Author Topic: Putin Truth Teller - World Order: New Rules or a Game without Rules 24 Oct 2014  (Read 33824 times)

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The Russian blogger chipstone summarized the most salient points from Putin speech as follows:

OMG, he is been saying the same thing for the last 15 years.
All of these points are nothing but talk.
$100 bet in 3 years Russia will be in much worse economic shape if average oil price stays around $80.
How's that for a shill? or maybe you would like to up the bet?

I'll just address this one as you think it is the most important.

7. Russia does not wish for the chaos to spread, does not want war, and has no intention of starting one. However, today Russia sees the outbreak of global war as almost inevitable, is prepared for it, and is continuing to prepare for it. Russia does not war—nor does she fear it.

Putin's actions speak for themselves.  He WANTS chaos in all of post-soviet space because it is easier to control and manipulate. He bullies everyone, from Uzbekistan to Moldova.

He started the war in Ukraine because the can't accept another EU ally next to Russian border. Tiny Baltic states give him so much butt-hurt he can't even think about much bigger Ukraine.

Russia routinely assassinates political opponents abroad.

Putin is super envious about US dominance and the ability to print dollars almost limitlessly and still get away with it.  He is been complaining about it many times.  He acts as a SORE LOSER.

Putin is a professional crook and I do wish for him to stay on the throne indefinitely.  Nothing ruins the country better than professional crook with absolute power. 

People like Putin don't leave by themselves.  They either get carried out by their feet first or they run and hide in places like North Korea.  Another bet I'm willing to take, that's exactly what's going to happen in the next 10 years.

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I’s plain clear that neither GS nor you is a shill ! Shill is not an appropriate word in your cases.

I read the abstract provided by GS above (post  9) and also read part of the very long Putin’s speech. What is says is fine.

But it’s what he does which matters! Speaking is one thing, behaving honestly is another.

The Russian medias are not free under his rule and that’s not a good sign. See for example

The take over of Crimea was understandable. But arming the rebels in south-est Ukraine is not. I don’t mean that the Ukrainians and western powers are all white, they made some mistakes, but Russia acted malevolently in arming the separatists.

As a former trucker I was interested in the convoy of 260 Russian army trucks hastily painted in white to bring some 2000 tons of aid to SW Ukraine. Those were 40 tons, 5 axles semi-trailers which weight at the maximum 16 tons empty, leaving a payload of 24 tons per truck. It’s no rocket science to calculate that there was less then 8 tonnes of goods per truck and it immediately took me aback. But no journalist realized that until they saw at the Russia – Ukraine border that most trucks were almost empty. Only then they asked why and the Russians answered that the extra trucks were there as back ups in case some loaded ones broke down! This doesn’t make any sense at all but it was officially confirmed... I posted a comment on RIA Novosti article webpage, politely asking what is that absurd story. My comment appeared, but soon disappeared.

Still we don’t know who fired the missile which downed the Malaysian airliner, will see once it’s known…!   
« Last Edit: November 04, 2014, 03:53:55 am by Iguana »
Cause and effect are distant in time and space in complex systems, while at the same time there’s a tendency to look for causes near the events sought to be explained. Time delays in feedback in systems result in the condition where the long-run response of a system to an action is often different from its short-run response. — Ronald J. Ziegler

Offline goodsamaritan

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Iguana, the Empire funded and engineered  the destabilization and coup in Ukraine.  I watched that happen from the start. That girl Victoria Nuland on video and on cell phone barking out the deeds... reporting on the billions of $$$ of funding to make this happen. Google: "victoria nuland ukraine"

Then Sen McCain actually going on stage in the Maidan protests in Kiev egging on the protestors... blatant... no need to be discreet nowadays huh? Google: "mccain ukraine maidan"

I monitor various propaganda and exposes from various sides by instinct.  It's a training I had growing up in martial law years.  Dig at the truth all the time.  Never let your guard down.

