For the most part we seem to be in agreement, although I must admit that I am a bit conflicted on many of these issues, so its often difficult for me to even agree with myself from one day to the next, seeing that the human mind is constantly changing, and misunderstandings are inevitable .
On the one hand I view the manifestations of law as a troubling reflection of the state of human affairs, though Bad laws are not the primary cause of the troubles of the world. In this view it is a waist of time to focus on challenging the litigious demon,(which appears to lord over the world) as a primary means of achieving an Ideal. Instead truth,liberty and justice must be lived, breathed and loved into the world, as it is in the moment, for it to have any real value. So it is necessary to manifest your dreams in the way you interact with those people who share your environment. This optimistic view relies heavily in a faith in human kind, and could be viewed as a polyanna dream, though in such dreams one can find much value.
On the other hand I am often struck by the idea that perhaps human society has become so unbalanced that laws are necessary to hammer out the details and compromises between the catechisms of the human multitude. In this view the individual is on there own in a world dominated by others whom are either oblivious of, or hostile to each others ideals and dreams. One then becomes at the mercy of the powers that be in order to provide a base level of safety and protection from a cannibalistic swarm of prevailing and persistent ignorance. In this pessimistic world, Simply to be able to hold on to any humanity while eeking out a decent existence, without stomping on your fellow humans or destroying the earth, is all one could hope for.
There is not a day that goes by that either points of view do not compete for possession of my soul, devil in one ear and an angel in the other. Which wolf ultimately wins is the one you feed, though both have served me well on the journey. Wherever we may roam a certain calling beckons one forever onward... Are these words in my mind just a shout in the dark, warning of danger round the bend ? or is it the harmonious voice of synchronicity ushering in the next phase of the spirit of life? Some questions have inexpressible answers.....
Whether anyone knows for sure whats going on in the world, our own heads, or the heads of the leaders of our governments, is only of as much importance as we make it to be. This is why I am such an advocate for the truth movement. Not so much concerned with what occurs behind the scenes( conspiracy), but more interested in the truth of our own individual existence and how it relates to the world in ways that cannot be controlled, dominated or governed over. To encourage others to become missionaries for a better humanity, and minister to people at an individual level without putting on uniforms, titles, or airs of superiority.