Author Topic: Maldigestion  (Read 10981 times)

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Offline Nicola

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« on: February 19, 2009, 05:30:27 am »
After 2 messages on "Reactions to foods since going rawpalaeo" I thought of posting this:


Offline Nicola

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Re: Maldigestion
« Reply #1 on: April 01, 2009, 08:53:24 pm »

HCl: You Are What You Assimilate!

Q: Besides zinc and magnesium, what other deficiencies do those of us seeking muscle and performance need to worry about?

A: The most common one, which actually causes zinc and magnesium deficiency, is hydrochloric acid (HCl) deficiency.

Back when I was an undergrad many moons ago, they used to tell us that you lose about 1% stomach acid per year after the age of 40. Well, that's not true anymore because our high stress levels these days decrease HCl. We did a study at our Chicago facility where we gave 160 clients an HCl test. Only two people passed it with a medium score; 158 had a horrendous score.

If there's insufficient hydrochloric acid, proteins will pass into the intestine and putrefy instead of being digested. Carbohydrates will also be left to ferment without adequate digestive enzymes from the pancreas. Fat digestion is also dependent on the acid's influence on the pancreas to secrete lipase and the gall bladder to secrete bile. Poor digestion of these macronutrients means poor absorption of our basic energy sources.

Over the last four years, I've been amazed how a correction in HCl deficiency has led to not only dramatic improvements in physique and strength, but also improvements in a variety of health parameters. Interestingly enough, in strength-trained individuals those improvements are often associated with gains of 15 to 18 pounds of lean body mass within two months! Why? They are now absorbing proteins and minerals.

Here are a few of the symptoms of low stomach acid:

belching or gas within one hour of a meal
bloating shortly after eating
bad breath
loss of taste for meat
nausea after taking supplements
brittle fingernails
undigested food in stool
foul-smelling stools
stomach pain
desire to skip meals
estrogen buildup
acne rosacea

In the US, many experts estimate the deficiency to be in the range of 40 to 50%. Some gastroenterologists are now advancing that it is today's most under-diagnosed ailment.

There are a variety of medical tests you can get, but here's a simple test you can do at home (but I suggest you talk to a physician qualified in nutritional medicine before you try it). It requires a bottle of Betaine HCl, at 200 mg potency per capsule. Here's how it's performed:


Step 1: Have a high-protein solid meal (no shakes). Let's say for illustration purposes a 12-ounce steak and vegetables.

Step 2: Eat half the protein, roughly 6 ounces of the steak.

Step 3: Swallow a 200mg capsule of HCl.

Step 4: Eat the other half of the steak and the vegetables.

Step 5: Wait 15 minutes.

Step 6: If your stomach acid is normal, you'll feel like you just drank a hot cup of tea or feel a burn. If you feel nothing, you need HCl as a supplement.

So what do you do next? At every meal repeat steps 1 to 6, upping the dose one capsule per meal until you feel the burning sensation. So if it takes five meals to get a burning sensation, you need on average four capsules per meal. If you get to seven capsules and you have no burning, stop the test — you're achloridic, meaning you have almost no stomach acid!

At our Phoenix center alone we've been doing over 250 tests a year for the last four years, and in that time I've never seen one person not need at least one capsule; the average person tested could feel it after five capsules. You're getting better when you start feeling a burn at your initial determined dosage. For example, if you found that five capsules was your initial need, you may find that three days later it starts to burn, so then you'd cut back to four capsules with a typical high-protein solid meal, and so on.

Most people achieve normal levels within eight weeks even when they start at seven capsules, but some individuals take as much as 18 months. I have two clients who need two caps a day permanently. Why? Because neither one will ever escape their stress levels (one of them is a real estate mogul and the other is a highly accomplished author).

Make sure that your HCl product also contains the probiotic pepsin and the digestive enzymes papain and pancreatin, as they have a synergistic effect with HCl therapy. (You can acquire my version of this product by contacting

In addition to the above HCl protocols, here are a few other suggestions to normalize your stomach acid levels. First, avoid carbonated drinks.