YS, good that you made a more elaborate reply this time... better than the absolute shill post at the start of this thread... although unsubstantiated by any supporting reports... maybe you could post those reports backing up the allegations you just made... you should also address the points raised by Putin instead of calling for a total dismissal of everything he said (super shill tactics).

In the meantime, how does this MAP of some US Bases surrounding Russia and China make both countries feel?  Comfy to sleep at night?

Wake me up when Russia and China start surrounding the USA with opposing bases.

Truth is something that resonates well with us health practitioners.  Empire MSM is nothing but lies upon lies for the various nefarious purposes.

My bet is always on the Empire.  Reading Guns Germs and Steel... there can be only one... the only thing the losing resisting countries can do is cry out and report the truth.

The problem with provoking Russia this way is that the idiots in the Empire can only provoke so far that the Russians may actually just call their bluff and decide to go with MUTUALLY ASSURED DESTRUCTION... total nuclear war, launch everything... and all of us will be losers.

So if many more shills are reading this thread, me as the original poster merely posts truth the way I see it to prevent Nuclear War. Tell the warmongers in command to do it with a lot more finesse to prevent nuclear war.
« Last Edit: November 04, 2014, 08:04:17 am by goodsamaritan »
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Yes, GS, I already knew about the words of Victoria Nuland and stupid McCain in Kiev. I wrote that the West is not all white in this affair, that they and the Ukrainians did mistakes. The West has been secretly acting under cover in Ukraine, yes, but Russia too and perhaps even more and more brutally. What matters is that a vast majority of Ukrainians want to be in the Western world and no longer a part of a Russian Empire – the Soviet Union was a real  >D Empire, the USA is not.

I’ve been in Moldova and Ukraine in Odessa region 8 times with my truck in 1974-1975, so I’m rather interested about what’s happening there.

If Russia had continued on the course initiated by Gorbatchev, it would be a NATO member today. I still think it should be a part of NATO. Most Ukrainians and Russians are very nice, gentle and well educated people. There’s no reason why the Western powers and Russia could not work together, it even has to be so if we wanna be able to counter radical Islamism and terrorism. Unfortunately, there are heavy material interests in play.  :(     

Ys, you seem to be very knowledgeable about the former Soviet Union states and I appreciate your views. Have you been living somewhere there or in Eastern Europe? 
« Last Edit: November 04, 2014, 04:51:35 pm by Iguana »
Cause and effect are distant in time and space in complex systems, while at the same time there’s a tendency to look for causes near the events sought to be explained. Time delays in feedback in systems result in the condition where the long-run response of a system to an action is often different from its short-run response. — Ronald J. Ziegler

Offline sabertooth

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Yes, Y.S. seems to know more about the dynamics of the former soviet union than anyone else here, and has the most absolutist certainty of Putins physiological make up, his motives, and even how his actions are going to effect the future of the entire Russian people.

I would sure like to know more about this in depth source of "factual information" regarding what is happening in the inner circle of the Russian federation. Because growing up in America all I ever knew about the soviet union was filtered through the mainstream media.

Although I have yet to see how Putins defiance of the west in anyway threatens the lives of people in the west, the "free Press"assures us that he is a bad man, who must be stopped from doing evil things.

Another point I wish to make is regarding the idea of how certain men whom have been entrusted with huge responsibilities, men who have been brought up under extreme situations, and endured great pressures, will reach an age where they become awakened. At which point the person the world may have known as simply some despotic ruler, or some former KGB agent, evolves into a different kind of being. Someone who has developed wisdom and maturity, someone who has earned the respect of his people. 

Many times in history when such a man of prestige rises to a higher calling that leads him to betray the established order, he is targeted for annihilation by the powers that be. JFK being a prime example. JFK was one with the liar class of ruling elite, he was brought into power by those who believed he could be controlled. Soon it became apparent that he would not be controlled and because he was so liked by the people it was decided that the only way to stop him was to kill him. In todays world such assassinations are not often the primary means by which the established powers deal with the awakened. They primarily use character assassination through the multi billion dollar unilateral mainstream media, which demonizes whomever its masters chose. So in the west potential JFKs are weeded out through a ultra corrupt democratic process. With the power of the controlled media, it is impossible for anyone to stand up to the system.

