Yes, but the farther back you can push the common origin, the easier it is to justify racism, you racist. Come on, you know how smart I am. How do you think I don't see the game you're playing?
There is no "game". Actually, I was more interested, at the start, in the (essentially anti-Out of Africa) notion of Cro-Magnons and other hominids interbreeding with so-called "apemen" like Neanderthals or Homo Denisovans as it showed that there never was a "modern Man" really but that we were all actually descended from various varying admixtures of so-called "apemen"- this issue of interbreeding has been a major part of the Multiregional Hypothesis right from the start. I had never believed that the Neanderthals were inferior to Cro-Magnon-era humans despite most out of Africa proponents insisting they were without evidence, and I suspected that the Neanderthals might even have been more intelligent than the Cro-Magnons, given certain data.
As regards "racist", this label is now so overused and now somewhat bankrupt since it is commonly used now to counter any and all scientific/political ideas which factually debunk silly liberal-retard notions, especially when the Liberal in question has no actual facts to debunk a particular point - so I know what your game is. Of course, it was just as bad in the past in that people would at the time be accused of being anti-God or anti-royalty whenever they cited basic data such as the Earth goes around the Sun or whatever, so plus ca change., plus c'est la meme chose........
As for the difference in eras cited for coming out of Africa, the older date simply makes far more sense to me. For one thing, the Out of Africa theory, is all over the place, with, depending on who you talk to, suggesting that the exodus out of Africa came anywhere from 20,000 to 200,000 years ago.Also, I happen to have read one or two lists of racial differences in sources such as the Daily Mail, which delved into how bone-density varied widely among different ethnic groups, among hundreds of other factors such as differing ethnic reactions to certain pharmaceutical drugs, differing levels of achievement in sport due to physical differences etc. etc. It was even mentioned that mixed-race patients had very little chance when trying to get marrow-transplants due to the wide differences in DNA in the patient being incompatible with others'. So, the 800,000 to 2,000,000 figure given by the Multiregional Hypothesis for the exodus out of Africa makes more sense to me to account for such a level of differences appearing.
I am also not too convinced re the notion of environment altering ethnic appearances. I mean, if that were so and if the Out of Africa theory were correct, one would by now reasonably expect the Inuit to all have developed white skin, blue eyes and blond hair by now.