Author Topic: The latest and greatest 911 Expose: Published on Sep 23, 2014  (Read 15569 times)

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The latest and greatest 911 Expose: Published on Sep 23, 2014
« on: September 24, 2014, 11:47:52 pm »
Only for the genuine truth seekers. The latest and greatest 911 Expose: Published on Sep 23, 2014 (read the summary)

Gordon Duff unloaded new shocking Russian Intelligence that ties in with other sources and names those responsible for planning and carrying out 9/11. Gordon tells you WHO did and WHO let go of Israelis caught during that day before they could bomb the tunnels and bridges. Never in history has so much Intel been dumped on 9/11 in one radio show!

Veterans Today Radio (9-22-14) Stew Webb, Gordon Duff, Jim Fetzer, Preston James

This is for all you history buffs to set the record straight.
No need to be emotional about it.
All this is rational investigation for the truth seekers.
It's been 13 years... let's not wait for 100 years before exposing the truth.
Demand to dig at the truth now.

Please pass on to friends and family.


 Published on Sep 23, 2014

Gordon Duff unloaded new shocking Russian Intelligence that ties in with other sources and names those responsible for planning and carrying out 9/11. Gordon tells you WHO did and WHO let go of Israelis caught during that day before they could bomb the tunnels and bridges. Never in history has so much Intel been dumped on 9/11 in one radio show!

Other subjects covered were as follows

The war in Ukraine has gone nuclear! The IEAE says that initial analysis shows that a Lance nuclear missile hit the factory that exploded outside of Donetsk. Lugansk coud have also been hit with a nuclear weapon. Only Israel still uses the Lance missile.

Russians are very upset over the Ukraine situation and have released more intelligence concerning 9/11 that will shock everybody that listens to this interview! US Intelligence wants you to share this information with as many others as possible and bring them to for the truth that nobody else in alternative media will report on.

Gordon also covers project "Able Danger" which is a project started after IEAE put out a report stating that the bombing of the federal building at Oklahoma City was done with a micro nuke. That's what did the damage and they proved it! This project was started to investigate the missing nuclear weapons stolen from the Pentax nuclear facility in Texas that went to Israel! They used the stolen US micronukes at 9/11, OKC, Bali, Khobar Towers in Saudi arabia and in the Bali bombing and others.

Monica Lewinsky was a Mossad asset to blackmail Clinton into stopping investigation of the nuclear weapon that took out federal building in Oklahoma City.

Note by Glenn: It makes sense that Drudge got his start on Lewinsky since US Intel has already reported that Drudge is an Israeli agent and was funded by Mossad agent Rupert Murdoch!

A Tomahawk cruise missile hit the pentagon after a group of investigating the missing nukes "Able Danger" was called into an emergency meeting into the room that was hit by the cruise missile! 35 of 50 of that investigative team was killed!

Special business people in Manhattan were protected on 9/11 by inviting them to a private golf outing by Warren Buffet! But that was only a cover, these CEOs of key firms in the World Trade Center were in reality kept secure at an Air Force base!

The investigation of the Israeli theft of our micro nukes is being investigated by a grand jury in Houston Texas right now.

Remember the fertilizer plant in Texas that blew up spectacularly? That was one of the locations where these stolen nuclear weapons were stored at for awhile. They blew it up to cover their tracks and evidence.

Israelis had planned to blow up Lincoln and Holland tunnels and the George Washington Bridge. Israel planted jammers that jammed the radios of police and firemen in New York City and these jammers have been recovered and are in evidence in Houston.

The Israelis caught trying to blow up George Washington bridge were released to an FBI agent who was a Mossad agent authorized to carry FBI ID! He let them go!

The Israelis caught trying to bomb Lincoln tunnel were released to the police commissioner of NYC and released by him never to be seen again!

Mayor of NYC directly involved with planning of 9/11 attack!

Much more in this incredible interview! Please share with all patriots and share on all walls and groups on facebook so everybody learns the truth about 9/11 and more! Please LIKE my page on facebook at as I will have a more detailed article up soon on this!
« Last Edit: September 25, 2014, 12:14:36 am by goodsamaritan »
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Re: The latest and greatest 911 Expose: Published on Sep 23, 2014
« Reply #1 on: September 25, 2014, 06:34:38 am »
Bablyon has already fallen my friend.  The American idiots will get their wake up call very soon.
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Re: The latest and greatest 911 Expose: Published on Sep 23, 2014
« Reply #2 on: September 25, 2014, 08:39:33 am »
When will the good people of the USA take action? 