Putin is more than well aware of how multibillion dollar media empires are used to create a uni-polar image of the world, to deceive the people and distort information. He is wise to keep the negative influences of for profit media systems under strict control in Russia.

They do not need anymore revolutions, they need Evolution.

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Offline TylerDurden

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NATO should have been disbanded as soon as the Berlin Wall fell as its raison d'etre existed no longer.
"During the last campaign I knew what was happening. You know, they mocked me for my foreign policy and they laughed at my monetary policy. No more. No more.
" Ron Paul.

Offline Iguana

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Yes, perhaps.

But it could also have been kept for other purposes, and I think it's useful that air forces, navies and armies of the OCDE countries work together. It's a link between the member states and it could be a starting point on the path to a World Federation of nations.   

Cause and effect are distant in time and space in complex systems, while at the same time there’s a tendency to look for causes near the events sought to be explained. Time delays in feedback in systems result in the condition where the long-run response of a system to an action is often different from its short-run response. — Ronald J. Ziegler

Offline TylerDurden

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Yes, perhaps.

But it could also have been kept for other purposes, and I think it's useful that air forces, navies and armies of the OCDE countries work together. It's a link between the member states and it could be a starting point on the path to a World Federation of nations.   

H G Wells and others thought in terms of a world government. This would be a disaster. Far better to have countless multitudes of small regions/counties  all not bound to each other by useless, domineering laws.
"During the last campaign I knew what was happening. You know, they mocked me for my foreign policy and they laughed at my monetary policy. No more. No more.
" Ron Paul.

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Iguana, the Empire funded and engineered  the destabilization and coup in Ukraine.  I watched that happen from the start. That girl Victoria Nuland on video and on cell phone barking out the deeds... reporting on the billions of $$$ of funding to make this happen. Google: "victoria nuland ukraine"

Then Sen McCain actually going on stage in the Maidan protests in Kiev egging on the protestors... blatant... no need to be discreet nowadays huh? Google: "mccain ukraine maidan"

I monitor various propaganda and exposes from various sides by instinct.  It's a training I had growing up in martial law years.  Dig at the truth all the time.  Never let your guard down.

YS, good that you made a more elaborate reply this time... better than the absolute shill post at the start of this thread... although unsubstantiated by any supporting reports... maybe you could post those reports backing up the allegations you just made... you should also address the points raised by Putin instead of calling for a total dismissal of everything he said (super shill tactics).

In the meantime, how does this MAP of some US Bases surrounding Russia and China make both countries feel?  Comfy to sleep at night?

Wake me up when Russia and China start surrounding the USA with opposing bases.

Truth is something that resonates well with us health practitioners.  Empire MSM is nothing but lies upon lies for the various nefarious purposes.

My bet is always on the Empire.  Reading Guns Germs and Steel... there can be only one... the only thing the losing resisting countries can do is cry out and report the truth.

The problem with provoking Russia this way is that the idiots in the Empire can only provoke so far that the Russians may actually just call their bluff and decide to go with MUTUALLY ASSURED DESTRUCTION... total nuclear war, launch everything... and all of us will be losers.

So if many more shills are reading this thread, me as the original poster merely posts truth the way I see it to prevent Nuclear War. Tell the warmongers in command to do it with a lot more finesse to prevent nuclear war.

if you also notice on the map, how Iran put its borders so close to NATO bases...

but to the bold, well that already happened in the 60's with the cuban missile crisis, and we all know how much america liked that...(and soviet actions there were only in response to NATO missiles in Turkey pointed at the USSR. the whole cold war really was the two factions vying for global leverage, meanwhile labeling the other the aggressor in their home medias)

bottom line: i wouldn't trust either faction, no more than anybody would trust the forces at work behind the western and eastern blocs throughout the previous century (and the actions and atrocities committed by both factions speak for themselves). that being said the israeli/al-saud/western coalition is the premier aggressor throughout the world in stirring up unrest and destabilization (and coincidently claiming innocence in there world media, and blaming it on everybody else...) at the moment, simply because they have the leverage to do so. should other factions gain such leverage, can't say for certain whether they would be any less sadistic and corrupt. it really depends on the moral character of the people involved, and of the people in general

