Sorry, I overlooked the part about hookworms, if you have hookworms, your body is probably just trying to flush them out and its not much to do with your food choices at all. I'm not an expert on worms, but I have a way of solving problems. From a quick scan of wikipedia, they tell you three important things. They feed off of the blood supply of your intestines, they die immedietely from exposure to sunlight or dessication, and their life cycle is about 6 weeks. So if I were in your shoes I would first prepare for battle by weakening them. You weaken them by removing their blood supply. If you starve yourself your body will move blood away from the intestines as they empty out and have stopped digesting. If you have a healthy amount of bodyfat you can water fast safely for up to 4-6 weeks. I don't think any more than two weeks will be necessary, were not trying to starve them to death. So for two weeks eat nothing, take nothing, and drink only fresh spring or distilled water or both. The next step is to stun them. If sunlight will kill them, then a small LED lightbulb will at least stun them, especially in a weakened state. So, after the fast, but before you resume eating go to your doctor and have a colonoscopy but make sure they don't use any staining, it is toxic regardless of how safe they say it is. The two weeks should be enough time to secure an appointment. We're just doing this to have the doc run the flashlight up and down your digestive system, but as a bonus your system will be clean and empty and he will have a good view to be able to tell you what he or she sees in there such as other worms you were not aware of. I've never had this procedure, its possible they ask you to fast or be on a liquid diet anyway so find out. The final solution is to wipe them out by continued dessication for 2 weeks to make sure all hatched eggs have been eliminated. To do this, you will use the salt/c flush. This is where you megadose with salt and vitamin c twice a day. Take your first two flush drinks before you start eating, work your way up to the full dose in one week then continue it for the second week. It is safe, I have done this for weeks. When you find the right dose for you, there will be diarrhea, so be ready. I think buffered vitamin c will prevent the diarrhea, but they say you are supposed to use pure ascorbic acid crystals. The vitamin c will boost your immune system and help repair the tissue damage from the worms. What dessicates the worms is the salt. Go to for the original precedure and exact dosing for your weight and some gross pictures of parasites that came out when people did this. I was doing something like 15g of each twice a day, but I was a big dude then. If you cannot stand the taste of saltwater, there are salt tablets available somewhere and the buffered C will eliminate the taste of the acidity in the C. The procedure was originally intended to treat lyme disease so disregard the part about doing it for months on end. The author thought that lyme could not be treated when parasites were present and interestingly, he believes some worms are actually mutant forms of the lyme bacteria itself. The salt/C will likely work on its own if you want to skip the whole fasting and doctor bit, but in that case you should do it for longer, maybe 4 weeks because they will be hiding behind your intestinal contents and may not be exposed to dessicating concentrations of salt. Good luck, let me know if you decide to give this a shot, or if you have tried this already and I just wasted 30 minutes typing.