaner diet, but I think she still doesn't believe that pretty much EVERYTHING can be solved with a healthier diet.  What I'm hoping to do is to get her on a much healthier diet and when she feels so much better like this that she won't regress back to eating junk food.

I'd say the exact opposite about most Americans. We might have our facts mixed up, but we know that our diet has a major impact on our health. We are torn by other factors, such as beguiling tastes and convenience.

I don't know what you mean by examining her thoughts, but she is not the comfort-food type of person who needs to eat when they are upset or anything like that... anytime she craves one of her coca colas, which she is slightly addicted to (lol addicted to coke)

Well, you're on the right track here. Assuming that the body has no natural need for coke, something about coke is comforting to her - maybe the caffeine boost, maybe the bubbly mouth feel, or the tingly feel from the acid/sweet combination. Maybe she was only allowed to have soda once a week when she was growing up, so it gives her a feeling of independence. I suggest looking at what she perceives that she is getting from a food. Of course, I'm only giving examples of what I mean. I'm not analyzing your mother. Same goes for being squeamish about raw food: with a bajillion years of humans eating raw food, squeamish is not an instinctive response, so she can look at what thoughts are making her squeamish.
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Offline cherimoya_kid

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Re: Acid Reflux
« Reply #7 on: March 27, 2014, 11:00:03 am »
Has she ever supplemented with iodine?

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Re: Acid Reflux
« Reply #8 on: March 27, 2014, 11:24:03 pm »
Non-diet remedies include not eating for a long time before bedtime so that there is no food in the stomach
I do have that habit and I think you are on to something. I have stopped doing it since I read your post.

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Re: Acid Reflux
« Reply #9 on: April 08, 2014, 03:24:11 am »
My doctor told me to avoid all tomato products that were cooked for my acid reflux.


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