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Re: Russia is NOT the Soviet Union
« Reply #34 on: November 05, 2014, 11:22:09 pm »
I have a good childhood to high school Filipino friend who studied college in the old Soviet Union, saw the collapse, saw Gorbachev rule, saw Yeltsin's rule... stayed in the Reborn Russia all that time... got married... to a Russian lady, had children... still lives in MOSCOW Russia... is in business in MOSCOW Russia... and comes to the Philippines every now and then for vacations.

So my good friend has been in The old Soviet Union now Russia since 1986 until today... 2014.

His views of Russia is much like this article.

Russia is NOT the Soviet Union

His views of Putin is that he is trying the best he can for Russia and he is their best so far since the collapse of the Soviet Union... Medvedev seems to have warmed up the same seat of power for Putin... to adhere to constitutional election limits. Putin put a stop to the rape of Russian resources by agent "businessmen" of the empire.

The Russian people, my friend tells me, are running away from the spectre of communism... turning Religious to Orthodox Christianity... are very spiritual people... nature lovers... all have dacha's... family farming plots so everyone can grow their own food... they don't need to consume vile gmo produce imports.

I analyse Russian government turned to Orthodox Christianity is championing this Religion because it wants to reverse the population decline of the Russian population through enacting Pro-Life, Pro-Family, Pro-Children protectionist laws... thus enacted laws against HOMOSEXUAL PROPAGANDA which is being championed by the USA EMPIRE and its minions.  Russia needs population PLANTING... not depopulation... this is why.

USA Empire is all about DEPOPULATION of the world as official STATE PURPOSE as described in NSSM 200.  This is why the very harmful "western medical / allopathic only medicine"... is its "officially sanctioned medicine"... pro VACCINE fake diseases lies sabotage exports, pro GMO, pro DESTRUCTION OF MARRIAGE / FEMINISM (you are on a marriage strike culture), pro HOMOSEXUAL PROPAGANDA "medical opinions, brainwashing miseducation of their own children" spreading misery wherever it goes.

I do hope with the Internet and more communications technologies we wake more people up and they DEMAND their empires do GOOD for a change... GOOD in every realization of us health nuts.

Ever wonder what it would be like if the official education and medical PARADIGM was RAW PALEO diet and lifestyle?  There would be an explosion in HEALTH and MENTAL HEALTH and SPIRITUAL HEALTH of a great MAJORITY OF PEOPLE.  Would that usher in a new golden age of TRUTH and GOOD RESULTS?  An age of ABUNDANCE? 

Dreaming is FREE.
« Last Edit: November 05, 2014, 11:55:16 pm by goodsamaritan »
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GS, I agree that Putin seems to be appreciated by most Russians. But he’s not at all in former Soviet republics where, as YS pointed out, he does his best to spread havoc. Concerning medicine and vaccinations, see “National Immunization Calendar of the Russian Federation”

H G Wells and others thought in terms of a world government. This would be a disaster. Far better to have countless multitudes of small regions/counties  all not bound to each other by useless, domineering laws.
The terrible disaster that has continuously happened ever since the Neolithic is to have several completely independent states in competition, each one having different laws, customs, police, armies and being often antagonists, leading to conflicts and wars. There must be some global laws forbidding torture, destruction of primary forests and endangered species, production and use of the most poisonous pesticides, arms of massive destruction, rejection of highly toxic substances in the environment, etc. These laws must be tightly enforced somehow.   
Cause and effect are distant in time and space in complex systems, while at the same time there’s a tendency to look for causes near the events sought to be explained. Time delays in feedback in systems result in the condition where the long-run response of a system to an action is often different from its short-run response. — Ronald J. Ziegler

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I weary of an all powerful overly litigious world government, that is under the complete control of our current monetary system. Perhaps if there wasn't the corrupting factors of money, coupled with manufactured ignorance of the masses propagated by self-interested power, the people of the free world could come together of their own free will and form a federation of nations that would guide  humanity into the age of Aquarius..... but until that day  when the power of love overcomes the love of power, we all should be concerned about this world governing police state apparatus being implemented.