Here in my country we jail and impeach presidents, justices, senators, congressmen, police chiefs, scam masterminds... you should too... when?
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Re: The latest and greatest 911 Expose: Published on Sep 23, 2014
« Reply #3 on: September 25, 2014, 10:14:47 am »
A nuclear weapon did NOT hit Oklahoma City. That's just dumb.

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Re: The latest and greatest 911 Expose: Published on Sep 23, 2014
« Reply #4 on: September 25, 2014, 10:16:01 am »
And nobody believes it was just fertilizer either.
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Re: The latest and greatest 911 Expose: Published on Sep 23, 2014
« Reply #5 on: September 25, 2014, 10:47:28 am »
A nuclear weapon did NOT hit Oklahoma City. That's just dumb.
so you must believe the official story then...speaking of dumb!
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Re: The latest and greatest 911 Expose: Published on Sep 23, 2014
« Reply #6 on: September 25, 2014, 11:04:32 am »
Here in my country we jail and impeach presidents, justices, senators, congressmen, police chiefs, scam masterminds... you should too... when?

Been doing that for a while.
From top of my head:
President Nixon - imprisoned then pardoned
Governor Ryan - currently imprisoned
Governor Blago - currently imprisoned
Congressman J.Jackson Jr. - currently imprisoned

I'm sure if you google it more name would come up.

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Re: The latest and greatest 911 Expose: Published on Sep 23, 2014
« Reply #7 on: September 25, 2014, 11:12:16 am »
Bablyon has already fallen my friend.  The American idiots will get their wake up call very soon.

Not until there is a threat to almighty dollar.  Right now, besides euro dollar has no competition.  Don't even try mentioning chinese yuang which pegged to a dollar.  America can afford being an idiot for many years to come.  Because other countries are even bigger idiots.

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Re: The latest and greatest 911 Expose: Published on Sep 23, 2014
« Reply #8 on: September 25, 2014, 11:25:48 am »
so you must believe the official story then...speaking of dumb!

Official story is one thing.  Believing it was a nuke - that's beyond dumb.

Take a look at ISIL car bombers in Syria.  Truck full of fertilizer - check.  Highrise half leveled - check.  Exactly the same thing happened in Oklahoma - a truck full of fertilizer or maybe quarter full of C4.

For conspiracy junkies -

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Re: The latest and greatest 911 Expose: Published on Sep 23, 2014
« Reply #9 on: September 25, 2014, 11:32:06 am »
Pick your favorite:

9/11 was staged by the US Government.
9/11 was staged by the Israeli government.
9/11 was staged by the Illuminati.
9/11 was staged by the Rothschilds.
9/11 was staged by the Aliens

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Re: The latest and greatest 911 Expose: Published on Sep 23, 2014
« Reply #10 on: September 25, 2014, 11:54:23 am »
I like listening to American Vets... seems many of them can really let loose more honest thinking and have the moral high ground to do some independent investigations themselves.

This interview was a big big bomb expose that should usher in a rash of arrests.

Tell me when your major mass media picks it up.
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Re: The latest and greatest 911 Expose: Published on Sep 23, 2014
« Reply #11 on: September 25, 2014, 04:07:03 pm »
Believing it was a nuke - that's beyond dumb.
Go ahead, explain away why it would be dumb. And where you get your info of absolute certainty that it wasn't a nuke. Tell us what you know that we do not.

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Re: The latest and greatest 911 Expose: Published on Sep 23, 2014
« Reply #12 on: September 27, 2014, 01:40:15 am »
ys: The elite can crash the dollar anytime they want.  It wouldn't suprise me if they engineered a collapse on purpose so they can consolidate power and introduce a new currency.
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Re: The latest and greatest 911 Expose: Published on Sep 23, 2014
« Reply #13 on: September 27, 2014, 03:04:33 am »
It's sad. The same people (generally) who complain about these things are the same people who think every conspiracy theory is true. Then they have the audacity to say it's the government keeping them down. When really it's that they've developed a point of view that they have no control over their lives, so they don't do anything to change things directly in their control. The reality is they have a lot more control over their lives than they realize.

