I'm almost 19, my vision started fading around age 12, by fading I mean my vision has been getting more blurry, I'm nearsighted(see objects that are close). My eyes do cramp up if I do work up close for too long and can get dry easily. I've also rarely had problems with my eyeballs twitching for half a sec as if I was in the REM stage of sleep, again, this only happens at night and when my eyes are tired, and occasionally they are light sensitive and blood shot, and my ability to see in dim light/afternoon is terrible.. I can make my vision better by squeezing my eyes hard, squinting obviously(I can also stretch them out with my eyelids closed, then open my eyelids, and my vision will be slightly better until I blink again), and changing the shape of them with my hands. I'm extremely active, Olympic lifting, Plyometrics, ice hockey, always working on my body, when I lift heavy my vision can start to close in/fade, I try my best to breathe properly. I used to spend a lot time on the computer around age 14.
My blood pressure has been measured at 145/90 or 70 I can't remember, and has been as low as 119. Is raw coconut water or oil ok, or just cut out sugar completely? I have to wear glasses when I drive at night, which stresses my eyes. I'll do more research on pinholes and sun glazing. I do eat a lot of grass fed unhomogenized whole dairy, would butter be ok since the whey content is less or is it still not acceptable.