 In some ways its already it feels like the world government is already here. Where I live our state government is financed through Chase bank, our electric company is owned by a German conglomerate, we have the federal government prohibiting the growing of industrial hemp. The common core curriculum being pushed on our school children was developed by the U.N. Our local Jails and courts have been taken over by multinational corporations who run everything for profit. Our local newspapers are a joke.

 There are just now a number of new taxes coming down from above. The mother of my children had her bank account seized just recently because of failure to pay medical co pays dating back from an 06 pregnancy. In the next year they will start seizing peoples money and property for failing to comply with the new fascist laws.  With the implementation of the ACA the government has licence to steal from every man woman and child in order to pay for the megalithic waste and corruption of a profit driven, government subsidized monopoly. Nothing is being done whatsoever to control the cost or improve actual quality of care, nor is any governmental organization doing anything to get at the root cause of the epidemic rise in illness. Million dollar cancer treatments that poison and kill people are now going to remain the standard course of treatment, and in the insuring years our nation will become irreversible bankrupt.

Paying taxes and having laws and regulations are not necessarily evil in itself. There are places in western Europe and else where who have a fairly well functioning socialist society, but as it is here in my part of the world it seems that "we the people" are getting a very poor return for the megalithic amounts of money given over to our government and corporate rulers.

So in short hell no, I am not wanting to go along with the move towards a one world government..... perhaps the sentiments of people like Putin, wither genuine or manufactured; pander to a broader community of people who also share the view that a multipolar world made up of many sovereign nations who are inclusive and accepting of the rights of others,  is a much more sane direction for the people of the world to take.   

« Last Edit: November 06, 2014, 05:56:45 am by sabertooth »
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The terrible disaster that has continuously happened ever since the Neolithic is to have several completely independent states in competition, each one having different laws, customs, police, armies and being often antagonists, leading to conflicts and wars. There must be some global laws forbidding torture, destruction of primary forests and endangered species, production and use of the most poisonous pesticides, arms of massive destruction, rejection of highly toxic substances in the environment, etc. These laws must be tightly enforced somehow. 
You are being highly selective in selecting only the good bits that the world government might possibly produce. Imposing a  general, worldwide standard of laws would, of necessity, wipe out many  human cultures and societies that depend on a distinct "lack of law" to survive. Plus, I doubt that the world would become suddenly environmentally-friendly - look at some ghastly laws recently which have allowed big companies to successfully sue  actual governments which try to protect their environment:-

My view is that replacing all money with barter would level things to some extent without forcing through some horrific, 1984-style ultracommunist world government.

Hmm, of course, if every country in the world were forced to have the same freedom of government, bank secrecy and neutrality as(the old) Switzerland re countless referendums etc., with, say, the same immigration policy of the old Soviet Union and  the same investment in research and development as in (the old) United States, the world might well progress somewhat. Hmm, then again, adopting, worldwide,  the same political system of ancient Athens in c.450BC would be even better.
"During the last campaign I knew what was happening. You know, they mocked me for my foreign policy and they laughed at my monetary policy. No more. No more.
" Ron Paul.

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Another high school friend and fellow dungeons and dragon co-player, same batch mate as my now Russian migrant friend, used to be an official envoy in the Philippine Embassy in Russia and was assigned there for some 4 years until 2013... lots of official Philippine - Russian stuff.  He had a great time in Russia.  He is now assigned to the Philippine embassy in South Korea.


About the Ukraine, Russia feels it is its back door.  It's like when the USA reacted to the Cuban Missile Crisis.  Think about that kind of proximity.