(I'm referencing this more about the U.S.)
Disclaimer: I was told I was misdiagnosed over 10 years ago, and I haven't taken any medication in over a decade.

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Re: The latest and greatest 911 Expose: Published on Sep 23, 2014
« Reply #14 on: September 27, 2014, 04:04:00 am »
It is not about having control; I have faith in god - not myself.  As a Christian I feel it is my duty to stand up for truth and speak out against evil during these end times.
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Re: The latest and greatest 911 Expose: Published on Sep 23, 2014
« Reply #15 on: September 27, 2014, 04:41:12 am »
The elite can crash the dollar anytime they want.  It wouldn't suprise me if they engineered a collapse on purpose so they can consolidate power and introduce a new currency.

Why would they do that??? They already have all the money in the world and control.
And second, history does not agree with you, so I'd be very surprised if such affair ever takes place.

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Re: The latest and greatest 911 Expose: Published on Sep 23, 2014
« Reply #16 on: September 27, 2014, 04:57:26 am »
Go ahead, explain away why it would be dumb. And where you get your info of absolute certainty that it wasn't a nuke. Tell us what you know that we do not.

Oklahoma City Bomb had approximate yield of 2.3 tons of TNT based on damage.  Which is about right for a truck full of fertilizer.
Even the smallest tactical nuke available at that time - 155mm howitzer shell W48 yields about 72 tons.

What arguments you have that fertilizer could not have been used?  Just by looking at the damaged building that's exactly what fertilizer bomb does.  Like I said, the damage looks very similar to ISIL truck bombs and they use fertilizer.

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Re: The latest and greatest 911 Expose: Published on Sep 23, 2014
« Reply #17 on: September 27, 2014, 04:59:50 am »
I like listening to American Vets...

Be careful there... John Kerry is an American Vet.  So is John Mccain.

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Re: The latest and greatest 911 Expose: Published on Sep 23, 2014
« Reply #18 on: September 27, 2014, 05:45:14 am »
There were multiple news and eyewitness reports of explosives in the buildings.  How did Tim Mcviegh pull that off?
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Re: The latest and greatest 911 Expose: Published on Sep 23, 2014
« Reply #19 on: September 27, 2014, 06:45:02 am »

don't get distracted by a single event like oklahoma... the interview goes way broader.

and names names.
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Re: The latest and greatest 911 Expose: Published on Sep 23, 2014
« Reply #20 on: September 27, 2014, 03:42:31 pm »
Oklahoma City Bomb had approximate yield of 2.3 tons of TNT based on damage.  Which is about right for a truck full of fertilizer.
Even the smallest tactical nuke available at that time - 155mm howitzer shell W48 yields about 72 tons.

What arguments you have that fertilizer could not have been used?  Just by looking at the damaged building that's exactly what fertilizer bomb does.  Like I said, the damage looks very similar to ISIL truck bombs and they use fertilizer.
This wasn't anywhere near satisfying as an answer. There are still too many possibilities more probable than "fertilizer bomb" to write it off with absolute certainty that it was not a micro nuke - but of course to realize this you'd have to be aware of other and at first glance seemingly unrelated subjects.
Fertilizer bomb is one that would correspond an official version, right? Well there you go, one scenario that is debunked already, just by it being official version level.
Just believing the official version or an official grade version, without yourself really having any basis that could justify an attitude of absolute certainty, because you literally do not know, is what's really beyond dumb.

The smallest tactical nuke available... that's the information given to the public by the institutions and organizations, which means that's not all truth or anywhere near all truth and in fact largely lies.

You are aware that a "fertilizer bomb" is much more believable (believe - to take something as true without oneself really having any basis for such absolute certainty) to the masses, than a micro nuke or some other advanced method?

At least say you weren't there when it happened. That you have not seen a fertilizer bomb yourself. Or any info that could write it off with absolute certainty that it was a fertilizer bomb. All of which in turn means you do not know and can not know with absolute certainty what happened.