Second, avoid all-you-can-eat buffets, as they're America's leading source of food-borne pathogens. Finally, there are numerous herbs that can contribute to raising HCl, such as gentian, peppermint, and ginger, but be aware that very few controlled studies exist on this topic.

I believe this is so important that my clients aren't given a supplement program until they get an HCl test. Remember, not only are you what you eat, you are what you assimilate!

Offline TylerDurden

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Re: Maldigestion
« Reply #2 on: April 01, 2009, 09:46:38 pm »
This topic doesn't belong to the info/news forum as it isn't RPD-media-related. I'll put it in the hot topics section as it's largely irrelevant to RPDers, most of whom heal their digestive system quite soon after going raw.
« Last Edit: April 02, 2009, 05:18:36 am by TylerDurden »
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Re: Maldigestion
« Reply #3 on: April 02, 2009, 01:18:16 am »
This topic doesn't belong to the info/news forum as it is n't RPD-media-related. I'll put it in the hot topics section as it's largely irrelevant to RPDers, most of whom heal their digestive system quite soon after going raw.

Not so sure !
Eating raw meat did not heal my digestive problems. I started to take some Hcl Betaine a few weeks ago and my numerous syptoms seem to improve.  :)
Increased heart beat after a fatty meal, muscles and abdominal pain, cramps, blurred vision, etc are probably linked to an Hcl deficiency for me. I can eat 15 capsules by meal without any stomach burn! I should be achloridic. I can't take more because I cannot afford to order so many Hcl bottles from France where I live (betaine Hcl is forbidden here...Only inefficient products are allowed in this country!).

I just hope that taking Hcl betaine will help me to restore my stomach ability to produce Hcl !

Offline Nicola

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Re: Maldigestion
« Reply #4 on: April 02, 2009, 02:04:43 am »
This topic doesn't belong to the info/news forum as it is n't RPD-media-related. I'll put it in the hot topics section as it's largely irrelevant to RPDers, most of whom heal their digestive system quite soon after going raw.

I am shore that many members have maldigestion - just because they go raw doesn't mean that those "detoxes" and other "explanations" are not to do with maldigestion!

Offline TylerDurden

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Re: Maldigestion
« Reply #5 on: April 02, 2009, 05:23:23 am »
Well, there are exceptions to every rule. As for the links, 1 advertises supplements, the others appear bacteriophobic. So, the hot topics section is the perfect place for such a controversial, non-RPD topic, whereas info/news is just for RAF-related media whether from private youtube videos or newspaper articles.
« Last Edit: April 02, 2009, 05:57:04 am by TylerDurden »
"During the last campaign I knew what was happening. You know, they mocked me for my foreign policy and they laughed at my monetary policy. No more. No more.
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Offline Michael

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Re: Maldigestion
« Reply #6 on: April 02, 2009, 05:39:52 am »
Coincidentally, I also started taking Betaine Hydrochloride a few weeks ago and found I needed 9 x 350mg tablets!!  Like you carnivore, I guess I could've been classified as achloridic.  I also agree that going raw does not solve this problem!  I have been raw for 7 or 8 years and still suffer with most of the symptoms of low stomach acid.  Many are symptoms that I recall beginning in my early twenties when I was most definitely a SAD eater.

I am noticing improvements in my digestion already and am confident that, with this ability to now properly digest and assimilate my wonderful raw meats and animal fats, I will make rapid progress previously unattainable on RAF alone.
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Offline rafonly

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Re: Maldigestion
« Reply #7 on: April 04, 2009, 03:14:21 am »

thanks so much for those useful links, nichola

i read all of stephan's blogs as soon as he posts them; however, they are so packed w/ info that i'm glad i read these again at your invitation

a case in point:
stephan writes: "Two other weapons of intestinal flora starvation [i.e. starving the microorganisms that eat & enjoy your food from within your digestive tract before you yourself are able to] are chewing thoroughly and avoiding liquids during meals. The former allows you to absorb the maximum amount of calories from your food as rapidly as possible, leaving less for the bacteria. The latter makes digestion more effective by keeping stomach acid concentrated. A little bit of liquid such as a small glass of..."
certainly an idea (or 2) to consider, imo

as far as the t-nation piece, i think it's worth reading in its entirety -- obviously not for the supplements depicted therein but for its conceptual content

for example, the author talks about magnesium deficiency
mg is not a mineral that abounds in (raw) quadruped meat
so some people may feel like adding a dash of epsom salt to their drinking water; others may include raw cacao paste in their regular food intake, others...