Ethnic Russians were threatened when after the coup in Kiev the new Ukrainian masters made new laws marginalizing the Russian language which is the language of ethnic Russians living in east Ukraine.

So there is some natural ethnic tension in Ukraine, and that will cause an obvious unstoppable split of that country.


Webster Tarpley predicted way back in 2008 before Obama was elected what Obama will be doing in his reign:

- Switch the USA guns from being pointed at Iran to Russia and China.

View Tarpley's video with pleasure.

Webster Tarpley Predicted Confrontation With Russia Back In 2008

Webster G. Tarpley | The Men Behind Obama

« Last Edit: November 06, 2014, 02:49:07 pm by goodsamaritan »
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You are being highly selective in selecting only the good bits that the world government might possibly produce. Imposing a  general, worldwide standard of laws would, of necessity, wipe out many  human cultures and societies that depend on a distinct "lack of law" to survive. My view is that replacing all money with barter would level things to some extent without forcing through some horrific, 1984-style ultracommunist world government.

I wrote about what would be ideal, but of course it won’t happen this way! These “human cultures and societies that depend on a distinct "lack of law" to survive” would not be concerned with the kind of global laws I suggested.

Barter? How could it work in our modern world? What would you trade against a car, for example? A room in your house or 750 kg of meat? Against an Airbus A 380? Money is a very convenient way to assess the value of something and a fluid means to buy or sale whatever you want without endless pondering and debate. Would anyone work in a chocolate factory that pays its worker with a ton of chocolate every month?

Of course, if a Paleo way of life could be reinstated worldwide, then money would become useless as there would no longer be any private property!     

About the Ukraine, Russia feels it is its back door.  It's like when the USA reacted to the Cuban Missile Crisis. Think about that kind of proximity.

Ethnic Russians were threatened when after the coup in Kiev the new Ukrainian masters made new laws marginalizing the Russian language which is the language of ethnic Russians living in east Ukraine.

So there is some natural ethnic tension in Ukraine, and that will cause an obvious unstoppable split of that country.

Yes, that’s true. Yet Putin put oil on the fire.
Cause and effect are distant in time and space in complex systems, while at the same time there’s a tendency to look for causes near the events sought to be explained. Time delays in feedback in systems result in the condition where the long-run response of a system to an action is often different from its short-run response. — Ronald J. Ziegler

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I wrote about what would be ideal, but of course it won’t happen this way! These “human cultures and societies that depend on a distinct "lack of law" to survive” would not be concerned with the kind of global laws I suggested.

When framing the Ideal we may assume as we wish , but should avoid impossibilities. Ideally a world government would leave alone indigenous people who live lightly off the land, and would not force non industrial peoples to be subject to their rules, laws and taxes, but in reality this would not be the case. The great foundations who are prime for creating such a world government, are the same organizations responsible for Agenda 21, and codex, which prohibit people from being able to live off the grid.

 Perhaps as in Huxley's brave new world, the world controllers allowed for savage reservation where people were free to live in relative freedom from an oppressive world government.

In reality Land management bureaucracy would make it impossible for the majority of people to opt out of a system of world governance, by simply refusing to grant permits to people to live in certain areas, grow thier own food or graze livestock unless they could pay steep taxes(as in the case of Cliven Bundy) Such tyranny is what drove Geronimo off the reservation, when he was denied the right to raise cattle.
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When framing the Ideal we may assume as we wish , but should avoid impossibilities.
Approaching an ideal is not impossible! And if we don’t figure out what the ideal is or could be, we can’t get closer to it!

You base your reasoning on what usually (but not always today) happened in this insane civilization. We shouldn’t assume it’s impossible to get out of the vicious circle started with cooking, agriculture, private property and materialism. Otherwise, it would be impossible to eat raw-paleo, in the first place.   
« Last Edit: November 07, 2014, 08:50:31 am by Iguana »
Cause and effect are distant in time and space in complex systems, while at the same time there’s a tendency to look for causes near the events sought to be explained. Time delays in feedback in systems result in the condition where the long-run response of a system to an action is often different from its short-run response. — Ronald J. Ziegler

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Iguana, yes, that is exactly what Sabertooth meant.  You and he agree.

