Author Topic: HIGH Calorie?  (Read 5299 times)

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Offline joej627

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HIGH Calorie?
« on: April 24, 2014, 03:23:12 am »
OK guys,

After a long time with my own health journey I stumbled upon a major blocked acupuncture meridian due to old weightlifting injuries.  Here is my problem.  Body is CRAVING calories when i work on this thing.  It just will not tolerate low calorie food.  I am craving junk food like crazy.  Trying to stay as clean as possible during this process.  So question is:

What super high calorie foods/recipes do you guys go to?  I use all the basics but any ideas would be helpful,

Much love,

Offline CatTreats

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Re: HIGH Calorie?
« Reply #1 on: April 24, 2014, 04:26:52 am »
What super high calorie foods/recipes do you guys go to?

I would just suggest things high in fat. Like straight up fat, if you like it. Coconuts are great, one whole coconut is something like 1300 calories and tons of saturated fat. It was no wonder I ate like a quarter of it and felt absolutely stuffed! And just fatty cuts of meat should help. I know I eat high calorie, but I don't really track it or strive for the high numbers, it just happens.
In its purest, unaltered form, healthy food is delicious.

Offline joej627

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Re: HIGH Calorie?
« Reply #2 on: April 24, 2014, 04:29:36 am »
Part of my problem is i had lost energetic balance to what seemed like half my body so it was like having a battery with only one terminal instead of two.  I don't know if I can find any coconut around here.  I know the young ones I can find but yea coconut oil i haven't tried for awhile.  I do all the basics with plant fats from olives, avocado, etc.  I want to go back and find some bone marrow, etc soon.

Offline paper_clips43

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Re: HIGH Calorie?
« Reply #3 on: April 24, 2014, 06:28:17 am »
I am pretty sure you posted this in the RAW PALEO section of this forum and not in a place where other foods should be mentioned so I am going to have to limit my opinion on this matter.

That being the case I would say dried meat with fat is pretty high calorie, nutrient dense, with little to no water content.

I suspect these three factors are some of the most important in my healing process and have been linked to increasing my metabolism and therefor my overall health.

Gnawing on bones.

Offline Projectile Vomit

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Re: HIGH Calorie?
« Reply #4 on: April 24, 2014, 06:56:06 am »
I'd go for fat. If you tolerate dairy, go for 100% grass-fed butter. If you have access, go for back fat, suet or bone marrow from 100% grass-fed cattle, goats or sheep. I'm sitting down to a bowl of chopped suet right now. Very nourishing, and about as calorie dense as food gets.

Offline cherimoya_kid

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Re: HIGH Calorie?
« Reply #5 on: April 26, 2014, 09:40:23 am »
Raw honey, raw coconut oil. raw butter, raw cashews.

Offline edmon171

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Re: HIGH Calorie?
« Reply #6 on: May 05, 2014, 07:09:50 am »
Are you sure the old injury is the primary factor here? I used to have terrible pain and stiffness in my back which I thought was an injury from when I had lyme and was only helped by accupuncture, and temporarily at that. I later figured out that keeping my cellphone on and in my pocket all day was disrupting the flow of my external electromagnetic energy along my proper meridians, leading to muscular problems as the minor meridians flow along your muscle fibers. The accupuncture was just redirecting the flow along a clean channel so it is not blocked. When I started keeping my phone off the problem disappeared on its own.

But in general, for building and repairing the most muscle, you need to eat enough protein to trigger an insulin response when the excess begins turning into blood sugar. Mostly muscle meats. Include liver, adrenal, and oysters if you are doing organs to support muscle growth. For fat calories I like to stick to animal fat and grass-fed raw butter clarified at body temperature.
My basic health philosophy:

1. If it is advertized on TV, don't touch it.
2. If it is recommended in the news, do the opposite.
3. If it makes most people afraid, it might be good for you.


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