If you do not have the knowledge in yourself then why assume a position of absolute certainty? Know yourself and your mind. Begs a question, if you don't have in yourself the knowledge that could warrant such personal absolute certainty - something your "subconscious" would know and thus would give you awareness of, then where does the mentality of absolute certainty in absolute ignorance come from and why so oppositional against views that are as well "speculations" at this point but still more probable?

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Re: The latest and greatest 911 Expose: Published on Sep 23, 2014
« Reply #21 on: September 28, 2014, 12:11:59 pm »
What are the reasons people love conspiracy stories? The stories must have met some emotional/psychological needs/wants. I heard a conspiracy story concerning the Malaysian airplane that went down earlier this summer. I confess I listened to it with much interest. It was fun. I don't believe it, of course.

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Re: The latest and greatest 911 Expose: Published on Sep 23, 2014
« Reply #22 on: September 28, 2014, 02:53:05 pm »
The official USA conspiracy story told by the USA government about 911 is the most unbelievable of all. The most obvious lies longer than pinoccio's nose and it lies on and on and on.  The very day I saw it in 9/11 i knew and predicted what it would lead to and what it was for.

The lying USA govt conspiracy stories were the ones our school teachers and history text books warned us about while i was in school in the 1970s and the 1980s. The US propaganda for the spanish american war, the propaganda to invade the Philippines 1898 and malign our president Aguinaldo with the same script used for Saddam Hussein, ww1 and ww2.  Even our own local conspiracies and local propagandas.  Nothing is black and white... and that's fine. Live with it searching for truth, instead of living like a slave who will swallow any crap his master tells him.

Our school requirement book 1984 taught us to identify government propaganda and lies.

By the 1990s I could thank and kiss our school educators and my parents from doing a great job and making us aware and awake about every idiotic conspiracy story from the US govt and the US mainstream media.

Just because we remain to be peaceful citizens does not mean we are devoid of discernment of truth.

« Last Edit: September 28, 2014, 03:04:51 pm by goodsamaritan »
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Re: The latest and greatest 911 Expose: Published on Sep 23, 2014
« Reply #23 on: September 28, 2014, 05:26:04 pm »
What are the reasons people love conspiracy stories? The stories must have met some emotional/psychological needs/wants. I heard a conspiracy story concerning the Malaysian airplane that went down earlier this summer. I confess I listened to it with much interest. It was fun. I don't believe it, of course.
Deep down everyone knows the official version is a total lie. Which means deep down they know truth is something else - a "conspiracy story".

The information that official versions are false are received by every individual on the planet aware of at least the official version itself, as official versions themselves have plenty of holes in them to suggest as much. All this information reaches the human mind, all these holes in the official versions alone are already showing a path toward actual truth which is not the official version, deep down humans are aware of these holes and facts. Since the official versions themselves prove they are lies then the question is not why people "love conspiracy stories" but the question is why do they "keep believing absolute nonsense" fed by the governments and oppose that which they have no proof against?

From stuff I've read: "The "falsifiability criterion" is the cornerstone of twentieth-century scientific method. It was developed by philosopher Karl Popper, who argued that one could never prove a scientific theory to be correct, because only an infinite number of confirming results would constitute definitive proof.
Popper proposed instead to test theories in ways that seek to contradict, or falsify, them; the absence of contradictory evidence thereby becomes proof of the theory's validity. "
Best those who are rather exclusively for "science" and consistently demand "proof" keep this in mind.

All it takes to disprove a theory is just one mere item.

As to official lies and propaganda. How much is there that proves them wrong?
As to "conspiracy theories". How much is there that proves them wrong?

Oh... Evidence against official stories is branded "conspiracy theories" merely because they actually refute official nonsense. "Conspiracy theories" are not theories nor conspiracy anything, they are proof showing how wrong official versions are and evidence showing what is really going on. They are what prove the initial theory given by the authorities wrong.
"Conspiracy theories" aka "proof against the initial story" wouldn't exist if we weren't lied to.

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Re: The latest and greatest 911 Expose: Published on Sep 23, 2014
« Reply #24 on: September 29, 2014, 01:39:41 am »
US Intel Release New Names of Who Did 9/11 and Run ISIS! Part 3 (Share)

Part 3 of this expose.

Listen to the interview.
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