Must be some English translation misunderstanding.
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Sorry if I misunderstood Sabertooth's post!
Cause and effect are distant in time and space in complex systems, while at the same time there’s a tendency to look for causes near the events sought to be explained. Time delays in feedback in systems result in the condition where the long-run response of a system to an action is often different from its short-run response. — Ronald J. Ziegler

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For the most part we seem to be in agreement, although I must admit that I am a bit conflicted on many of these issues, so its often difficult for me to even agree with myself from one day to the next, seeing that the human mind is constantly changing, and misunderstandings are inevitable .

On the one hand I view the manifestations of law as a troubling reflection of the state of human affairs, though Bad laws are not the primary cause of the troubles of the world. In this view it is a waist of time to focus on challenging the litigious demon,(which appears to lord over the world) as a primary means of achieving an Ideal. Instead truth,liberty and justice must be lived, breathed and loved into the world, as it is in the moment, for it to have any real value. So it is necessary to manifest your dreams in the way you interact with those people who share your environment. This optimistic view relies heavily in a faith in human kind, and could be viewed as a polyanna dream, though in such dreams one can find much value.

On the other hand I am often struck by the idea that perhaps human society has become so unbalanced that laws are necessary to hammer out the details and compromises between the catechisms of the human multitude. In this view the individual is on there own in a world dominated by others whom are either oblivious of, or hostile to each others ideals and dreams. One then becomes at the mercy of the powers that be in order to provide a base level of safety and protection from a cannibalistic swarm of prevailing and persistent ignorance. In this pessimistic world, Simply to be able to hold on to any humanity while eeking out a decent existence, without stomping on your fellow humans or destroying the earth, is all one could hope for.

There is not a day that goes by that either points of view do not compete for possession of my soul, devil in one ear and an angel in the other. Which wolf ultimately wins is the one you feed, though both have served me well on the journey. Wherever we may roam a certain calling beckons one forever onward... Are these words in my mind just a shout in the dark, warning of danger round the bend ? or is it the harmonious voice of synchronicity ushering in the next phase of the spirit of life? Some questions have inexpressible answers.....

Whether anyone knows for sure whats going on in the world, our own heads, or the heads of the leaders of our governments, is only of as much importance as we make it to be. This is why I am such an advocate for the truth movement. Not so much concerned with what occurs behind the scenes( conspiracy), but more interested in the truth of our own individual existence and how it relates to the world in ways that cannot be controlled, dominated or governed over. To encourage others to become missionaries for a better humanity, and minister to people at an individual level without putting on uniforms, titles, or airs of superiority.
« Last Edit: November 08, 2014, 08:37:51 am by sabertooth »
A man who makes a beast of himself, forgets the pain of being a man.

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Gorbachev warns of new cold war threat as Berlin marks fall of wall

As Berliners watch 8,000 balloons being released into the night sky this evening, old divisions between east and west will symbolically vanish into thin air with them. Yet the runup to the festivities has already served up plenty of reminders that, 25 years after the fall of the wall that divided the city for three decades, the scars of history are hurting more than ever.

Speaking at a symposium near the Brandenburg Gate yesterday morning, former Soviet president Mikhail Gorbachev warned that the world was “on the brink of a new cold war” and strongly criticised the west for having sown the seeds of the current crisis by mishandling the fallout from the collapse of the iron curtain.

“Instead of building new mechanisms and institutions of European security and pursuing a major demilitarisation of European politics … the west, and particularly the United States, declared victory in the cold war,” said the man behind the Soviet Union’s glasnost and perestroika reforms.

Euphoria and triumphalism went to the heads of western leaders. Taking advantage of Russia’s weakening and the lack of a counterweight, they claimed monopoly leadership and domination in the world.”