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Offline B.Money

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Re: Maldigestion
« Reply #8 on: November 12, 2010, 11:42:51 am »
Anyone have any more on this raising HCl levels without supplements? I don't understand how adding HCl in pill form would eventually increase stomach acid in a way that we wouldn't need it anymore.

Offline Ioanna

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Re: Maldigestion
« Reply #9 on: November 12, 2010, 11:49:35 am »
i never got that either.  makes sense to me that if anything the body would produce less, but people say they work and then taper off them.

do you think this is a problem for you?

Offline PaleoPhil

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Re: Maldigestion
« Reply #10 on: November 12, 2010, 11:58:41 am »
i never got that either.  makes sense to me that if anything the body would produce less, but people say they work and then taper off them.
Yeah, I have thought the same thing and I've never noticed any benefit from HCL, even though I've been trying it again after several people here recommended it. Seems like it might even suppress the body's production of HCL in the same way that taking antidepressants that contain GABA for an extended period eventually depresses the body's production of GABA, worsening depression. It makes more sense to me to take things that promote the production of HCL in the body than to take HCL itself.

I have seen claims that salt is used by the body in creating HCL and that ingesting salt may thus help produce more HCl. Has anyone seen any research on this and are there any other HCL precursors we can eat/take? Animal blood is a natural source of salt that in nature comes with meat (almost as if nature consciously worked that out). So in nations where meat is nearly always bled, such as the USA, adding unprocessed salt to meat makes sense to me and the controversial WAPF recommends this.
« Last Edit: November 12, 2010, 12:04:50 pm by PaleoPhil »
>"When some one eats an Epi paleo Rx template and follows the rules of circadian biology they get plenty of starches when they are available three out of the four seasons." -Jack Kruse, MD
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Offline B.Money

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Re: Maldigestion
« Reply #11 on: November 12, 2010, 12:33:13 pm »
i never got that either.  makes sense to me that if anything the body would produce less, but people say they work and then taper off them.

do you think this is a problem for you?

Its been on the back of my mind, and I did a little search on it and it sounds like a lot of other people have made posts on this sort of topic but there hasn't been any talk of resolving or improving it.

Offline KD

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Re: Maldigestion
« Reply #12 on: November 12, 2010, 01:25:17 pm »
yeah I think the logic is of it being some kind of crutch - in a good way, and not as much like other pills and supplements although some similarly suspect it might have the repercussions mentioned. But like healing a broken leg, you need to move/function so if you break down the food better, and thus nourish your body while abstaining from cooked foods or whatever problematic foods, you hopefully should heal with time. Whether one needs the components from chloride or other veg sources of sodium I do not know other than quite a few people do not do this, or they just abstain from rock salts. I know Aajonus supposedly grounds just about all his meat because he claims to have no hcl producing capabilities. Certain foods (like seafoods?) might not require as much acid to break down so that is worth exploring.

I don't seem to often have any symptoms of poor digestion and assume I assimilate food well but I do have some traditional signs (tongue markings etc...) that things are not perfect. I havn't had any problems with cooked meat experiments but cooked a bag of organic  potato once (had a sizable quantity) and got pretty bad heartburn. Occasionally if I eat alot of dense white suet quickly I get heartburn. So I really don't know if things are improving or the things and combinations I eat just require little acid or work. My personal experience with the pills is that I got the burning sensation pretty quick with just 1-2 pills, so I discontinued as when I took them with a meal I ended up getting heartburn oddly. other things to try would be not having water at least 15 mins before eating and probably at least 1 hr afterward and eating very attentively and slowly (props to those who can do that).

Offline achillezzz

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Re: Maldigestion
« Reply #13 on: November 12, 2010, 07:39:22 pm »
AV once mentioned he cant produce HCL in his stomach.


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