You will find there is a transition period to a raw diet. Took me about a month but really about 6 months to completely transition. It's normal to have issues because a large portion of digestion is carried out by bacteria that have to be repopulated in your gut. Probiotics will help and of course there is many versions of them. I can't advise on that one.
However hang in there.
My specialty is Ayurveda and it sounds like you have a vata predominance so a vata diet would be useful to know about.
Raw meat is be a perfect diet for a vata body type. Also try to get some grass fed beef fat or maybe GF raw (dairy) butter. If the butter causes issues then obviously stop it. Butchers either give away or sell the fat very cheaply, indeed they actually throw a lot of it away.
What the butter or fat does is it acts like throwing some fuel into the fire. It makes the flames or chemical reactions burn brightly. It also seals and naturally softens the tissue in your GI tract. It also removes toxins from the body and heals wounds caused by improper gut flora. Eat as much as you want.
Another choice for variety would be raw coconut oil or avocado.
Consider trying organ meats. If any of these foods taste gross it is your body's intelligence telling you that it cannot handle it, or doesn't need it, so do not force feed.
Another excellent thing to try would be 'high meat'. It is basically meat that has been aged in it's own juices in the fridge for awhile. The proper recipe is on this site. There are important safeguards to follow and they are part of the instructions. It acts like a probiotic.
Regarding liquid with a meal, you will find that with raw foods it isn't necessary, but if you are eating something that is very dry or hard (bad idea for you) then just a taste of the liquid. Problem is that liquids, especially cold ones douse the digestive fires by thinning out the digestive chemicals and bacteria.
Ayurveda says that you should eat foods that are the opposite of what you are. ie heavy, fat animals etc in your case.
Just know that you are on the right track.
Here is the link to the Ayurvedic diet. Just look at the first two columns for Vata. One says prefer and one says avoid.