The enlargement of Nato, Kosovo, missile defence plans and wars in the Middle East had led to a “collapse of trust”, said Gorbachev, now 83. “To put it metaphorically, a blister has now turned into a bloody, festering wound.”

Previously an outspoken critic of Vladimir Putin, Gorbachev backed the current Russian president’s stance over Ukraine, urging western leaders to “consider carefully” Putin’s recent remarks at the Valdai forum : “Despite the harshness of his criticism of the west, and of the United States in particular, I see in his speech a desire to find a way to lower tensions and ultimately to build a new basis for partnership.”

Such strong words of criticism, voiced by the man still affectionately known as “Gorbi” to many in Germany, came at the end of a week which has seen the value of the rouble tumbling dramatically as a result of western sanctions.

Cause and effect are distant in time and space in complex systems, while at the same time there’s a tendency to look for causes near the events sought to be explained. Time delays in feedback in systems result in the condition where the long-run response of a system to an action is often different from its short-run response. — Ronald J. Ziegler

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How I analyse the Russian official speeches...

- They are a bunch of truthers / truth seekers.  They know the truth about how corrupt / dishonest / assholic the western empire powers that be are...

- Yet they cling to the notion that by presenting TRUTH to the masses of the American People, the American People must surely rise up to the occasion and hang their own corrupt / dishonest / assholic powers that be.

Which is I think their folly because...

- You can never wake that many people up enough in a country so vaccinated, so drugged at their water and gmo junk food and MSM and monetary dependence on EBT cards.

- Even if you wake them up, most are afraid to make their move.

- TPTB know the truther game are are doing everything they can to suppress the truthers.


The Russian truth movement seems "surprised" when they keep spilling out the truths and the American public does not seem to take any action to switch their government ways to the "good side".

Seems the alleged time traveller John Titor was right after all... he said in 2000 / 2001 that in 2015 the Russians will launch a nuclear strike against the USA... ww3 nuclear war...

I never thought 10 years ago it would come to this...  but this is the closest we are to nuclear war in recent memory.

Who is John Titor?

Note how in that speech Putin says they are not disarming their nuclear weapons.  The precision targeting weapons of the western empire are so advanced these days that the only Russian defense are their old nuclear weapons of mass destruction.
« Last Edit: November 09, 2014, 09:16:32 am by goodsamaritan »
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Seems the alleged time traveller John Titor was right after all... he said in 2000 / 2001 that in 2015 the Russians will launch a nuclear strike against the USA... ww3 nuclear war...

Who is John Titor?
So, what’s your point in having many children since they will be annihilated along with all of us in the following nuclear winter, eh?

According to Nostradamus the end of our world should have happened in1999. Thereafter it should have been in 2012 according to the Mayas. We are nevertheless in 2014 (how can it be real? ;D) and now you found a Mr. Titor who goes  forth and back in time and says 2015…
For God’s sake, we are doomed…  :(

Edwin, please... 
Cause and effect are distant in time and space in complex systems, while at the same time there’s a tendency to look for causes near the events sought to be explained. Time delays in feedback in systems result in the condition where the long-run response of a system to an action is often different from its short-run response. — Ronald J. Ziegler

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As a daydreaming prepubescent boy and Science Fiction  aficionado, I used to fondly dream of the forthcoming possibility of a nuclear war. Then Gorbachov and Reagan spoilt things with their blasted disarmament talks.  I would give anything for  WW3  as it would mean a  real struggle for survival and a far more interesting life than any human has now. I mean, if you lot are honest, we currently live in flats/appartments/houses which are nothing more than glorified zoocages with cities being largely lifeless as regards plants there.
"During the last campaign I knew what was happening. You know, they mocked me for my foreign policy and they laughed at my monetary policy. No more. No more.
" Ron Paul.

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Thereafter it should have been in 2012 according to the Mayas.
Mayans never said or thought of "2012" as the "end of the world". It was always known to them as the end of an old cycle and the beginning of a new one. So the Mayan "2012" is not and never has been an example among the end of the world "prophecies".


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